We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

I had a fun dream last night where by Me and my friends were booked to play a gig at a school. Of couse I was going insane because we didnt actually have any songs. How ever two dudes turned up looking pretty power metal and were apparently members in our band (I was unaware). My friend who hates power metal stepped up to the mic and started nailing those homosexually high notes and we started to play. I just improvised guitar parts over the top of the Dragon force esque sounds they were making. I kept doing the upside down playing which is also common of dragonforce.

It was a really realistic and good dream. It ended with me doing some epic solo over my friends acoustic riff... but then when I raised my hand to recieve the final cheer it was no where near the size I expected. (seen as though during bits of the set the crowd was going wild)... But yeah, It was a totally ace dream... one of the only dreams I've actually felt really good about. I hope real gigs feel like this when I play, oh it would be awesome.
NF: Quite good. I've gotten some answers and I guess I don't need to ask any more questions on that particular subject. Still, that leaves the matter of the "quite" in quite good. The answers led to a letdown and although that letdown was a likely case, I wasn't hoping for it. In the end, things worked out pretty well. This math result ended up on the positive side of zero.


You haven't the slightest clue to what I'm talking about, do you? :p
@Caelestia: I think you've got it correctly. To add to the confusion then: Five (yes, count them. Five.) hours after I was handed that letdown on a silver plate, things got more complicated. Sort of. Read on...

I spoke with that special someone over MSN Messenger. She contacted me and felt she had to explain things. It turned out that she's never been certain of what she feels, not even when she told me she was. She loves being with me, but feels that she doesn't really know for certain what she wants.

She needs time "away from me" to think things through. So, we won't meet eachother for a while, but we will stay in touch via MSNM...
Last night I dreamt that my brother was a serial killer and we had to build a prison for him in a shed at home. Only, it wasn't really my brother, but some other guy that I believed was my brother. My parents were roughly the same though.
Then we found out that the world was ending in a couple of weeks and that we were all going to die, and I was annoyed that I wouldn't have the time to go to England and die there.
@NL: I've had a dream where my brother was a serial killer too! Well, he was more of a terrorist. He held everyone hostage in a giant bubble which eventually blew up, but not before getting me out. We had to put the fire out with water balloons. That was fun, and sad at the same time...

This morning I dreamed my colleague kissed me :s
And a while ago I had a dream where it turned out I'd murdered my mother and brother, although I didn't dream the murder itself. That was a bad dream. :/
Today I deamt listening to a song of a certain russian band, which actually was just my imagination... But the lyrics and the music were great... I don't write poetry [I suck at it], but it seems that in my dreams I've made that! That made me think about the hidden talents of a person... We know how to do everything, but something prevents us from doing it?
Onyx said:
Today I deamt listening to a song of a certain russian band, which actually was just my imagination... But the lyrics and the music were great... I don't write poetry [I suck at it], but it seems that in my dreams I've made that! That made me think about the hidden talents of a person... We know how to do everything, but something prevents us from doing it?
I Think like that aswell. Like I wonder if My mind was in someone else's body would I still be able to play guitar, or If I was in an ace gymnast's body would I be able to do front flips and stuff. It's really wierd is that.
I dreamed I was to attend a show with someone from UM but my ex showed up so we hid. I ended up making out with the someone whose identity shall remain a secret. Halfway he morphed into Brad Pitt, and I was turned off.
Caelestia said:
I dreamed I was to attend a show with someone from UM but my ex showed up so we hid. I ended up making out with the someone whose identity shall remain a secret. Halfway he morphed into Brad Pitt, and I was turned off.

Turned off by Brad Pitt??????

ARE YOU M/-\D!!!!

Brad Pitt is the smoothest Lady killer hollywierd has ever seen.
i'm not worried if anyone will get offended. I'm worried if someone is not going to ban me for giving other forum members dirty thoughts
@king chaos: caelestia is one of the few around here actually blessed with a sense of aesthetical beauty.

@branwen: well, i'm not gonna. and i can hardly see niklas doing it either so i guess you're quite safe.
Branwen said:
Well then: at your own risk.
This is a recurring dream and I wonder what it means.
I see animals looking exactly like in paleolithic paintings in Lascaux cave, in fact it's the same but animated. You know, big hairy beasts, bulls and horses and mammoths and big horny deer. I see them walking, I hear how they breathe and puff, I can see steam rising from their nostrils. I can also feel very strong animal smell, the smell of fur and dirt. They are very big and the all come slowly towards me, I can feel the ground trembling under their hooves. And before anything happens I wake up in the middle of it all, terribly aroused, with my heart racing like hell. And it keeps coming back.


I'd say there's a slight call for concern there :p. but Im sure it means something other than animals arouse you.

Maybe it's the vibrations. Or it could be more than a dream... perhaps it's a vision sent by a god telling you something important about your spiritual past. Or maybe you're just getting "morning wood", happens to us all, unless you're female... in which case if you are getting "morning wood" I'd see a docter right away :p.

I have to say Branwen that that is a really interesting dream. :headbang: thanx for sharing.
on a sidenote: "morning wood" actually comes from the urine in your bladder pressing against your prostate gland; thats why it fades after you had your piss.

(doc holliday to the rescue)
in the confusion of the mind that takes place at times right before we fall asleep, i recently saw a rectangular door, about two meter tall and three meter wide. a semi-transparent curtain hanging from the top made it hard to see what was on the other side. i stood there with a couple of other people whose identity remains a mystery, and heard a whirring sound, like machinery, coming from the other side.
and indeed i could almost make out the shape of some sort of instrument (blue and metallish and with a spinning wheel on top of it) behind the curtain.
my thoughts were: this is my private storage area. it should be locked, but someone got inside. and i felt terribly scared. i started pulling up the curtain and then i snapped back awake and alert and terrified.

things like that happen almost every night that i try to sleep alone. recent comments on the subject: "you could make a score of psychiatrists happy. or writers. but wait, you're supposed to belong to the latter group"; "isn't that like the best start for a story? now i wish you had seen who was on the other side of the curtain". :rolleyes:
maybe you will experience a sort of powerful intrusion into or opening/widening of fields that you are yet afraid of. a machine is motion, power, energy. it could also be a numbing of mind but i think in your dream it was not this because this "instrument" was moving, had a spinning wheel etc. the wheel on this machine is probably a sign for your own ups and downs.
keep alert but not afraid :)