We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

Some time ago I did dream of throwing a party in a flat that I don't have (actually, a flat which resembles my own closely, plus an additional set of french doors per room), where weird stuff happened, like I got together with a guy I used to like and a friend of mine fixed the french doors, which were all broken.
The weirdest dream in a while: I was going to receive some award, and thus had to go to some kind of farm where there were lots of people I didn't know, one old grey-haired man and a middle-aged woman with black hair, plus one person dressed in white, loose-fitting clothes who was mentally unstable (can't remember if it was a male or a female). For some reason we were all watching some kind of documentary on a widescreen tv, when suddenly the demented person decided to go and eat dinner in the hallway before everyone else, and for some reason I followed (I didn't want to watch the documentary). We had pasta with tomato sauce, when a neighbour came in and accused us of being burglars and he was about to call the police, but I told him who I was and for some reason that made him change his mind.
The mental case, of course, said nothing during the entire dream. It just kept flapping its arms in a rather worrying way.
Then we tried to sneak back into the tv room without being noticed, but it didn't take long before I decided to go out into the barn instead, which was full of cows and people wearing ponchos and sombreros. The reason for this, I was told, was that the cows were being sold to South America.
And that's all I remember.
I've heard that too, and I don't like that theory.
If it really is so, then my dreams (and everybody elses) are all fucked-up messages from the subconscious, and that removes a large part of the charm and nice/strange feelings that follows with dreams.

Carl (wan'ts to :zzz: and dream more)
Last night I had quite the nightmare. I was in a forest of some sort and was being pursued by a giant beast, and an entire horde of little troll-things coming out of the shadows all around me.
The beast was charging after me, demolishing trees like a maniac. At the end, it caught up to me, grabbed me by the leg, and lifted me off the ground like a cooked spaghetti. I got a look at its face right before I woke up ..it kind of looked like Nicholas Barker of Dimmu Borgir :lol:

CoT: Yeah I know man, can't say the theory makes me happy about my dreams either. And I do love dreaming : D
@MagSec: I read your post, read mine again and chuckled too, so I guess I have more in common with the mental case than I would like to ;)
And you with the beast :p

And screw the theory. Dream and enjoy and nevermind.
Weird, Noga and rahvin were in my dream last night!! :err: We were in Wacken, and Noga had blonde hair and was a lot taller than me. She kept insisting that she's not Noga, but Thanatos, and I remember thinking that can't be true, since I always thought Thanatos was a man. Rahvin kept telling me that I shouldn't believe her, and that she really was Noga. "She's just having a crisis because she just found out she's blonde.

Right... that made me seriously question my sanity. This is all your fault, look what this board has done to me!! :yell:

:lol: :) @ Lamia :)wave: )
(I get the smileylimit every "now and then" :p)

Rahvin Dreamhaunter :cool:
If you dont sleep, hunt someone else's dream instead ;) (not too bitter, plz :p ;))

Hm, some persons have been in my dreams, but I am not telling who! :oops: :p (*mutter* I cant really recall them exactly anymore anyway :p)