We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

Last night I had a nightmare that was the most vivid dream/nightmare I have had in ages. It was not a nightmare because I was scared, it was because I hurt someone (mentally, not physically).

I was walking along a suburban road when I felt the urge to wander into a house. I had no idea who lived there, but no one was home, so I entered. I had the feeling I was searching for something, but not sure what it was. I felt I was in a walking daze of some sort.
I went through all the rooms, opening some things, but leaving obviously personal stuff untouched. I didn't break or mark anything. I couldn't find what I was looking for, so I went out the back to look in the yard and shed. I then heard someone entering the front door, with a dog. I decided to stop searching and make my way out the back of the yard unseen.
I pretended to be jogging as I moved away. I heard movement from where I exited and the sound of the person and dog getting closer. For some unknown reason I built up speed as I ran in fear of being caught. I rounded some corners, trying to lose my chasers. I went around a few more corners, coming back past the house I had left, slowing to a jog so as not to appear out of place, as I felt I had lost my chasers. They had made a lot of distance though and finally caught me.
The man, with his dog, pointed to my shoes to say that my shoeprints were throughout the house. I was ushered into the house where I came upon a middle-aged woman who was sitting on the floor, sobbing like she had just lost her one true love.
My insides crumbled, my heart tried to implode and my mind tried to inflict as much pain as possible on me when the lady stopped long enough to ask "Why!?".
All I remember saying while in a haze was "I'm searching for a weapon".
Dream ends.

I had a feeling the 'weapon' was not physical, but a supernatural feel came across my mind.
I would never do such a thing, never intend to hurt anyone...it seems so unlike me.
Please feel free to disect/abuse/study as you see fit.
I can't say anything about your dream Sagey, because I'm :zombie: after last nights late shift. But I can tell you about a dream I had this night. It was a nightmare in sort of the same way as yours; I wasn't scared of it, but maybe I should be, since I was hurting myself. What I remember is this: I'm standing in front of the mirror in my bathroom and I'm holding a razorblade. I take the razorblade and start cutting under my right eyebrow towards the nose and over the bridge of the nose. Then I keep cutting under my left eyebrow and thinking "It was good that I cut under the eyebrows and not in them. That's much better." It didn't hurt when I was cutting myself, it did just feel uncomfortable. That's all I remember.
Ethereal Sage: Maybe you were a secret agent out to stop those now chasing you from destroying a city in Sweden with some sort of weapon. Maybe your mission was to "locate ze weapon" and disable it. Maybe you somehow succeeded and the evil mastermind woman is really hurt and pissed at the loss of her plans and her creation.

well you know.. it doesn't have to be all bad :p

Childie: ..That's pretty messed up, man.
@Mag: An interesting analysis, entailing interesting rhetorical staments/questions/humour:

1. Why Sweden? I live thousands of kms from there.
2.Was I to "locate ze weapon" "before ze Germans get it" (Lock,Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels humour reference) ;)
3. I wonder if my mere presence in the house lead to an act greater than my mind could comprehend at the time...

@Childe: I hope that dream doesn't become a reality.
Sagey: Neither do I. And I don't think you want me to try to analyse your dream. I do always focus to much on details...

And I remember something more from my dream now. My goal was to cut out my whole face. Then I would use my cut-out face to make a mask that looked exactly like me. And the mask was meant for me to use. :erk:
@Childie: I won't post my dream description here if I didn't want anyone to say anything about it ;) Analyse away if you wish.

Your dream appears to me a little less worrying when you added the rest of it and if you take it in a symbolic sense, the need to use a mask. Only thing is I can't see why you would need to make a mask that looks exactly like you do *scratches head*
anyone into lucid dreaming, btw? i tried, and failed. last time i almost managed, but i didn't come up with any cool stuff in that dream, because i was choking on my bracers (i don't have anymore since ten years or so) at that time.
@ Mal... Is lucid dreaming where you have control in your dream? I had two when I was younger. One where I flew (t'was awesome) and another which was like a nightmare where I chose not to go outside to get some toy that had fallen through a door way (because I knew something bad would happen).
yeah exactly. you can train yourself towards realizing it's a dream though, and when you realize you are dreaming, you can change the course of events. would be like the best drug ever invented if it would work for me, but i probably just lack the endurance.
Malac: I am.
I've actually been able to train myself into inducing them at will during 30 minute naps.
It's the most wonderful thing in the world.
Sometimes I have problems with certain things or actions triggering awakening but I've managed to somewhat train myself to be able to do more and more things in it.

Child of Time said:
My goal was to cut out my whole face. Then I would use my cut-out face to make a mask that looked exactly like me.

..And the mask was meant for me to use.
Thank god your IQ wakes up with you every morning, ah?
I feel better :) Now I'm going to Prague. The problem is: I'm going all alone. Who will I talk to or who will take photos of me?..

MagSec4, thanks for wishing me good luck. I'd gladly get some friends to visit Sweden but I don't think anybody wants to be disturbed. One must write the reason of my arrival and to pay money to embassy. Hey, if you're going to Russia I can give you a special invitation;)
Welcome everybody to my modest cottage!
Hiljainen, that's too bad because I was sure I'll be in Sweden this holiday. They said to me that I can emigrate...
Gtranquillity, thanks for help! ;)
Dark Jester, there are realy lots of problems with visa in Russia> Not only with visa :(
There is "heavy metal" everywhere in Russia
Thank you, Ethereal Sage! :) Though I don't have tickets yet but I hope as soon as possible I get them. I hope you'll see the photos ;)