We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

Hey, the long-haired sexy fellow around here is me, so stop dreaming with me, you, PervertedinMisery. :loco:

@Rahvin: I don't dream with you, but I can struggle to...

|ng (Dreaming real...)
It often happens in my dreams that I want to complete a certain sexual action but everything interupts me from it - the walls are collapsing, the doors don't want to close, and I cannot be isolated from the people who are watching me...
i dreamt of killing someone i know. a female colleague of mine whom i really have nothing against - kinda like her actually. but she stands for things i don't like.
well, a couple of weeks ago i dreamt of my boss. he was smiling. that's the only thing i remember about my dreams since the beginning of 2004, and nothing else coming up from my subconscious when i'm alone in bed at night is appropriate for this board.
Today on the bus to work I suddenly remembered a dream I had a couple of months ago. The only thing I remember from the dream is that Magsec and I are running around in a spring green bushland, and Magsec is carrying his 47'' blade. o_O
I had a very strange dream last night. Woke up crapping myself (not literally).

There was going to be a wedding, and things were being prepared for it. Such as food in our kitchen. The bride, who happened to be a princess, was also getting ready in the kitchen, with some kind of helper/servant woman (but no one else was in there, so who was actually preparing the food I don't know). Me and some other people were in the living room, which was next to the kitchen. Then... for some reason the kitchen went dark, and the princess's talking stopped. But no one really noticed or paid any attention. And after a while the princess's son, who somehow turned out to be just as old as the princess, came through the kitchen and into the room where we were and asked us how the princess was. So I said she was fine, and he then asked me "so how do you explain the rats eating at her corpse??" And then we saw that the princess and her helper person had been murdered, and I remember being scared to death (again, not literally). And then I ran upstairs and was on the landing and there were 5 doors, and the murderer ws in one of the rooms. But if I went into the wrong room he/she'd come up behind me and murder me too. In the end I picked a room and went in, saw that it was empty and then knew I was going to die. Then I woke up, so either I was murdered or I did literally scare myself to death this time. And when I woke up I was wet with sweat, my heart was beating damn fast, my whole body was tense, and my legs were weak. It was quite strange, really. :p
sounds like a good dream. if only i could remember mine :\ your dream could indicate a fear of change, as death supposedly signals the start of something new. according to this dream dictionary, a murder has to do with loss of control over a situation. are you afraid of something, Rusty? :erk: ahhh, this gets interesting!

To see a princess in your dream, represents his sister or an important female figure in your life. It also suggests your desires for the ideal woman. To see a bride in your dream, signifies the most feminine qualities about you. A bride may also symbolize a union or partnership or some sort.

you desire the ideal woman but you can't find her and you're fretting over the loss of control? eh, hope that helps.

very often i had dreams of being chased. i think that likely stemmed from my fear of commitment :p does anyone know what dreaming of your dad being a monk means?

To see a monk in your dream, signifies devotion, faith, and spiritual enlightenment.

faith in my dad? :confused:
your dream could indicate a fear of change, as death supposedly signals the start of something new.
Nothing is changing.
a murder has to do with loss of control over a situation.
To see a princess in your dream, represents his sister or an important female figure in your life. It also suggests your desires for the ideal woman.
To see a bride in your dream, signifies the most feminine qualities about you.
...what?? I have qualities?? :confused:
you desire the ideal woman but you can't find her and you're fretting over the loss of control? eh, hope that helps.
Haha. Overall it's sort of true-ish maybe, but also vague and coincidental. Take that, you smelly dream dictionary.

Kind of interesting though. ;)
It's strange. I was telling my friend that it's been too long since I had a dream I could recall, and this morning, I had a night(er, day?)mare. My bf and I moved into a house that was beautiful, opulent, and mindblowingly huge. It would've been a great place to live except for one detail: it was permanently tilted on an axis. Whenever I was indoors, it made me sick. Then my bf disappeared. I suspected he'd been abducted or even murdered, and he was replaced by a guy who had the demeanour of a werewolf.

All this took place in Tokyo. Suddenly a Japanese girl started spending a lot of time with us. We appeared to be on some kind of mission to uncover coveted top-secret documents, and all along I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that my bf was somewhere, alive and struggling to survive.

And I woke up. I know where Tokyo, the werewolf, and the tilted house come from. The spy bit is typical of my dreams, just normally not as complicated.
@caelestia: it's apparent that you want to dump your current boyfriend and get together with nick. you're also quite comprehensibly afraid of earthquakes and japanese girls, yet crave to uncover the secret to build stable houses.