We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

Child of Time said:
Why do I never dream anything dramatic and interpretationable? I do only dream weird things about mopeds that drives by themselves and Japanese peasants (no offense meant if you're a Japanese peasant :p )
The Official Prick of English Grammar and Spelling suggests that you have some Mexican food with milk, watch strange French films, and acquire the flu if at all possible, before going to bed..
perhaps you'll have some interesting and interpretable dreams then
MagSec4 said:
watch strange French films
Ahaaaaaa! So, the french films are disgusting... worlwide, eh? I thought only spaniards felt that way. :p Btw, I never dream anything interpretable either... oh... wait... interpretationable, I mean. Sometimes I dream quite practical things, though: the last night I dreamed about getting to the city to buy recordable DVDs, which I gotta do soon because I'm running out of them. :D

well ive been having the same dream for the last 5 or 6 nights now..y'all know how that Nicholas Berg guy died right?..well insert me and you got my dream :erk:...and i always wake up at like 3am with a cold sweat all over me...which in-turn makes me tired in the morning because i get little to no sleep..then i usually fall asleep in class...which then makes the teacher yell at me...then i get a detention...and so on and so forth... o_O...
Maybe not the rightest topic to post, but I just need to say that:
I am so glad that the reputation and public postcount are gone! It makes me act and feel more adequate. It's the only forum where I can feel free from those bounds.
Onyx said:
Maybe not the rightest topic to post, but I just need to say that:
I am so glad that the reputation and public postcount are gone! It makes me act and feel more adequate. It's the only forum where I can feel free from those bounds.
Let me guess...

Last night you dreamt you were in the forum with 2 posts and everyone else had a postcount of 4309870978342.. then the numbers came to life and chased you down the streets of St. Petersburg..
Then it started raining green reputation points, and you stumbled and fell upon the slippery roads.
Then the post counts caught up to you.. and the number 8 stood above you, and said with a psychotic look on its face and a foreign accent
"I kill you, my friend!"
lately i'm dreaming more often again (remembering the dreams, that is).
my last one was strange, though the story is simple:
i am all grumpy and agry and pissed because i have to get into a car i hate. it is the mercedes that has failed the security test ( :lol: :erk: ) and isay to myself that this is going to be horrible, but for some reason i have no other choice than to use this car.
so i get in and drive on a road that is definitely well known by me.
at first I cannot reach the pedals anymore. it's as if they draw back and behind and thus beyond my feet's reach.
I am even more grumpy.
but i can do and try anything - nothing would help me reach the pedals and this damned car is accelerating even.
I'm starting to get really worried and then the first bump appears and i am hopping unnaturally high. a second bump, i'm jumping even higher and i am in real panic now. my thought is: i don't get out here alive: for a parachute it's not high enough and i don't have one anyway, and for jumping out it's too high - i'm gonna break my neck.
the third bump is bringing me up even higher and now i see myself flying out of the window, towards the ground....
until this point, i am not a watcher but i'm feeling and thinking as if in reality.

hm. i know the dream symbols in this dream but i cannot put the pieces together :loco:

Ethereal Sage said:
'Beauty (perception) is in the eye of the beholder'
You think... that one can surgically remove whatever people have in the eye, which makes them look at me like the strange living being that I am? I mean, ain't easy to be an anthropomorphic mechanical thing, you know...

I had a mental nightmare once. I think I'll detail it. Im sure youll all find it a good read (so dont be lazy and just humour me :p).

I was choking. I could feel each cough like a kick in the throat. I looked in the mirror and my face was pale.... stricken with illness, and smitted by pure fear. Then to my utter despair I noticed a small lock of thin black hair dangeling out of my mouth.

Momentarilly I was distracted from this living hell by my brother who was telling me frantically to "GET OFF THE GROUND". His command made me panic further, intesifying the violent feelling of fear that had begun to amount. I was fixed still though, my feet would not move, and then my brother quickly vanished from within the reality of the dream. Then I was totally alone. Isolated. The only presence I could feel was that of my own fear, almost like a shadow sneering at me as I continue to Gip on this disgusting windpipe blockage.

I look back in the mirror and see that my mouth is filled with lush, conditioned beautiful black hair. I grab at the hair and begin to tug. The hair is long. The hair is dark. The hair is choking me.

As I continued to pull at the hair suddenly I felt it hit a dead end. As I tug hard on the hair I can feel a wrenching coming from with in my abdomin. I assume the hair is attached to something in my stomach. I look again in the mirror and I am naked and pregnant. My head spins as I hear a baby crying. I lean aganist the mirror and look down. My stomach is 9 months inflamed. Then I know the crying is coming from inside of me. It's coming from inside my fucking body.

I pull the hair again, which induces a treacherous evolution of regurgitation. I can't breath as my sinuses well up. I can taste the vomit in my mouth. My muscles have tensed up beyond what I knew they could. Something climbs up my asophogus, it feels like Im going to puke up a bowling ball. I can see sick dripping from my nose on to the hair which dangles as vines from my mouth.

To end the prolonged event of regurgitation this agonising ball of unknown has caused I tear at the locks that sway so freely infront of my tormented face. I hear a loud cry as my mouth is torn open and the anti body is expelled from within my being. In the only moment of relief the dream contained I drop to my knees and close my tearful eyes. Im shaking with a beautiful feeling of freedom. I open my eyes and stare at the ground, which has turned in to a chequered, black and white marble flooring. Blood drips from my mouth but oddly, watching the drips explode on the white clinical slabs beneath me seduces my eye in a hypnotic way. Then I hear an intense cry. Of agony. With hate in its throat. Yet muffled in a distant way.

I look to my left and see a baby child with no face, standing now in silence. If it had eyes they would be fixated on me. I cannot breath. This naked faceless child stays quiet in a some what pensive way. Suddenly it screams and is vigorously animated. It grabs at my face and I can't move. I try to fight it off but my arms have no strength in them. I manage to stand up but the child keeps attacking my lower body. I look into the mirror and I too have no face. A shrill laughter is enough to wake me from this nightmare.

Anyone else had a fucked up dream before? That's my one true disturber.
Wow that is one fucked up dream Chaos...
i had a pretty wierd dream last summer:
i was standing in my living room..and this robot came in and turned off the lights..i could see nothing..until i felt this tickling sensation on my feet..the light comes back on..and theres this extremely hot girl tickling my feet (i can only picture me with a big grin on my face in my bed while this is going on) but soon she changes into this ugly bitch..and starts slapping me..and i wake up to see my sister slaping my because its 7:00 pm...and i had slept for 24 hours o_O
MagSec4 said:
Tell me what the symbols are, I'll piece them together for you :heh:

car = ego
bump = difficulty in life
panic = panic....


(wouldn't be aware that I'm forced to be someone else or caught in an ego that I don't like myself - and as a consequnece failing in that and being panicked at the tiniest "bump".)