We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

DIM: are you omitting the part where you and Niklas engage in wild, passionate sex right in front of all those supermarket folk? :p
King Chaos said:
@ Magsec- I didn't know that each character in my dreams were apart of me. Evil people that I hate have been in my dreams... and Ive murdered people in my dreams. Does that mean Im murdering myself :cry:???
Yes.. yes, it does.
And also, when you said you dreamt of that hairy woman with too much make up on...oh wait, I probably shouldn't go into that.. especially now that this post of yours was erased by UM recently..

(It's a valid and interesting psychological theory ..take it as you'd like)

Thanatos said:
DIM: are you omitting the part where you and Niklas engage in wild, passionate sex right in front of all those supermarket folk? :p
Well, you have to remember, this is a different culture we're talking about..
He's from Sweden, and how situations may tend to go in Mexico isn't necessarily what someone like him would experience

Kov:I've gotten shot and killed in dreams as well, I think I mentioned it here, as a matter of fact..
Before going to bed, I hoped for a dream. Guess what. I had one. It was one of those that appeared to last for ages, giving you the impression you slept a long time, but when you wake you feel really really tired. I recall jack all now. However, I have retained one bit of info from that dream...


I think I was in Finland :zipit:
i dreamt that one of my teeth was caries-infected, and not just slightly, but to the point of that the whole thing was black and slowly crumbling away :eww: strange, since my teeth are in excellent shape, i don't even have a filling or such. really strange.
I had 2 dreams last night, in the first i was about to do an autopsy and was very excited, and this is comprehensible, but the second dream was weird:there was a dinner with DT and board members in a big city :dopey: i was hit by a lightining while i was going there but i was perfectly fine :err:
@hilj: :lol: :lol: at your lightning story. i haven't been dreaming stuff that i can remember for a while. good.
Yes that dream was fun :D i do a lot of weird ones, from this week i remember one where a baldur's gate character joined my party o_O and this is a first sign i shouldn't play games, cause then i see them everywhere, the second sign was a couple of days ago: i was watching some sort of movie and there were these 2 characters always ending up together to make evil plans, and i thought "aha! that's why, they're evil NPCs, they end up together when the party's reputation is too high!" then i realized what i just thought
Hiljainen said:
i was watching some sort of movie and there were these 2 characters always ending up together to make evil plans, and i thought "aha! that's why, they're evil NPCs, they end up together when the party's reputation is too high!" then i realized what i just thought
Haha, nice... I could see myself doing that.
I tried what Caelestia did - hoping for a dream before I fell asleep. It worked - I dreamt that I was an Japanese monk sitting out in the wilderness meditating, and then there came a lot of Japanese peasants giving me gifts in form of food and clothing. o_O

No more Akira Kurosawa-movies before bedtime for me.
I dreamt of that which will never come true. And when the morning came, I didn't believe that the things were different in real life. I still don't believe in it.
:lol: @ Child of Time

I had a dream recently where I and the woman I care lots about were trying to learn how to dance. (We're officially just good friends for now. The post in which I told you people the whole story went bye-bye when UM decided to go boom...) The surroundings were forests. More precisely, we were dancing in a grove. However, the ground wasn't grass, but a chess board or something close to one. We did learn to dance fairly advanced dances... and this is where I woke up. Does anyone care to try to interpret? ;)
Id say it's sayin' given the right environment your relationship could go far... and your subconscious is at a level where it thinks you and this person have potential to create something together.

This is a lovely situation to be in, however you'll be dissapointed if the relationship never meets your "fairy-tale" expectations. Thats my attempt at interpreting :guh:
For Sunjammer:

To dream that you are dancing, signifies freedom from constraints and harmony/balance with yourself. You are working in cooperation with yourself. It also represents frivolity, happiness, gracefulness, sensuality and sexual desires. Alternatively, it may signify intimacy and a union of the masculine and feminine aspects of yourself.

To see or play chess in your dream, indicates that you need to carefully think through the situation before making a decision. The dream may also comment on how you have met your match in love or in business.

Interesting :)
@Caelestia: Wow! Thanks for the interpretation/explanation of my dream. Where did you learn all this? :)

I had no idea that dancing in dreams represents the things you mentioned. Same goes for the chess part. I had a feeling that the chess board was a minefield of sorts, much like you said. Kind of "Mind where you put down your feet. You don't want things blowing up in your face". ;)
@Caelestia: And here I was stunned after reading your straightforward explanation, thinking that you're a walking, talking dream interpretation encyclopedia. :bah: ;)
Dreaming of bad teeth means something bad will happen. If the bad teeth hurt you, the bad thing will hurt you, otherwise the bad thing won't really affect you.