We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

Yesterday i dreamt of the person i was sleeping next to, and when i woke up i wasn't sure if the stuff had really happened or not, it was weird :p I did realise that it was a dream quickly though. Last night i had a nightmare about the same person, but he wasn't with me this time :p
Hahaha. :D

Actually, I had a weird dream last night, but now that I go to remember it, I can't. All I know is that for some reason when I got up to take a shower, I headed back to my room because I thought I needed my apartment keys to get into my bathroom. :s

i dreamt i was going on a flight somewhere, and the airplane was so small inside that i had to crawl through it with all my luggage, and it looked inflatable from the inside... when i finally took seat i saw a pornstar on the other side who was using her built-in-bath in that airplane to remove makeup and get ready for bed, while she was talking to an old guy when we are supposed to take off. i watched out of the window and finally realized that i was in a bus instead of an aeroplane, and concluded that this has to be the bus which is gonna take me to the airport. oh, and i had my mom and sister along with my while dragging the luggage, but i lost them somehow as i was in the bycicle storage inflatable compartment.

why can't i just dream of shagging, or something else less weird?
the problem being, i never ever flew in my life. the dream was probably triggered because i bought a ticket for a flight in december to celebrate the new year in finland. but that was almost a week ago, and right now it's definetely too early to think about it... hmm.
Monroe said:
MagSec4, thanks for wishing me good luck. I'd gladly get some friends to visit Sweden but I don't think anybody wants to be disturbed. One must write the reason of my arrival and to pay money to embassy. Hey, if you're going to Russia I can give you a special invitation ;)
Well thank you, I appreciate that. And I just might hold you to it some day.

Caelestia said:
I know I had a dream but the only thing I remember is Magsec was in it and it was a fun dream!
Kov said:
Such scandal! :p
Caelestia said:
Nah, it would have been if you were in it as well :p

(not that it was that type of dream)
And what type of dream was it? Do tell.
I honestly don’t remember, believe me, I wish I could. We probably hung out and did some exploring or something. That’s the second dream with you making a guest appearance.
I don't remember much of my dream last night...I think I have a few melded together.

In the first-ish one, I was in a tracksuit, jogging along a road in the late afternoon, closer to dusk. I saw a group of guys on the path to one side of the road throwing a football around. As I went past, the ball flew out and hit me, not hard, but I initially kept on jogging. Soon after I came back the way I had just come from, the ball came by again. I picked it up and threw it back, but the guys were already running towards me and they started to bash me.
After that, all I remember is coming out of hospital and a meeting had been arranged between the leader of the gang and myself (the leader was under arrest and handcuffed, etc). The rest of that dream was made up of what seemed to be making the gang leader see the error of his ways...and somehow we came to be friends. Weird.

My other dream was shorter. I was a customer in a suburban store of some type, maybe like a hiking store layout. A lady who worked there came and asked me if I needed any help. She didn't look too happy. I was about to say I was ok for the moment and sk her how she was doing, when a gunman came through the door. He demanded money and told the lady who worked there to come with him. There was a hint in his voice that this was somewhat planned. The lasy hesitated a little, looking towards the back of the shop, but then complied and almost hurried out of there. I had the feeling the woman had just eloped from a life she wasn't happy with. A man came out from the back, asking what had happened. I think he was the partner/husband of the woman who just left.

Does anybody see anything apart from weirdness in my recollections?
Ok, bizarre dream last night, but this is kinda how they normally go.

On vacation with family. Talking with someone outside a room, I'm wearing only a sheet. Grandma type lady comes and tries to pick up the sheet and walk off with it. I yank it, call her a bitch, and she goes flying. I walk away. Someone says some shit to me, but I can't tell who. Tell my dad about it all, and he just ignores me or blatantly laughs in my face. I walk off very upset, and somehow have normal clothes on. We all have to go see some show. The building is part of the hotel-type place we're at, which is looking more and more like some demented office-building. I walk out halfway through the show when two people burst in through the exit right behind us and ask me to come with them. I can tell they are familiar, though I do not recognize them from anywhere. We head out to their car, which is actually the Ghostbusters car, complete with suits and stuff. I change into one. We go to drive away, but I stop them, saying I left someone behind. I head back to where we came out, but it's a different part of the building now - like some odd day care center. I stumble around for a while, trying to find my way, until I see a receptionist's desk. I ask her how to get to where I was, which I can no longer remember. She brings up a security camera that has been tracking me, and tells me where to go. She says I can 'take the chutes'. I look over, and there's these two tiny tubes in the wall. I get into the right one like she says, and lower myself feet first. It's very claustrophobic, and I quickly realize I can't do it. But now, my whole body is in the chute, and I'm having trouble breathing. I eventually get out, and some famous actor-guy gets out behind me with his personal assistant screaming something about how he can't stand up. I turn past the desk I saw before, and see these huge double doors, with a sign that says "Not the secret hideout". Two security guards show up, and I bust in with them, and look around. No one. The one guard laughs, and pushes a button, and the doors close behind us. I run towards them, and the one just opens - I look at the guard, and he curses about forgetting to lock them. So then all these guys in business attire rush out Bully Brawl style and we all start fighting Matrix-style. But not really fighting - I hit two guys, but then everyone is basically stumbling around and slow-motion tripping and crazy shit. Finally I'm surrounded, and I knock a guy to the floor, and twist his head entirely around on his neck. Everyone stops and says "Shit, he's serious."

That's when I woke up.

Child of Time said:
Last night I dreamt that our cat looked exactly like our dog, but cat-sized. :err:
:lol: That's awesome!

I had some really strange dreams last night and this morning :s For some reason they were interesting though, and i had to keep sleeping in the morning just to see the rest of the dream.
First dream..I killed Lasse :s And he was wearing a girls' shirt :p
Second dream..I accidentally killed the singer of one of my favorite bands :/ Then the dream went on about that for ages, some weird stuff happened and i kept crying about killing him, and wished it hadn't happened, but then somehow i talked to the guy about his death even though he was dead. There were lots of people around and i kept admitting that it was my fault he died. And suddenly i was with Timppa, one of my friends from school, and i asked him how he felt about Toni dying, and admitted that his death was my fault, and Timppa tried to help me somehow.
Then some stuff happened and blah blah blah, and i ended up snowboarding at the place where Toni had died, and there was a huge snow-storm there. Some weird things happened there, and at some point i was with Lunde :zombie: No idea why he was in the dream..
Then i was with my sister and mom, and we were going home. I argued with mom on the way home and she made me feel like crap, then we went to my sister's place and some weird stuff happened and i was scared to death and pissed at my mom. And when i got home Tintti and Ville were here :err: Gods there's something wrong with my brain :p *shakes head*
In the second of my dreams last night, I was going to a big school in a foreign country (no idea which one though). I was late, and because I'd have to give an excuse, preferably in the foreign language and not English, I felt I needed to look up the foreign word for "bike". Normally I looked up words using the big computer dictionary which was embedded into the wall of the room-sized lift, but for some reason it wasn't switched on, so instead I had to go down to the basement for help. Once there, one side of the lift opened up and there were a few people there in some sort of help centre, but I ignored them and tried to start up this computer on my own. I got the power on, but needed to initialise something, and all the instructions were in the foreign language, so I didn't know what to do. Then some old woman in a bad mood pointed out that on one of the screens was in English and I should pay attention to what I was doing. Then I woke up. :zombie:
Kov: That's quite a bit you actually remembered..
..and it had the coherence and plot development of a bad hollywood sequel :p

I had a series of nightmares last night. One involved a possessed dog chasing and mauling me with insane viciousness ..the dream came complete with pain and everything :/
Another involved a green alligator, the size of a bus, bursting up from the floor of an abandoned-house's living room. It swallowed me and a bunch of people in the end.
A third involved a group of strange women stabbing me with butter knives.
And finally, one in which there was some sort of bright-red demon plant creature emerging from deep in hell :)zombie: ) and out through the dirt surface.