We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

@hyena: i never said i don't think about those things or didn't like it :D actually i have the desire to do stuff like that with many persons, the dream was weird mostly cause it felt very real, i also remembered everything very well after waking up and, even if sometimes i want to peel off skin from some persons, i'm (of course) not used to do it. it's really hard to explain why it was shocking *scratches head*
moreover i was very calm in the dream, like if i was a classy waitress serving expensive wine instead of breaking a slut's bones :p

(hell it degenerated in a serious answer :p )
@Disco Queen: Thanks for the couple of hints, but I guess them both would work with anyone at some point of their lives. In any case, yes, I'm an outsider. Thanks again, Li.

Btw, it is admirable how music can cheer you up, I'm feeling better after a couple of albums.

Tonight I dreamt that I was working at a old people's home. When I was going to work this day, I missed the bus, so I started walking to another bus stop (in wrong direction) were I would wait for the bus. When I was standing there at the bus stop, wearing a high hat, I saw the old cream white/wine red moped that stands in our outhouse and hardly is manoeuverable any more (model 1968, it is) came driving by.
No one was driving it. It was going quite fast, and it was leaning down when it took the curves. It drove up a slope to an one-way road, and I lost sight of it for a few seconds. Then it came back, still in a higher speed than it ever would reach when my brother or I was on it, and drove back towards our house.

(Caelestia, what does your dream interpretation site say about mopeds that drives by themselves? :erk: )
the dream dictionary says dreams about driving tell you how you're navigating through life :guh: sorry, i know that doesn't really say much and seems pretty obvious. i'll leave that to you to form your own interpretation :)

i haven't been dreaming lately, or if i have, i don't remember a thing *cry*

are you uncertain of where you're going in life or afraid that someone has too much control over you? perhaps that's too literal. dreams are sneaky things. if i interpreted my dreams in the same manner, i'd be labeled insane.
I had a wierd dream last night... I was hoping my Century media order was gonna arrive this morning so I kind of dreamt about it. When my order came they'd sent me a strotvarious shirt.... and it was pink with rainbows all over it.I got really dissapointed, anyway, I was in America for some reason aswell, and we were gonna get a plane to this island that was only about a mile off shore, I said "we could swim that" and then this character Ive never met said fine we'll swim, but as we got closer the Island kept moving away. then I started choking and my body froze up and I started going under. It made me panic cos I suddenly realised the issolating situation I was in *I woke up*. Pretty scary though.
Holy shite.

I had a stupid dream. I fell asleep about 2 hours 44 mins ago, and woke myself because I was laughing and snorting at my own dream. What's more, I need to use the bathroom pretty badly but I'm writing here so I won't forget.

I can remember only the second half... Oh, wait! Bits of the first half are flashing through my mind. There was an insane rollercoaster that wasn't really a rollercoaster. It's more like a long giant escalator. When you reach the top, you have to position yourself a certain way, as the steps will flatten and you will slide down the rest of the way. Quite thrilling, really.

Now the second half. I was in a television commercial or something like it. Got out of a really huge trailer and there was grease everywhere. Also, there were a few gay guys. We were filming with these little coloured crystal figurines of animals (and grease?!). Because we kept goofing around, we nearly broke them many times and the guys would start shrieking hysterically.


That's basically what was said the whole time, or variations on that with different accents, slang, etc. Anyway, I snorted with laughter in my dream so loudly (I know, it's not even funny) that I woke up. Hmm. Whatever could it mean? o_O

Toodles, bladder's about to explode.
Caelestia said:

That's basically what was said the whole time, or variations on that with different accents, slang, etc. Anyway, I snorted with laughter in my dream so loudly (I know, it's not even funny) that I woke up. Hmm. Whatever could it mean? o_O
Maybe it's your subconscious crying out to you that "YOU'RE THE LUCKIEST BITCH IN THE WORLD!" :p
Or the exact opposite... :err:
But don't forget.. you are each and every character in your own dreams
ND: I had A mega wierd dream last night that I was fast forwarding through some porn to get to the money shot... it was a really long and boring dream.

@ Magsec- I didn't know that each character in my dreams were apart of me. Evil people that I hate have been in my dreams... and Ive murdered people in my dreams. Does that mean Im murdering myself :cry:???
Hell, I've had someone shoot me at point blank range, so that I've died, then I've gotten back up and twisted their head off of their neck, killing them. Then I turn around and see my body still on the floor. Quite odd.
