We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

Well I had a huge fight with Marisa, and it ended very badly, she did some really stupid shit like *cough* cheat *cough* on me, so I told her to fuck off, and now im alone again, woo hoo.

Nick(shoot me in the face)
Sorrow and sympathy for your unhappy situation, Nick. Best wishes to get out of it in the best possible way.

Well, I don't really believe there is a way to get out of such a situation - you'll really just build hate and more hate and get irritated and ask for revenge and be violent with yourself and more innocent people. But eventually she'll end up worse than you. Cheaters are ugly, nasty stuff, especially after such a short time. If you're the one they're cheating _with_, it might be okay, even exciting and cool, but if you're the one they're cheating _on_, it's not funny. They won't have their way.

hyena (trivial)
@nicktheclayman: unsurprisingly, i'm with hyena on this, you'll probably have to walk through fire to make it, but she'll be still burning when all lights are out.
as for the situation in itself, at least it seems she 'fessed up to you eventually. i'd say hold your ground and be politely distant. she's either going to go drift away in a short while or - more likely - she'd be up to such a long list of bloody silliness you'll do away with her yourself. keep it up, man. :)

It was just a song I was listening to. :p

Tonight I was re-reading the first pages of this thread, and visiting again the rooms of my memory, five or six months ago, writting, arguing and even fighting with the fellow posters of this board. I've remembered FatherVic, Atlantis, Mel and terria verbalizing their inner feelings, problems they were living then. Our Phyros hanging around, and playing with us in At The Flames.

But right now, we have another hard mission in our hands. A new dreamer between us. A new fellow from the italian world: Wolfy. Yep, ladies and getlemen, the future starts here, and the fun is guaranteed...

|ng (Still trying to dream)
this is one of the greatest threads around...maybe the greatest in the whole UM :) almost 7 months have passed and it's still alive...

Considering how often i used to post here in the past,it has been quite a long time since i posted here lately...something like 10-15 days i guess.Where have i been? In teh beginning i felt i couldn't follow the discussions here.After that i was depressedfor some days,felt i reached my limits twice.After that I disappeared for 5 days having the greatest days of my life thanx to some person who is very special to me :D
Now i am back to my daily reality,which is not painful for the time being,but still incomplete in some way.More or less i am still lost in my dreamworld...

Wanted my first post after my absence to be in this thread.
I guess i won't disappear again for so long,but i can't promise i will be around as regularly as i used to be. It's not that i don't like this place or the people here.Not at all.Let's say that i am not so interesting in killing myself posting lately,I feel i don't have much to say.Maybe i'm just going through a phase,maybe not.

I hope you are all fine and still dreaming...
keep this thread alive :)

Board Hugs, :grin:
This will be my virgin entry in this topic.

I am currently at work, with two hours left of work. I have been working since friday morning, 12 hours each day. It has been very dull, considering not much has happened. I am currently working as a security guard, while I am looking for a better job. (I have 2 exams left until I get my masters degree in mechanical engineering). My biggest fear is and has been for a while, that I would not be able to get a job in the field I have studied (Mechanical engineering - Graphical technology).

I guess my dream is to find a job that is mentally stimulating and that has a good salary.

Other dreams... let's not go into the topic of women, or more specifically 'a woman'.
Originally posted by NicktheClayman
Well I had a huge fight with Marisa, and it ended very badly, she did some really stupid shit like *cough* cheat *cough* on me, so I told her to fuck off, and now im alone again, woo hoo.

Nick(shoot me in the face)

Ouch man!
I have been cheated on too so I kind of know what you are going through. May I ask how long you had been together?
I just got really frustrated today so I must post this...

I really hate the fact that I am not music literate ie I can't write music.

I often get some great ideas and riffs but I just can't write them down as I don't know how to translate these onto paper. Poor me, I chose drums as an intstrument

What's even more frustrating is that like today, I often get these amazing songs in my mind, in the hypnagogic state between wakefulness and sleep (for more on this state, read in my site). And I am talking about complete songs, with vocals, lyrics and all!! It's so bizzare. When I wake I remember some parts of them but as I can't write them down, they soon drift into oblivion :(

I would really love to make a band as I know exactly what I want of each instrument. The band would sound somewhat bizzare I guess, incorporating lots of styles and genres that I am fond of. It could be described as epic melancholic avant garde doom death or something. It would be really emotional, but not too mellow, that would all the time be avoided by the strong presence of drums.

I would like to use instruments such as cellos and strings occasionally (as they are used in early My dying Bride and latest Saviour Machine) as well as lots of guitar effects and experimentations (sort of like amorphis). The bass guitar would be really dominant :rock: in a sort of funky/jazzy way, the guitars would be really melodic, but somewhat doomy and with strange effects. Kind of trippy too. The melodies would be like it is in My Dying Bride, ie each lead guitar playing a slightly different part, and maybe have something out of Opeth.

For vocals, I would love to have more than 2 voices. A female like Anneke (gathering), and a male somewhere between garm of arcturus, with this extremely bizzare style and Vincent Cavanagh of Anathema (with this great tremble) who could also growl.

As for the drums (my favourite part hehe) they would have to be kind of groovy , with strange experimentations in rythm, influenced by south american styles etc . I would actually love to have hellhammer as he plays in arcturus :lol: Their sound now, would not be conventional. It wouldn't be electronic either, as this is something i detest :Puke: Imagine something with depth, like Dissection, or even more distorted like in Dark Tranquillity Mind's I (self titled track) or Massive Attack.

What would you think of such a band? I hope I get the chance to turn this dream into reality one day.
@Narco: Why don't you work on recalling the songs that you create while in that demagogia state, it would be interesting to listen to such a band ;)

I just hate doing cientific research articles translations, I have to translate a 10 sheet article that could be shortened to smt like "eating behavior, obesity, sedentarism and physical activity are important factors in the development of diabetes type 2, more research about the topic is needed, as well as some more statistical studies" :mad: :( :( :mad: fuck science
@thanatos: at least you have a future in synthesis. :D

i thought about digging up this thread myself, but not because i'm bored with my translations.
at times, when my mind wonders and i look pointlessly for the meaning of life i ask myself what's gonna be of all of this in five or ten years. ppl on ultimatemetal will grow, get some time-consuming job and possibly a family. taste (and interest) in music is bound to change and the site itself will only have fuel to add to the flame for so long. of course some of us managed to meet ppl they'll hopefully keep in touch with for a long while, besides um's existence or any interest in music.
but in the end this is bound to come to pass, and although that's not really some big news because also everything else is, i still can't help feeling a sense of emptiness at the thought that our capsules barely meet.

rahvin. (anxious)
i guess you shouldn't be that pessimistic. while i agree wholeheartedly on the temporary nature of this type of community and entertainment, i think there is no inherent sad trait. i would consider it far sadder if we were here to stay: no time-consuming job, no upscale social life, no responsibilities, no family, no kids, whatever. i'd rather shoot myself, although i reckon that people might feel different on the matter (heck, yesterday i read on the CC forum that some people love to make love to the sound of malevolent creation's "stillborn", now this will teach me tolerance, respect for diversity).

but, aside from my personal opinions, that you knew all along and the others might not even find that interesting, i would like to comment on the "capsules barely meet" theme. i dare to say that this is exactly the why behind our presence here. virtual communities are worthy to many people - and i include myself here - also because... well.. . "i just click, and you just go away" :) the systematic reduction of conflict to polite exchanges of opinions and the expression of emotional attachment via consistent, persistent kind words only are the proof of no actual committment between the members, it's not like you're willing to endure pain for someone here, since conflict is avoided so carefully and distances are kept so attentively, even between the most sociable. that's one of the needs we regulars fulfill when coming here, posting here: i do not need to confront someone if i don't like what they say, i can just let them speak to others and instead choose who i interact with in totally unrealistic freedom. this makes not for poignant interaction, never will. it has its upsides, but don't expect any depth.

hyena (where did that come from?)
@Thanatos: Haha, it's called "Hypnagogia", not "demagogia", demagogia=control of people as a mass, lol.

I have tried working on it, especially with the visual parts of these hallucinations, which is actually one of the main areas of inspiration for my work. As for the audio part, I still am far away from mastering that :(