We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

Kidnappings are very common here, especially among wealthy people, I think I heard we're second only to Colombia, that really sucks and it's very stressing (does that word exists?) when someone close to you is kidnapped, I felt very enraged sometimes and the worse thing about it is that you can't do absolutely nothing to help, it's really frustrating.
People rarely get kidnapped here, but it does happen. The people don't care about ransoms or wealth of the victims. The victims, mostly children, are kidnapped and killed for the thrill of the kidnappers. This is why some parents watch their children very carefully.

That is very terrible that kidnappings are common where you live. I would not be able to imagine how I would feel if my best friend or one of my family was kidnapped. It is true that the worst is nothing can be done about it; not being able to control a situation and feeling defenseless is the most scary feeling.

I am really glad your friend is okay.
Well, where to begin....I dream of many things, and of course i'd love to have these things happen. I'd like to graduate college, find an excellent job that isn't boring in any way, find the special girl, and just live a stress free life. There's one thing i've learned while i've been in college and that is that there's never enough stress (kinda like beer ). It engulfs you the moment you start your first class. It would be nice if i can graduate college and look back and say, "Man i'm glad those years are over, this is what life's all about!". I'm probably rambling so i'll stop. And of course i'd like to attend Wacken! :D
@JesterofDeath: College is incredibly stressful. There is so much to do and learn... and little time to get it accomplished. It is a big transition from high school.

I would love to graduate and find a great job, and possibly find a guy... :) I also would love to get married and find my own place. A nice house...
Originally posted by |ngenius

Btw: I really don't know if this thread will go on, but...

thought that was a bit funny :D All hail the catalan robot for giving us a place to release our energy and feelings, and ultimately DREAMS! I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and may we all get tap dancing rabbits at our weddings!!!!!!!!

Final_Vision: Going back to the rock, looking around at several nearby people sitting among him, all of which stargazing, hoping for what they can achieve, reaching for the stars, reaching beyond eternity, going back to serenity...
rahvin reaches out for a nearby galaxy and cradles it in his lap. then, gently unweaving the fabric of reality for billions of multi-dimensional worlds, he starts to unfold their secrets in order to set them free.
the sitters at the circle await and stare at the galaxy as newborn baby.

|ngenius is feeling a strange peace in his heart the last times. Feeling neither good, nor bad.

He sits down and examines closely the galaxies on the lap of Rahvin. Things in the multiver... argh... universe are sometimes funny, sometimes sad, sometimes chaotic and sometimes splendorous. Rahvin continues doing his magic tricks with the reality, a wondering landscape in front of my eyes, changing in second fractions. A chupi show, indeed.

@F_V: Yeah, my first post was funny indeed, 'cos I didn't know if the ppl around here like to share his feelings. :)

|ngenius (Can you feel the magic everywhere?)
i knew this would happen..what sort of troll would i be if i didn't?;)

well.....all i can say right now is that i am having the best days of my life....why? i'd like to keep the reason secret,though i feel someone knows...

riddles in the dark ;)
oh, but that's not fair....that's like saying nothing...no it's even worse...'cause you're making ourselves curious....grrrrrrrr
well I'm having great time too, and I won't tell you why :p

fathervic (nanananana)
Hmm...never posted this thread before...but I though I could tell this one dream I saw two nights ago.
It's actually quite short. I was camping somewhere, there were a lot of other people too. Then we came to this big house, it was a place where all the campers can spend time, sleep, make food, wash their clothes and so on. It was morning. I was in the kitchen talking with someone, when suddenly I saw Mikael Stanne coming down the downstairs. I was "Oh my fucking God, that's he singer of Dark Tranquillity...and he's here...here in the camping place..!!" That seemed weird, but I still was excited. I went after him, but he was gone to the shower. I waited him in the hallway to get an autograph, saying everyone that Mikael Stanne is here, waving people to come there, jumping of excitement....but then I woke up :( Well, it was nice as long as it lasted :)
@zeanra: you should have stayed shut! then nobody on the dream would have noticed and Mikael would have come out of the shower ;)

@red_beef: sorry to hear.....
I'm a great dreamer lately, even I sleep too little!
Or she should have gone in the shower.... :rolleyes:

Siren (dirty mind off to sleep..)
Originally posted by Siren
Or she should have gone in the shower.... :rolleyes:

That is what I would have done if that was my dream. My dreams are often like that... or along that line. :D

I also often dream about blood...

Hehe, I took an online quiz, and it said the serial killer I am most like is Jack the Ripper. I'm so proud. :D
@red_beef: why? what happened?

of late, my dreaming activity intensified a little. it often happens when i've got many things on my mind.
there are no long-story dreams i can recall having, but i do remember dreaming nearly once a week about being involved in a car crash. usually i'm the driver and i'm cruising on a highway/motorway at night. there's no one around. a bend appears all of a sudden, i lose control of my car and crash against the guardrail.
if someone knows of a hidden meaning for all of this, please don't tell me. :cry:

rahvin. (under a wave of disappointment)