We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

|ng@ yep,your counting is correct :) it's 96 today.....and i feel the days are passing so slowly....it's still a long way to go :cry:

hyena@ in this sense it is cool to be a bear me thinks :)
not to mention that the word bear is automatically translated as "teddy bear" in my poor brain...

~Mel~( kolozoi :cry: )
Ok my dear friends, here it goes :)
I feel like i'm in a tunnel. It's a long one, semi-lighted.
I've been in here for a long time, the beginning is far behind me but i don't care how far exactly. I'm walking in an indifferent pace.
The end is far out of sight. I don't see it and i'm sure it will take me long just to see it's there.
Well, good and bad things happen, good that lighten my life for a while, bad that make it darker.
I've been so close to the pink cloud PapiVic described, so close that i can feel the way it should be, the way it is.
I hope i can reach it one day... :cry:

@Mel: Mh les blakeies mikrh, koita ti wraio exeis sth zwh sou kai na xairesai gi auto, mhn analwsesai se stenoxwries pou den to a3izoun :) Makari na sas pane ola kala, mh stenoxwriesai :)

Siren (being as vague as possible ;) )
@hyena: methinks they had got that already, or at least it seemed so by the way some replied. :) maybe poor bear is known over the world for its apparent lack of social skills in addition to its hairs. :cry:

@siren: vague and greek. is there anything worse than this? :rolleyes: :p

Rhavin doesn't like it and i know it is unpolite,but i am forced to write half of my post in greek...(i am not that good in vague english in some cases ;) )
fellow posters,please have a bit of mercy on the little troll.... :cry:

Siren@ i think i understand or better said suspect some things ;) (prokeitai *kai* gia kapoion antra,sosta? ;) ) hmmm life is sometimes like this.I was thinking about it today,we all have to "fight","suffer",endure (whatever the right word is) until we find the way and reach this cloud...but for some things it is worth go through this,isn't it? Take your decision,be strong and never give up...and keep in mind that you never know what life can bring you...But above all stick to your targets :)

oso gia mena, min anisixeis,ola kala einai :) fisika kai xairomai gia auto,apla einai kapoies meres pou i melagxolia me kirieuei gia ta kala...xoris na simainei oti thelo na afiso auto pou exo....
mou leipei ipervolika :cry: mallon to vrisko fisiologiko auto.... ligi melagxolia den vlaptei pou kai pou...mallon einia kalo simadi ;)

~mel~(on her cloud....but still having a long way until the end of her lighted tunnel...)
I have the most freaking dream in my entire life this morning. I can't believe I saw my girlfriend give birth to a twin. Fucking freak. I'm way to young for this family bussiness. Not to mention I don't even have time to do (you know what) with my girl. I think the guy up stair trying to play around with me.
now my exercise at being vague:

all ways ;) need some kind of struggle ;) to be reached, but beware to choose the right ;) path, unless you want to find yourself regretting ;) the choice you did not make. to reach the plateau ;) where everybody wants to go, one has to believe ;) the things he feels ;) are true ;) and the identification of a goal should never escape his or her mind.

and now for something more revealing, in a language that few will understand and noone shall reveal:

nelle più tenebrose pieghe del nostro animo si nasconde un tenero orsacchiotto che desidera solo essere portato alle giostre. accontentatelo. :)

rahvin. (sticking to his guns)
i keep on doing nothing today, but I must admit i had my fair share of fun.

i know maybe most of you do not care, but since this thread is on the emotional/personal side i thought maybe this would fit...

...last november i fell for a bu who was going out with someone else - aformentioned bu accurately proceeded to delude me and let me believe that in the end i could be the chosen one, with all the necessary affectionate gestures and sweet words referred to me and hidden from the despicable rival. all, mind you, bar sex: this is because in some people's mind is okay to be engaged and let a person who is not your partner hold you and cuddle you for two whole nights, but any active participation is forbidden and labeled as treachery. duh! i never found this good an excuse to perpetually be on the receiving end :lol:

at a point i got stressed, since i was really involved and it was sort of difficult for me to be kept hanging by a thread (this one in particular): so i asked for a decision. either we were going to be a couple, or we could stop being ambiguous around each other.

what i get in reply is: "i need the both of you in ways that are so much different that prevent me from a decision". translation: i want to have my cake and eat it.

of course i cut all relevant communication, and proceeded with the parade of rightful accusations: cowardice, absence of any structure, systematic alteration of the truth to suit petty needs. this sort of got me nowhere, leading me to more matter-of-factly behavior: i simply wrote to a mailing list of people we both know and exposed a number of blatant lies that hadn't been fed to me only.

i got no apparent reaction, but last week my car was towed away. when i got it back, i was informed that someone had called the police to have it removed - my chosen parking spot was illegal, so i was risking a ticket, but the abduction (aah!) of the car required an explicit complaint on the part of a private citizen.

i thought i was being made object of a wise payback operation - i'm not sure to this day of the culprit, but this is not so important - and wrote a very menacing email on that very night, saying that there was no possibility of getting away with such an infamous behavior.

i was completely surprised when the bu practically went into a shock, dreading retribution on my (and rahvin's) part: and the very, very nice part is that he's been begging to be left alone and quiet from that moment. today he made a total fool of himself shouting at me in front of people he didn't know at all, and saying that i should mind my own business, stop persecuting him, and stop making him lose sleep over my possible acts against him... you can imagine the faces of students passing by and seeing this guy red i the face and shouting at someone who looked extremely relaxed. at a point paranoia got the best of him and he said i should disappear: nothing can rival the look of terror on his face when i simply said "no".

hyena (winners take all)
Today has been fecking boring, I woke up, showered, washed some clothes, ate some Count Chocula, drove one of my ex-girlfriends to see her Grandfather in the hospital, she cried alot that sucked, then we went out to eat, I ate pasta and some fries, now Im at home waiting to go to work, rock on Nick.

Nick(wants to be shot in the face with an extremely large caliber weapon)
hyena@ :eek: the only words that come to my mind are not polite enough to be written here :saint:
i really wonder what some people have in their heads......
@Mel: Oops, twra katalabainw giati melagxoleis, kai exeis dikio ;)
To na sou leipei einai kalo shmadi :)
Oso gi auto pou me rwthses, h apanthsh einai nai, enas, dyo, exw xasei pleon to logariasmo :p
A, kai na prosexoume giati kapoioi exoun brei le3ika sto diadiktyo ;)

Siren (shameless and not regreting)
Antres.....i riza tou kakou :D :lol:
hehe nomizo pos xero ;) oh well,kali tixi :)
oso gia tous kapoios :)err: ) ta greeklish den nomizo na tous voithane kai poli :devil:
hehe nomizw ki egw pws 3ereis an kai den einai mono autos :D :p
thx pantws an kai to 8ema exei lh3ei :err:
me greeklish douleuei auto pou brhkan, 8a ma8w kai 8a se enhmerwsw ;)

Edit: my 1000th post in my favourite thread and in unpolite (to the rest) greek :D
one step more Siren...one step more and you'll be 1000 posts!!!!!!!! :D
and remember what the peponaki says....panta stirizontas ti mikri seirina

fathervic (definitely on the side of the ones who can sing)
Jo, nene no se entera de na de na. Black Giant Pastanaga! (Eso es una raya negra, que no sus enteráis! Controlo mazo de griego, eh?)

|ngenius (doing el tarugo)
@siren: katalabainw looked definitely like some verb whose meaning i knew up to five-six years ago. :rolleyes:

@|ngenius: entera looked definitely like some word whose meaning i can grasp without further investigation. :rolleyes:

@rahvin: orsacchiotto looked definitely like some word whose meaning... uh... ok, i shut up :cry:

@Rahvin: Eing? :eek: (It's suspicious, I think an ancient spirit possessed Rahvin)

@Thanatos: Si, la chingadera siempre está igual, es un proceso biomecánico que la convierte en poco menos que una mortal enemiga para los guerreros del metal. (No, no tiene sentido, no trates de encontrarlo).

@Siren: "We all need some light now" is a song from the first Transatlantic's album. Is representative of a common human feeling: the desorientation. There are several fears with strong basis (the death, the creation, the meaning of life, our biological fastening...). Definetively, the wide concept of the freedom. You're free, but it's a scary acquaintance, 'cos all the consequences depends on you. The freedom to choose is dangerous when the responsibility is yours, it means all your achivements and failures depends on you too.

So, I may be near you in that dark tunnel, 'cos I feel kinda similar the last times. All my life just in front of mine, and the responsibility of know exactly which are my wishes and my concrete goals is totally mine. Whereas these are the rules of the game, my next step will be choose according with my principles, my morals and my immediate wishes. The most important thing is to reckon about and don't be alone.

@Mel: Don't worry, the greek didn't annoy us.

|ngenius (Sometimes the light appears by itself)