Even an anti-social troll would like a board meeting

but until that time i feel the urge to share two realizations i've made today..well,ok,it's things we all know,but when one is depressed tends to forget... here we go:
1.Even the most depressive day can end with a smile...
(even to a nearly piss-your-pants state

2.Never stop dreaming
While i was totally shit today,listening to Diorama with lights off,candles and the usual troll stuff

, a nice thought came to my mind,a completely utopic one at that point but it made me feel so nice ......
a dream i have for those dull holidays (yeah,it's easter time here) is to go on a short trip,but unfortunately it doesn't depend on me..and everything is quite uncertain... please cross your fingers for me
terria@ so coll to see you back even for a little while
wish strength to all of you
~mel~(who doesn't see any sense in posting this,but felt she wanted to post all this...)