We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

red_beef: Nobody just stops dreaming. It is a physical procedure and it does happen to all of us during sleep, it is a way for our mind to put our experiences in order and process them. What might be happening to you is that you just don't remember your dreams.
Maybe you can get to remember them if you concentrate to yourself before sleep, relax and convince yourself you will dream something nice and remember it later :)
I always have very strange dreams...

The other day I dreamed that I was on top of a mountain during world war II and a little portuguese girl was with me, and there were a horde of evil nazis coming at us, so I fired at them with my rifle and managed to stop them for a while until we had to withdraw to another mountain top and this thing happened 3 times until we went to a victorian town were all the people praised the little girl for being so heroic and I just stood there watching...

weird huh? :rolleyes:
Thanatos: Uhm, not so weird, perhaps you feel someone stole from you the praise that you deserved? :)

Siren (Empress of the forum nananana :p)
I had a really creepy dream last night...

I was with this guy (who was a really hot death metal guy, btw) and we were going into this creepy old house... While getting some food at a store before going there, I saw this creepy, crazy woman who had a dead stuffed cat with her... I arrived at the castle, but left the guy there by himself while I went home to get some supplies and my stuff. When I arrived at home there was a bottle of juice in the mailbox... I drank the juice, passed out, and ended up going to the hospital. After I awoke, I saw my mother who was visiting me and told her about my trip to the house. She freaked out and called the police. Then all the police and newspeople, and ambulance workers arrived at the house, but the guy wasn't there. I was yelling the guy's name and went into the house basement with my mother, and entered this room with all these old children's book and toys. There was a closet in the corner... I opened the heavy steel door. It was empty, but there was this pounding sound coming from behind the wall. I took a desk from the room and started smashing the wall apart, while my mother ran to get help. I later finished breaking down the wall and the guy was behind it, as was another door on the other side. The door which I had entered through slammed shut and locked... and I woke up...
Originally posted by Siren
Thanatos: Uhm, not so weird, perhaps you feel someone stole from you the praise that you deserved? :)

Siren (Empress of the forum nananana :p)

Now that I think about it, that little portuguese girl was...YOU!!!

So called empress of the forum :mad: enjoy your title while you can cause I'll get even when you die :p :p :p
@mousewings: pretty weird dream, I thought it was heading in another direction when I read the first two lines though :rolleyes:
Originally posted by FatherVic
I dream on pink flowers feeding green red bees, you weird ppl!!!!
My avatar is a pink flower (orchid)... You are dreaming of me FatherVic??? :eek: :err: :eek:
And in that case who is the green red bee??? :confused: :rolleyes:

:p :p :p

Siren (dream analyzer :p)
Villain has got a green avi...:D Guess it is him the good ol´melon is dreaming about...:)

-phyros (no dreams anymore)
@vulture> I know that, that's how I am. I keep things to myself.

But I guess if I had one dream, it would be that things could be good again. But I think I've already accepted that won't happen. At least not for a while.
d'you remember about me dreaming of a car crash? well, last night i had that dream again, only in this case it was forum user and good friend alfred (the rusty hook ;) ) driving the car. and that's strange in itself, because he never ever drives and possibly never did after getting his licence. what's even more interesting is that in the dream, when the unexpected bend in the road comes up, alfred steers properly and everyone is saved.

@siren: what does it mean? :p

rahvin. (looking up to his betters)
Uhm, most probably that your mind is messed up :D
On a more serious note it could mean lotsa things, eg that you feel you need to be driven to the correct direction by a friend since you can't make it on your own, or simply that you got fed up with this dream and your subconscious found a solution to it ;)
It's more or less like the "falling dream" where u might see that u are falling and get crashed for several nights, and then you learn how to fly in your dream and get saved :)
Don't know if there's any deeper meaning in it, if you are trully finding solutions, or if it's just a mind-game :confused: :)
@rahvin: most likely it means I'm not even able to accomplish a decent car accident ;)

Alfred (your personal zero-level)
@siren: i like the part about my subconscious needing some fresh new adventures to chew his metaphorical night-time popcorn to. ;)

@alfred: you saved my life! now i will follow wherever you go. be very afraid. :p

rahvin. (waiting for alfred to buy a helicopter to save him from his dreams of falling)
@rahvin: I am. I really am. :p

Alfred (buying a duck-shaped life ring and waiting for rahvin to pass to the dreams-of-drowning phase)
When Alfred buys that helicopter i want a ride :D

Siren (sitting back on her psychanalysis-chair :p)
well I want a ride (a dive actually) with the duckshaped thing :)

just one comments...
I've never learnt to fly in my dreams (nor out of them :p )

fathervic (not good at theories :rolleyes: ;) )
Er... according to some psychoanalythical theories, dreaming to fly is usually a "substitution" for dreaming of smt else... :saint:

Alfred (theoretical beholder)