We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

This isn't really a dream as such, but I had an overwhelming feeling recently when I was out in the Australian outback, hundreds of miles from any decent town or city.
I was on a small hill which sat above the canopy of scattered trees...3am and a clear sky with an almost full moon...to realise that I was an intruder in such a grand realm of nature, being so small and unworthy in the scheme of how things worked there...it was a lucid experience, one which I hope to experience again.
Rusty said:
You insensitive bugger. Aren't kittens allowed to be male?? Can't men have sugary-sweet eyes?? :p Still, it could have been worse; at least you got my species correct and didn't call me an ape/a robot/Kov.

Kittens can be any sex they wish but I don't know many males who would choose a sugary-eyed kitten to decorate their posts, FGS!
Ethereal Sage said:
This isn't really a dream as such, but I had an overwhelming feeling recently when I was out in the Australian outback, hundreds of miles from any decent town or city.
I was on a small hill which sat above the canopy of scattered trees...3am and a clear sky with an almost full moon...to realise that I was an intruder in such a grand realm of nature, being so small and unworthy in the scheme of how things worked there...it was a lucid experience, one which I hope to experience again.
Find the book of Ernst Muldashev. He writes about Tibet. A Good book. I can't say that he's the only person who writes about power of hills but it's interesting anyway. He writes that hills are alive they have a special power. They look like piramides. As you know the piramide's shape is a special too...
Kovenant84 said:
~Kov. Must have been put in the running with Rusty for 'horniest bastard on the DT forum'.
This means war, my unknown-speciesed friend. ;)
Branwen said:
Kittens can be any sex they wish but I don't know many males who would choose a sugary-eyed kitten to decorate their posts, FGS!
It's not decorating my posts though, it's decorating someone else's and my name just happens to be mentioned underneath. :p
rahvin said:
i have to try and contain myself, stick to a minimum of trusted friends to avoid being engulfed in more tales of woe consisting in me acting as a very enthusiastic dispenser of emotions/thoughts and the other side responding by nodding politely until they can finally get rid of me and my crock of bullshit.

Lucky you, dwarfish being very skilled at concealing those emotions/thoughts. I can't refrain myself and often I get paid back with a bit more than mere polite gestures. Btw, isn't there a pm of mine still hung... somewhere? :err:

@ Lili: The first Harry Potter movie rules. I watched it twice in a row because it was so good :eek:

Oh, i had AWFUL nightmares last night :erk: The whole damn night. I kept waking up all freaked out, but i always fell asleep again and the nightmares continued.
One of my friends had killed someone very violently, but i didn't know who it was because they kept blaming each other. I didn't know who to trust and it was so scary. I was trying to find out who the murderer was, and at some point i had two options left. One of those two then admitted that she was the killer, and she got arrested. But then i was hanging out with the other one, thinking that she was just as scared as i was, when i got an sms from the arrested friend, saying "btw, i'm not the killer really". So i was WITH the killer. Can't be bothered to explain the rest of it because i doubt anyone would read anyway, and i can't remember it well enough :p but the dream was so scary :cry:
@branwen: you're not missing much, i assure you. but thanks for feeling bad about it. :p

@|ng: no, because it disappeared when um crashed and 3 days worth of posts and pms were lost. since it was in spanish (!) i'm also at a loss recalling the exact content. except of course for the fluffy, loving words. :)
Last night it turned out I'd fathered a baby without knowing it, and the mother (no idea who she was) brought our daughter to see me. I got all confused of course, and then the mother left quickly with the baby. I was going to go after her, but one of my friends stopped me and gave me a bus ticket so I could go home instead, because we were at the house of another friend, who wasn't there at the time.. or something. But for some reason the ticket was wrong, it was for a bus leaving from the train station instead of where I was now, so I had to walk home instead. Then I decided to take a shortcut through some houses, and ended up burgling my old next-door neighbour's house, before he caught me and shot me dead. It was a little odd, in all.
Rusty said:
Last night it turned out I'd fathered a baby without knowing it, and the mother (no idea who she was) brought our daughter to see me. I got all confused of course, and then the mother left quickly with the baby. I was going to go after her, but one of my friends stopped me and gave me a bus ticket so I could go home instead, because we were at the house of another friend, who wasn't there at the time.. or something. But for some reason the ticket was wrong, it was for a bus leaving from the train station instead of where I was now, so I had to walk home instead. Then I decided to take a shortcut through some houses, and ended up burgling my old next-door neighbour's house, before he caught me and shot me dead. It was a little odd, in all.
OH MY GOD! fo r a mometn i thought it was real (NF Thread) inad i was going to msg you to say CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR BABY!!!!! glda your firs tchild is a masculine one!1 weird shite.
Feeling... What good are feelings when they betray you?

Thinking... Why think and ponder when your feelings are in for a mental beating?

Dreaming... We all do it. For some, the dreams come true. For others, the struggle just goes on and on into oblivion.

There is no justice in the world...
rahvin said:
i'm also at a loss recalling the exact content. except of course for the fluffy, loving words.

They were the essence, little man. Didn't know about that, I kinda felt that our pm chains usually got interrupted.

In my dream last night the part of my arm where my tattoo is was "eaten in" like some acid had been poured on to it. The pic was almost gone and my skin around it was green and the whole arm was light green. The sore was bleeding. And it was so deep I could see my bones. I woke up just after that part of the dream.
And yes.. I immediately checked if the pic was ok. It´s in perfect condition. Thank the darkness almighty.
I wonder what the hell was that all about...