We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

@|ngenius: sorry for the migraine, i know how it is and it's not good. :cry:
i never feel ashamed of afraid because of drinking too much. it might be the effect of an effect, at the most. that's why i was trying to make the point that it seems to me a little too much to want to delete even the most remote causes for what eventually becomes occasional shame and apprehension.
it surprises me that you, of all robots, suggest to turn down the heating...:eek: i thought you were positive that being aflame and kinda swept away was the sunny side of the road or something... :confused:

rahvin. (high on razors)
@rahvin: Why do I think it was another kind of heating that |ng was refering to? :rolleyes: ;) :loco:

Siren (short of time)
Originally posted by Siren
@rahvin: Why do I think it was another kind of heating that |ng was refering to? :rolleyes: ;) :loco:

how many kinds of heating do you think are there? :rolleyes:

rahvin. (checks the refrigerator, air conditioning, strength/direction of the wind: no end in sight)
Uhm let's see......... :rolleyes:

The central heating (oil), electric heaters and air conditioners(electricity), the good ol' fire (wood).

On the other hand, you can achieve heating through contact, friction, circulation and radiation (hope i'm not missing anything).

Did my answer cover you sir? :)
@Ingenius: if the wonders will keep on hiding, i'll never see them
:( .
Maybe i'd better be serene 'cause life is unpredictable, and happiness... is boring.
I was at the wonderful, amazing, awesome, chupi q te cagas gig by the amazing, bla, bla, DREAM THEATER!!!! I really don't know how that man can play his guitar as he does during all the show!! Mike Portnoy with the most enormous drums I ever seen, and he's absolutely crazy. Wonderful, wonderful....

But this is my thread, this is my soft blanket, my diary, my friend, and I used to say the truth to my friends. Tonight is a cold night for me. I felt a bit alone before, during and after the show. And tomorrow, the second and special gig of DT, one special friend won't be by my side. She leaved today, although his boyfriend, a very good friend of mine, is still here. And there are two or three more reasons to feel as out in the cold. But it doesn't matter for tonight, I need a breath.

@serenla: I don't see the light tonight. But if I reckon it doesn't exists, why I'm still here?

@Melon: Thank you for the taxi!!!! Iron Mike Portnoy rules!

|ngenius (Out in the Cold)
though I know that any thread that reaches 20 pages must have gone a long way from it's original topic, here is something strange concerning dreams.

I was watching the new version of Shining late at night, and all of the sudden a certain expression on the boys face reminded me of something. It was a girl that I had dreamed of. I didn't remeber it/or even know it/ until then, but suddenly it all was crystal clear in my mind. her, lying in a slightly fetal position, facing me, naked, her face carrying the very same expression of the boy in that movie.

that was strange, and it kept me awake for a long time that night.
damn it's a nightmare to be out for 4 days!!!
I needed 30 mins just read this thread....
so I can't reply to anything without missing too much....
just to say Dream Theater ruled far beyond my expectations
@|ng we'll miss Nuria and Ayhan but at least we know we are great friends :~~~~) and you know I love to be your private taxi driver! ;)

fathervic (knowing something strange is going on here *cough cough* )
I think that wasn't a dream, Thanatos. Maybe just a short thought, but it's all what this thread needed to revive.

In my opinion, you should to express here your last post on the "Get-to-know..." thread, possibly that is a good subject to discuss.

|ngenius (All is possible)
@Thanatos: Why? There must be something to move your interest. Did you try changing those things you don't like?

@|ng: I thought it was a thread about feelings too :p

Anyway, i need some advice and i think this is the perfect place to ask.
How do you people manage to reach your deepest and darkest side, accept it and embrace it?
I just recently realized how afraid of it i am...... So afraid, that i put the happy mask on even for myself to see. I'm so afraid to look inside (this doesn't mean that i don't think and try to make myself better, just afraid to look in the dark, if you know what i mean..). I'm afraid of what i'll see.
I want your opinion on this, the way you people "work", but most of all i need guidance, to show me the way how to do it, things to _do_.
Thanks for listening.

Siren (kinda lost)
@Siren: That's it, I only tried to say Thanatos wasn't too much expressive.

About your dark side, I don't know exactly what do ya mean. I think I haven't a significant dark side on my inner, perhaps some hidden thoughts about sex, a bit morbid, but nothing weird or unusual, simply it's a part that ppl use to show on intimacy. And I suppose that isn't a dark side at all, is it?

|ngenius (nothing to say... for the moment)
@|ng: now i don't know what i'm talking about either :p
i mostly mean the dark feelings, mostly the sorrow it is for me, generally things i do not like and i wish weren't there, things i'm hiding from myself. i think this doesn't make it any clearer, but i'm trying....
well, shamefully enough siren, I guess that's way too personal!! I mean, it must change a lot from personalities....
I have no longer a dark side...well of course I have...but it's not dark to me....long ago I faced it....and even it worked quite well to tell part of it to some friends...
how did I do it??? well I'm quite a cold man in some aspects. I've got a great childhood...and that helped me a lot to be selfconfident, so it wasn't that difficult to face the BAD ME!
I was a real greedy boy and extremely selfish....and as soon as I realised I started to work on that....90% of it is totally gone now. but still i'm kinda selfish with my friends and I hate that, but at least I try to make my closest friends be aware of that, so I live with that.
I guess the only way for me, was realising how I was, and how it was getting with others....Just finding me in situations I never wanted me to lead! then I started thinking deeply on how I really was. Every awful feeling, every nasty move....and tried to get aims to reach so I got rid of that. I'm pretty happy with myself now....I still have some bad aspects of me.....but nothing dark, I just face them, and still trying to change in many ways....hope one day I reach to the perfect me....but I guess that day, the image of my PERFECT ME will have changed and I'll have to go on chasing that image!!!
can't tell you much more....I'm sorry my friend!
@papimelon 4 days? Try 2 weeks, much to much to read, and i feel id be missing ot much........

Well its good to be among strong willed people once again, ive actually had a lonely past couple of days, not quite sure why...oh well, my mind is kept at ease, talking to Siren and PapiMelon everyday ;) Thank you for keeping me nice and sane :)

At any rate, would your dark side be something you consider your bad quality? Like...things you dislike about yourself, or that hamper your daily experience? Id have to give that some thought...if I could indeed ever face up to them, id prolly be 100 fold happier.

Why does that light dim and glow all the time...
@siren: one should be very careful when deciding to suppress things he or she feels on the grounds that such feelings cause pain. their killing might as well have the same effect, only enhanced. besides, there are pains one has to live with, nobody here is always free of cares and sorrow.
on the other hand, i'd agree that some stuff inside of us must be got rid of if it goes against views about life that we think are correct and should not be dismissed.
in any case, to take care of your dark side you have to face it. to face it you have to know it. to know it you should not start out by being ashamed of what you might find you're feeling.

rahvin. (holding 60$ on a burning bridge)
@ FatherVic: you are surely the kind of person I could fall in love with. I dare say thay's my dark side, but try not to take it... personal. The fact is that I love the lucidity, until it becames a fault. Well, my English can't support my twisted thoughts. Sorry.

@Siren: I understand what you mean. I'm afraid too. I think you should try to inquire into your feelings, but not too much. Sometimes we can't see clearly, just because we think too much about ourselves, and we lose the contact with the real life.
PapiMelon, thank you for what you said, but it's not the bad me i can't face. I more or less know my bad aspects and try to correct them, it's easier to see things that affect your relationship with people around you.

rahvin and serenla just got into the heart of the problem. :cry:
Those are things i can't describe, but they are things that i am afraid of. And i'm afraid of them cause they are painful. Maybe they are things that I feel and i wish i didn't, cause they don't match my picture of what would lead me in the perfect little life.
They are feelings, that if they are really there (this part scares me too), then i have a hard time admitting. Cause they could change my life and the way i see myself and my whole world upside down. And i don't want it to be like that :cry:
@siren: before taking any further steps in your analysis, i'd suggest you consider this:

1 - there is no perfect little life

2 - pictures of reality are not reality

3 - fear is mostly fear of pain. there are less reasons to fear something that's already hurting than something that might do it in the future

4 - change is inherent to most things in life. stubborness is too. ;)

5 - there is no perfect little life

rahvin. (about to clean up the screen - with alcohol and a sponge)