We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

I wanna scream. Scream as loud as I can:



Thanx for listening.

|ngenius (Glad of know the love exists)
Good to know love is existing in the world of Catalan robots |ng, may it be everlasting!

Final_Vision: A bit Senteementeel (in his best Hansi voice)
hi and welcome tristessa, don't let that be your last post!!!
I would like to answer your post, as I think it's one of the most difficult stages in life for many people (though it wasn't for me, because I've been departed for normal civilized behaviour when I was a teen....hah, as if something had changed man!)

but I can't because your humble friend today comes with some open post once again!
Tomorrow is the most important day of my life (or so it seems). I've been on my nerves for the whole week, preparing things and having to concentrate not to eat all my nails!!! Dealing with stress and nervousness is new to me, but tomorrow...oh! tomorrow!!!!!! Tomorrow the brightest of lights will touch me!
I'll be out for a whole week pals! but I need you to cross your fingers tomorrow morning, do it for the melon, and hope him the best luck (even though it's not really needed). I know some of you even cross your fingers for both ;)
I'm so happy, so eternaly grateful, how could I give her back what she's giving me??? How will I be able to keep track to her level??? I suppose being me, and plain me! I love her as I thought I wouldn't be able...ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! I feel so pleasently on the top!!!
take care of yourselves my friends, and remember I won't be at home for a week, and that I'll be in the most wonderful of vacations....keep your fingers crossed, do it for the most terribly happy melon on Earth :)
thank you for hearing me, and supporting me....

fathervic (happy tears)
Originally posted by FatherVic
Tomorrow the brightest of lights will touch me!
I'll be out for a whole week pals! but I need you to cross your fingers tomorrow morning, do it for the melon, and hope him the best

we're with you. :)
actually, i considered sending you this pc plus a satellite connection to the internet as a message in a bottle, so that you could read this words in time to feel our support, but i haven't been able to find a large enough bottle. so well, if you do read this somehow from the icy lands where her far abode lies, smile an inner smile for us. and if you don't, umf, suit you, you selfish prick. :p

Fingers are already crossed melon, both hands :p :)

Just give hope to the rest of us who think love died long ago ;)
feelings? dreams? :Smug:
i had it.. really. *had it* cuz sometimes ppl need to kill your dreams and feelings to survive, and this is my turn :erk:

@rahvin: thanks for your availability
Originally posted by witch
feelings? dreams? :Smug:
i had it.. really. *had it* cuz sometimes ppl need to kill your dreams and feelings to survive, and this is my turn :erk:

@rahvin: thanks for your availability

thanks, i try to be there for other ppl whenever it's possible at all! :cool:
but... what are you referring to exactly? :confused:

as for killing dreams and feelings: it isn't worth it. they come back to haunt you like so many hard drinks. it's better to accept them and watch them run free until they meet their (predictable) bloody end. you'll suffer anyway but at least you tell yourself things as they are.
plus, there's the chance that once every ten thousand years some dreams will come true. sure, then we'll have to unbury you from your pyramid and start looking for your organs in the least obvious places, and possibly sacrifice a virgin and... but who cares? ;)

rahvin. (wants his mummy)
@witch: i'm really sorry for whatever happened to you..
Try to make some new dreams to replace the old ones, this might reduce the suffering...

But what do i know,mh?
Same old City, Same old Day, anyone want to be an animal once in their life or even now? If I was an animal it would be a wolf, they are jsut fucking cool, and very fast, and rather cunning.
@rahvin: i never realized you like mummies.

as for feelings, and dreams come true: my take on the subject is that the absolute best is when dreams you didn't know you had actually come true. i mean: if you can imagine something and you dream of it, this means it's not anything you don't already know, be it from your own or other people's experience. extraordinary is when something unpredicted and stunning comes your way. and yes, whatever it is (not necessarily connected with love life, as many of you might believe) it is going to reach its predictable bloody end, because we - or, at least, me - never have the force and the grip to resist as much as needed. In short: whatever you really dig and does not kill you will kill you, but find someone who is immune from being killed. It's in the cards.

hyena (the process of belief is bubububu for the weak)
Feelings with bloody ends? You probably mean that when you lose the ability of feel is just like die. The feelings are the main essence of the human race! Even when you're sad, depressed and lonely, you're feeling, is just then whe you realize you're alive. Alive.

|ngenius (Feelings are the fountain of the art expression)
Originally posted by |ngenius
You probably mean that when you lose the ability of feel is just like die. The feelings are the main essence of the human race!

you wish.
the world is nonetheless full of buts (and asses, too). possibly the biggest but is that no feeling is ever shared. the only thing you get for eagerly wearing your feelings on your sleeve is a blank, uncomprehensive stare or a million reasons why you should have thought better. usually the reasons are quite sound and watertight, just leaving you there to play the fool who coudn't mind his manners.
be it because of other ppl's fear, spite, pride or even plain simple lack of sensitivity, the feelings you nurtured are bound to fall short of planting their seeds in anybody else, not to mention find a treasured niche where they will be reciprocated and treated as the most precious cache one can find. what awaits in store is instead coldness or a quiet, distant patronizing, if not even misunderstanding, refusal or abuse.
i know very few ppl who still think it's worth it to carry whatever small gift through miles of desert because they've heard rumors of an oasis not too far ahead. and, man, they are wrong. there's nothing of the sort, not even in the distance, and it'd be so much easier to drop the heavy load and run like mad until you've found a decent place to stick your head in the sand like an ostrich. there is really no point in praising something you will always have to keep for yourself, no point in trying to show its value to the others apart from the little sense of pride you might have at the end of the day, mixed in with the senseless frustration of yet another lost cause.
however, since i still rank among those who won't drop a thing, this one goes out to the same unlucky few: it's madness, do go on. ;)

rahvin. (hyena, back me up on this)
Originally posted by rahvin
i know very few ppl who still think it's worth it to carry whatever small gift through miles of desert because they've heard rumors of an oasis not too far ahead.

You know exactly what I'm going to say. :D That oasis exists and I will find it, even if it takes a whole lifetime. Can we do anything more than find our own oasis?

|ngenius (An asshole, again with hopes)
rahvin, in a way i can back you up, in another i just cannot, especially these days. i agree with you on the difficulties connected with sharing feelings, because most people are not able to even understand what the fuck you are doing all alone in that desert trying to bring a precious gift ti them. they probably think you're pathetic, or wasting your time, and in the end they will think you show no coolness at all, bar returning to you on their knees after two years asking for a future, when of course you know how dramatically selfish and stupid they are and you are forcedly unable to develop any feeling towards them except for spite, disgust and in a few lucky situations pity. On one hand, i guess it's a cultural problem connected with stereotypes about a phase of life: especially until one's mid-twenties saying that you don't want to be attached to anyone is socially valured, no matter how much some young british writers try to tell us it should be different. On the other hand, people who follow this kind of alignment in doing so show their stupidity and their lack of courage: that's why the absence of reciprocation and the winter of the heart are likely to carry on even when you're fully grown up, just because people who were stupid before keep on being stupid after. The fact that they were following a silly canon is not really important per se as much as the reason why they did so: absence of constructive models worsens the situation, but in the end the real trouble comes from cowardice and lack of vision. It seems that very few people can appreciate the beauty of being continuously driven to give, obliterate the self, build and be surprised by the existence of reciprocation: most individuals think that they have no interest in doing so, and of course it is a self-fulfilling catastrophe, because you can't have a go at any absolute if you have no belief, this will be perceived, and no absolute will emerge. this is the part i agree with, if you were trying to convey such a message.

what i don't agree with, though, is the "no point" part. these days i have enormous problems with my own feelings (and i may be in denial, although god forbid, i don't need any more pain), but i still find that there's point beyond sense of pride or moral choice. take you and me: i guess there's reward in giving, and there's reward in feeling. this i know the moment i think of wanting you around if i'm in a difficult situation. so fuck the desert, because we can take the heat. take the other friend we're so concerned about: there's a natural desire of trying to save him from his sentimental dèbacle, and i guess this has meaning in itself. i am not afraid of having these realizations and inspirations cut down by stupidity or selfishness on the part of any of you, i just know it is so highly unlikely that i can call it impossible. this for generosity and affection in general.

if you want to keep to the topic of boy/girl type things, my personal impression is just that people like us should make up their own rules. my previous caveat - beware, idiocy comes first, pain comes announced second - tends to be ignored when we are faced by someone we find attractive or titillating, and we know where this got us: wasted feelings, drained energy, sleep lost over nothing. apart from the fact that, in a metaphysical perspective, you might have given and sown the good seed even if the other person refuses to admit - and this is good in and by itself -, the point is that i am convinced we will grow out of response to such titillation. in my personal experience, huge mistakes were made from wanting someone who looked apt to patch some disastrous side of my persona. what i failed to notice is that if it is disastrous it's not likely that i have good judgment about it: oh the wonder! take the guy i mentioned previously on the forum, the one who didn't move my car in the end: he looked like a man who could guarantee something simultaneously stable and profound (ie profound without loads of angst) to me, but what the fuck do i know about those two concepts put together? of course i made a mess and mistook his existential fear, of course driving him away for every problem, with an ability to consider such problems in an undramatic way. now i know, but it's not like i was dealing with something i know full well, say staying awake at night and wanting to destroy the world. so what i am trying to say is: albeit the unexplicable gimmicks of physical attraction will always produce the last word in sentimental matters - no matter how much i say it can also come later, but the only result of believing this is that it happens _to me_, and it's not a deal -, most problems on the topic we are discussing depend on the inability we've shown in the past to understand behavioral phenomena we didn't know, and we liked exactly because we mistook them for something else. yes, most people are greedy, selfish, they don't get involved, and once they get involved they want out: but this is _most_ people, not _all_ people.

I'm positive about the possibility of directing your feelings towards the deserving only: it entails some scary costs, like hating with a passion a lot of individuals and making loads of enemies, let alone the hypothesis that you might not be deserving, or you might be late, or you just be so fucked up you lose your mental faculties. And I know that, as you say, you're one of those who won't drop a thing, so I guess you can full understand that there might be such a light (go figure) at the end of the tunnel, otherwise you were not trying.

Another thing I know full well is that there's many small things that you receive from people you sort of love and if you don't really wait for more they can make you marginally happy, but this has nothing to do with what stated above.

What I'm not exactly positive about is what happens once you know how to avoid the retentive, the self-centered, the exploiting, the destructive, the envious. Apart from the hate towards them. My personal take about this, at 0.42 in the morning of what has been a pointless day, is that you want to shoot yourself, because it turns out that, all in all, they're not too hard to handle, and they can scar you but they won't break you for good. Which makes sense, because you won't go into a real panic and sweat blood and really think you're going to lose it if you know that you're dealing with someone who does not know what the fuck they are talking about, let alone what _you_ are talking about. This can happen in light forms, there might even be a slight sense of understanding.

But, contrary to what Manowar would say, what is _real_ (you know all the mythology) cannot but kill you, for a myriad reasons: mine are probably different from yours, maybe there is a common denominator, maybe it's just shit luck, maybe we are asking for it, i would not rule that out. This is an all different level, and my guess is: it's worthy to harbor feelings for something that is real (as you once said, "a table" would qualify), without a grip on them you will never understand a fuck of what you are doing anyway because it's not like you shut them out of the door, but especially because any decent human being wants to go down fighting. Manowar, again.

hyena (he touched by the heavens, his hellfire nears. how true)
Originally posted by |ngenius

You know exactly what I'm going to say. :D That oasis exists and I will find it, even if it takes a whole lifetime. Can we do anything more than find our own oasis?

i guess 'try to do without water' wouldn't be the answer you expect. :rolleyes:

rahvin. (alcoholic)
Originally posted by hyena
i agree with you on the difficulties connected with [...]if you were trying to convey such a message.

so far, so bu.

Originally posted by hyena

what i don't agree with, though, is the "no point" part. these days i have enormous problems with my own feelings (and i may be in denial, although god forbid, i don't need any more pain), but i still find that there's point beyond sense of pride or moral choice. take you and me: i guess there's reward in giving, and there's reward in feeling. this i know the moment i think of wanting you around if i'm in a difficult situation. so fuck the desert, because we can take the heat. take the other friend we're so concerned about: there's a natural desire of trying to save him from his sentimental dèbacle, and i guess this has meaning in itself. i am not afraid of having these realizations and inspirations cut down by stupidity or selfishness on the part of any of you, i just know it is so highly unlikely that i can call it impossible. this for generosity and affection in general.

i can agree that you and me are a sound exception, and one or two of our mates might be included too. however, while on the one hand you stress the relevance of our own mutual understanding and show it as proof that the heat is bearable, on the other you clearly point out that those times of need when we turn to each other are unlikely to disappear just because we've got our small coven, or just because. ;)
the point of my previous complaining was not to disprove the general validity of our behaviour in any way: i might not be a true metal brother, but i'm not so lame that i feel like bashing myself for something i actually stand proud for every single day only because it doesn't lull me to sleep at night. i was more trying to make ppl see that the way of openness is not the way of sunshine and butterflies. it fits badly in the fabric of society, for once, no matter how many "i live on my whims" pathetic fools you might meet. and the precious few with your same attitude and feelings are not enough to reach the fabled oasis, or at least they've never been so far.
the rewards in giving and feeling, now, is something that might end up as a quite complex issue. on the one hand, i think you have a tendency to shift the rewarding part onto transcendence and metaphysics, no matter how anchored your tell-tale signs of such a retribution coming might be. in fact, every time you have to deal with the way those returning emotions make you feel, you don't just relate to the effects of your actions as they are, but also to the way you feel they ought to be. i know for a fact that - luckily enough, imo - this judgement stems in you from ethics that are not merely founded on everyday, material life. so in a way it just makes sense that if you see your actions as good on a wider scale you also feel there's a personal rewarding in terms of happiness, serenity, self-praise, in what you're doing.
and although this is a solid opinion for sure and something that, albeit slightly differently, i consider to be a very important part of my life too, it is not the same as finding rewards in the here and now of the world surrounding you. and i think it shows in the fact that this openness seems to be our greatest cause for suffering ever.
of course there's the odd chance to find the right environment, but does it really match in the end? did we find it does?

Originally posted by hyena

if you want to keep to the topic of boy/girl type things, my personal impression is just that people like us should make up their own rules.

i didn't really want to keep to that topic, but anyway. :p
i agree with what you said, but as soon as you got the part where we make our own decisions and we rule out those that wanted out themselves in the first place...

Originally posted by hyena
I'm positive about the possibility of directing your feelings towards the deserving only: it entails some scary costs, like hating with a passion a lot of individuals and making loads of enemies, let alone the hypothesis that you might not be deserving, or you might be late, or you just be so fucked up you lose your mental faculties.

... you just can't help but point out the scary aspects only. :)
you're positive, but.
and of course i'm not deserving, of course i'm late, of course i'm fucked up. aren't we all? :rolleyes:

as for hating the undeserving, you're preaching to the converted here. although constantly charged by the armies of those who sedate through indifference, i remain standing. but on this you should back me up every now and then. :)

Originally posted by hyena

And I know that, as you say, you're one of those who won't drop a thing, so I guess you can full understand that there might be such a light (go figure) at the end of the tunnel, otherwise you were not trying.

yeah, yeah, yeah. :rolleyes: maybe i'm just repeating myself the same old mantra and imagining a light.

Originally posted by hyena

This is an all different level, and my guess is: it's worthy to harbor feelings for something that is real (as you once said, "a table" would qualify), without a grip on them you will never understand a fuck of what you are doing anyway because it's not like you shut them out of the door, but especially because any decent human being wants to go down fighting.

oh! :hotjump:
so you finally backed me up! did you have to go through all this spam instead of saying it straight out? :p :p
any decent human being wants to go down fighting.

rahvin. (the fire catches when your back is turned)
This was the proof of the friendship existence I requested for some days ago. Dunno why Rahvin is feeling such that, but while reading hyena's word, I wished to live in Torino and be the fourth cavalier.

For me, Rahvin is drinking from the waters of the oasis, breathing the air of an oasis and surrounded by palm trees. And whatever the problem could be, the twin italians are there to share their care and attentions.

Still lost in my own desert, and still searching for my way, I drink the water of Rahvin and hyena's oasis, to do another step. Still feeling lonely, still disappointed by the world, I will carry my stupid gift, 'cos I cannot despise my real morals, 'cos I cannot change to a (possible) more useful and practical way. And I think Rahvin cannot do it either.

Re-read hyena's post, that is (another) good proof of that fuckin' oasis. Build up in the oasis, and yeah: be the fool who don't live on his whims but who live thanx and for his dreams. In 60's-70's ppl thought the world could change. Well, why not? Forgot the desert, turn it into a touristic beach and gain a fortune.

Finally, hope the third cavalier go out of that feeling debacle. I'll try to help him, perhaps talking, meeting chupi girls, trying to change our world, having fun, or simply hanging clothes.

I can't say more, I live with noone of you, my dear readers. Ppl like you should make up their own rules.

What about a trip to Germany? :D

|ngenius (The Cavalier, lost, down... walking)
@|ngenius: our friend in distress is a victim of other ppl's lack of ... well, almost everything except a pretty face (uh, included a pretty face i'd say, but i'm not one to judge, you know). i urge you not to be one. it is possible that there isn't much meat to chew on the bones you have at hand where you live. this happens. but just try and find it elsewhere and suddenly you'll be setting higher goals. raise the stakes, see where it leads you and the point at which it breaks. no need to say it's worth it. ;)
