We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

MagSec, Wazoo and Hiljainen, thanks for replying. :) It's not that big a deal really, as I'm sure he knows he's really important to me. Then again, it wouldn't hurt to confirm it by words, right? I mean, better late than never. That's what I was thinking about...

And it really is frustrating, not knowing what to do or say to make someone feel better. On the other hand, maybe there's nothing to say unless it's you yourself who made the person feel bad. :erk:

@Lamia: Indeed it's better late than never. I'm sure it would lift his spirits at least a bit, if he would hear that you love him and he's got your support. I know how it is to not be able to communicate with someone even tho you want to, it's awful.. Maybe you can't eliminate the reason he's feeling bad, but at some hard points in our lives it's really important to feel someone is loving us.. Of course he knows you love him, but showing it doesn't hurt, on the opposite it could be a chance for you two to get closer. I'm sure you won't regret doing it (at least you will have tried), while you might regret _not_ doing it in the future. And imho you don't need to plan what you will say to him, just let your heart speak.. My best wishes to the both of you. :)

Siren (chances are rare)
Siren said:
My best wishes to the both of you.

What about Real Hazard? Eing? He NEEDS URGENTLY that blowjob he dreamed about, that's pretty clear. Your preferences towards certain needs are suspicious, you, little part of the essence of the board. :loco:

|ng (The Official Fool, The Official Dreamer)
rahvin said:
around 4am tonight (that's about four hours ago) when i fell asleep i started dreaming of pictures of people i had never seen before. the images were like pics off the internet, they looked distant, deliberately wooden, and they had the same glazed quality. somehow i knew they were all from foreign countries and they had come here to study or work with some project that involved the library where i'm working. i was sorting through the pictures manually, but it was as if i were looking at them from miles above the ground. then i turned to my left and a co-worker of mine, a woman in her fifties, was standing there crying. incoherently, she said: "if you turn your eyes to the left it's because you're making it up, if you turn them to the right it's because you're remembering". then she said: "why did you want to kill all these people?" i supposed she was referring to those in the pics, so i took a closer look at them and the guys and girls actually looked like they were photographed post-mortem.
then i guess i woke up. i'm not sure yet.
You need to lay off the crack man! That shit's bad for you
: p
@|ng: Those are special services reserved for very special people, no more than one every 10,000 siren-years or smt. :loco:
I dreamt I won the Rugby World Cup semi finals aginst the All Blacks. I came out and got three tries and three conversions, beautiful. Night before that I was running from zombie mutants and working in a pub at the same time, hahahaha
Tonight I dreamt about the girl I'm (almost) in love in. I haven't seen her for five months and I having been thinking of her every day, but when I woke up this morning it felt like I had met her, and this makes the whole day much more brighter. Less anxiety and worry.

It's quite remarkable how much a dream may affect us even when we have woken up.
@D_J&bro: This is what happens when you have cheap fast connections too. :mad: :p

@Child: I want a dream like yours. ;)
Last night I dreamt I was shot at point blank range
The feeling and shock were so genuine and overwhelming I jumped on my bed and started shaking.
That's the strangest dream I've had in a long time, and it definitely affected me for a while later on