We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

The Grand Wazoo said:
Rahvin Dreamhaunter :cool:
If you dont sleep, hunt someone else's dream instead ;) (not too bitter, plz :p ;))
indeed i do not sleep, and even if i would, i can't see how haunting my own dreams could be an option. ;) we're always in our dreams somehow.
i see you're a likely candidate for my future nightly hauntings: don't lose the concentration! ;)
I only remember most dreams for about an hour after waking, unless I woke up 'in dream'. Basically, if I realized I was dreaming and was able to do whatever I wanted in the dream.

I have to say one of the strangest dreams I've ever had was one in which i went up against the guy my ex cheated on me with last february. He was facing the other way, and I was charging him in that really slow dream way while holding a monkey wrench about to hit him with it. I got about three feet from him and he turned around, holding a gun at arms length (maybe I was three feet from the gun...) and pulled the trigger. I fell to the ground, and just laid there - I couldn't get up. Then like after two or three minutes of trying, I managed to stand and came up behind him again and snapped his neck. Then I turned back the way I came from and saw my body on the ground with a bullet hole in the forehead. I dunno... it kinda freaked me out that I had a dream of killing someone while a ghost... oddly refreshing though...

:eek: What a dream, that's really eerie! :eek:

Have you dreamt a dream were everything seems totally normal, even ought to be a sweet dream, when it actually is a nightmare? I've had a few of those. I vaguely remember the last one, were I and some of my former classmates are sitting at a table, standing on a summer meadow, and drinking coffee. (Hey! I don't drink coffee!)
And these classmates are people I like, although I haven't met them in a long time, but yet I wake up in the middle of the night, sweaty and scared. Just like it had been a really scary nightmare.
Even when my own dreams don't use to be that scary (I don't see dead corpses on the ground with bullet holes in their foreheads), I get so deep (so unusually deep) into my dreams as of late. Strangly enough, it is not a dwarf who haunts my dreams, I tell you. :p Maybe because I'm not that necro, grim and tr00, who knows? :loco:

I remember vaguely my last night dream, I was back in London (yep, I was there a couple of weeks ago), wandering the Victoria train station. It wasn't London, strictly, but a mixture of cities I've visited, and there was a friend of mine with a painful illness that made me feel so sad. The last thing I remember was that I had to go to Chatham but, my mistake, I got the wrong bus. Odd, I know. :)

I know the world... du ba du... could be a better place...

uncharacteristically, i cannot remember a single dream featuring rahvin (who must stop posting now, to keep his 9,999 intact. otherwise, happy 10,000!). i must have dreamt of him at some time, having spent years in his company, but i just cannot recall any specific dream. and i never dreamt of anyone in this forum.
Kovenant84 said:
..unless I woke up 'in dream'. Basically, if I realized I was dreaming and was able to do whatever I wanted in the dream.
Holy shit, I thought I was the only one to whom this happened!

I've spoken to people about it and no one seems to know what I'm talking about. I've been trying to 'control' it/'perfect' it the past few years. It's come to be one of the greatest things to experience.
I've managed to come up with some of the necessary conditions to induce this phenomenon, and once I'm in it, I've actually taken 'notes', making observations, and just 'experimenting' with things in this alternate reality.
The sense of freedom is just ..amazing.
MagSec4 said:
Holy shit, I thought I was the only one to whom this happened!

I've spoken to people about it and no one seems to know what I'm talking about. I've been trying to 'control' it/'perfect' it the past few years. It's come to be one of the greatest things to experience.
I've managed to come up with some of the necessary conditions to induce this phenomenon, and once I'm in it, I've actually taken 'notes', making observations, and just 'experimenting' with things in this alternate reality.
The sense of freedom is just ..amazing.
I'm pretty sure that's a lucid dream. I haven't been able to do that unfortunately, but it seems like it could be really awesome.
It happened to me once or twice, but for some reason I always ended up suffering a lot. True, in your dream you can do whatever you want, but you also realize that you don't have control of your actual limbs (not the ones of your dream persona). Lucid dreaming gives me cold sweats because I try to move, realize that I'm moving in the dream but not in reality, and panic, because my legs and arms don't obey me any more.

I'm not sure if the information is fully legitimate, I didn't read the whole site, but it sounds interesting.

EDIT: Most of it sounds like new-age blabber, now that I've taken a second look, but there is some interesting information here and there.
I used to be able to do it alot. I havent been lucky enough to have one in awhile :(.

I had some dream last night that I fell in love with this chick I used to work with 6 years ago at Salerno's. Then I woke up and I saw Gary Coleman and the rest of the Drummands staring at me from the pic on my nightstand.

I used to be able to do it alot. I havent been lucky enough to have one in awhile :(.

I had some dream last night that I fell in love with this chick I used to work with 6 years ago at Salerno's. Then I woke up and I saw Gary Coleman and the rest of the Drummands staring at me from the pic on my nightstand.

Thanks for the link hyena, I didn't know this was a known and documented phenomenon. Very interesting. I'd like to participate in some of those experiments, I've already learned a lot about it from my experiences. I should, in fact, get in contact with a group such as this at some point in the future when I have time..
i kinda tried once to get into lucid dreaming. it was said you have to ask yourself every hour or so if you were awake or not, until it becomes a habit after a few weeks. then you might start asking the same in a dream because you're used to ask that question, and once you realize it's a dream you can alter its content. but i never got even to remind me to check on my status every hour, so i didn't have any lucid dreams so far. but sounds damn interesting.
Tonight I dreamt not one, but two incomfortable dreams were a specific female was the centre of attention, and hell, I'm happy that it didn't feature any of those detalis that I sometimes find in those of my dreams that come true. I woke up after each dream, and after the second one I couldn't fall asleep again. It wasn't very early though, but it is the second day of the vacation and you're supposed to sleep loooong then.

And the day after I dreamt of her, that dream always covers the whole day in the same feelings that I felt in the dream, so this day have been full of low-intense anxiety. :(
Child of Time said:
And the day after I dreamt of her, that dream always covers the whole day in the same feelings that I felt in the dream, so this day have been full of low-intense anxiety. :(
I've had that happen to me plenty of times, and it's kind of a bummer. It seems you might need something significant to change your mindset, but it certainly isn't a good thing to have lingering.