We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

I feel bad cause my dream's failed :( I was going to visit Sweden this summer. Today I was at a travel agency and they told me I need an invitation from someone from Sweden...
It's left to dream
I had a hilarious dream last night involving myself as a policeman :D

> Feeling... What good are feelings when they betray you?
Well.. when they betray you they're no good
But they won't always.
Just forget them man. What good would it do you to still worry about some matter? If it's gone it's gone.
And life goes on.

> Thinking... Why think and ponder when your feelings are in for a mental beating?
That's what thinking is ..it's a mental beating.
Why think? because it's a pretty fucking cool ability that our species was, for some reason, blessed with.
Ever think about how awesome it is that you can actually 'think' :p

> Dreaming... We all do it. For some, the dreams come true. For others, the struggle just goes on and on into oblivion.
Basta'ds.. :bah:

> There is no justice in the world...
There is ..it just sucks.

Monroe: Go get someone from Sweden to invite you.
I'd help you out but I'm a tad ways from Sweden, so I doubt I have citizenship there..
Good luck
Monroe said:
I feel bad cause my dream's failed :( I was going to visit Sweden this summer. Today I was at a travel agency and they told me I need an invitation from someone from Sweden...
It's left to dream

Curious, I was supposed to get to Sweden too, and my intentions were frustrated in the very same terminal of the airport: my identity card expired about six months ago and I hadn't realized, so I wasn't allowed to take my plane. :erk: Yes, it's me, the fool of the realm.

But they never asked for an invitation... :err:

|ng (Goodbye, Sweden Rock festival...)
It's because its fairly difficult for Russians to gain entry to the EU, and vice versa. Visa applications are very time-consuming, and to actually be authorised with a visa is even harder. It is easier if you're going on official business or being invited by somone in the other country. We take how easy travel is within the EU for granted.

Which means that the rise of the anti-EU parties in the European elections this morning is seriously pissing me off :bah:
While we're at this, can one of you dear Russians tell me if people in the U.S. need to get some sort of visa to travel to Russia?
I've heard it isn't needed (at least for touring/leisure) but I've known of people having a hard time travelling through the former Soviet nations.
Tonight i dreamt that i had a car accident, but i didn't remember the accident, anyway i was paralized for some days, then i could move again but had troubles with my right elbow<---i'm sure i was sleeping on that arm tonight, cause the feeling was real. :guh:

Some days ago i had another weird one, my brother (i have no brothers in real life) killed people, we had a huge house and there were corpses and blood everywhere, there was even a whole barrel of blood in his room, police came looking and apparently didn't notice them and went away, then i can't remember. this one was weird :ill: :p
I had a mega bizzare dream last night.

Li and I were walking in the mall, and we saw profanity sitting on a bench, so we ran over to him and got our pictures taken wih him( I remember thinking "fuck yeah, everyone is going to be so impressed about this one"). He was nice and happy to see us, and then we went back to school. Fucked if I know why li was in my school but we parted ways because she had to go do Biology. I was in modern history watching a documentry on Leni Reifinstal, when my teacher comes over and sits next to us, a group which containted my friends elsie,lou and mitch. Then all of a suddenly he starts singing Fit but You know it by The Streets, and dancing around the room. I woke up after this and realised i had left the tv on the music channel. Anyway, it was strange
Koich said:
I had a mega bizzare dream last night.

Li and I were walking in the mall, and we saw profanity sitting on a bench, so we ran over to him and got our pictures taken wih him( I remember thinking "fuck yeah, everyone is going to be so impressed about this one"). He was nice and happy to see us, and then we went back to school. Fucked if I know why li was in my school but we parted ways because she had to go do Biology. I was in modern history watching a documentry on Leni Reifinstal, when my teacher comes over and sits next to us, a group which containted my friends elsie,lou and mitch. Then all of a suddenly he starts singing Fit but You know it by The Streets, and dancing around the room. I woke up after this and realised i had left the tv on the music channel. Anyway, it was strange
hell yeah. in your dreams with profanity. and life is suddenly all sunshine and lollipops again :cool:

there is one part that makes no sense though. wtf was i taking biology?