We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

:lol: Nonono, this was really TIGHT. Definitely a lot tighter than on your pics, I'm thinking 80s tight.

Last night's dreams were also quite odd, I'll need a while to work out what happened and separate them from each other.
I had a nice dream.

I was back at university for graduation, except it was a posh and preppy one. And I'd found the perfect guy for me. We were fooling around during the ceremony, and had to hide in the closet. However, the closet had a glass door o_O

Still, it was nice.
:lol::lol: @ Rusty's Gav dream :'D

I had another BTD dream last night :eek: Went to see them live at Tavastia, but there was something fucked up about it..And i kept talking to the guy who was standing next to me there. Then suddenly i was somewhere else, and there was another BTD gig coming up, but also an Apulanta gig at the same time :eek: And i was terrified :lol: I was like "omgomg well i choose BTD of course, i'm going to see them. BUT I CAN'T MISS APULANTA EITHER :cry:" :lol: Then i ended up seeing the Apulanta gig, but Toni stopped singing after like two lines, and suddenly he was standing next to me and we were drinking Gin and talking, and then he kissed me :'D Gods i'm insane :'D
Last night was a Tuska dream and something really really weird happened to Lina... I think she turned into someone else and then did... something... Oh I can't remember properly now. :(
I keep dreaming of the people i'm sleeping next to :s The other night i was sleeping next to Allu, and i dreamt that we were talking, but then i woke up and was like "errr, did we talk to each other while we were asleep or something" lol. And that happened with someone else too..AGAIN.
I wonder when i'll actually say something while i'm asleep :p Wouldn't be the first time anyway though :'D
OnyxD said:
All My dreams in the last 2 weeks have been about me dying in various ways. First one i died by being shoved into a volcano, Second one i got shot in the face, Third one i got ripped apart by wolves, Fourth one i got my head chopped off, Fifth one i died of alchohol poisoning, and then after that I started losing track.
Damn, dude!
what have you been on?

Rusty: :lol:
Thought: I need more dinner. I'm not full yet.
Logical solution: Cook more dinner. ;)

Dream: To really get my life back on track. I've come a long way already, but there's one piece missing right now.

Feeling: Like I had too many beers last night in proportion to what I'm used to...
I seem to have the same 2 dreams over and over - I think that I'm looking for something ?
Dream #1 - I'm either driving or walking down this country road - I can only see trees and the road and this scene goes on forever -
Dream #2 - I'm on top of a very tall building as I look out over a city and see no signs of life - my only thought is I can't get down from here -
i had a great dream last night :D i hung out with the Spice Girls, mostly Emma :D :D <3

me and Emma went for a ride with my bike, she sat on the back thingy, and we fell and i had to go to the hospital :/
Last night I had a long dream where I killed a vampire. I suffocated him somehow with the water he was drinking at the very moment... o_O Before and after that, I was sneaking around in his house looking for something to loot. It was quite scary, but not like a nightmare.

A a couple of weeks ago, I dreamt that I was a rabbit, and some sort of aged master rabbit was showing me around in the tracts, telling me about secret holes and magic tunnels. Myself, I had a couple of 'rabbit spells' that I could use to make the rabbit's everyday life easier. o_O
The coolest dream i had a few months ago included me killing some kind of evil female spirit, perhaps a banshee or smt, and i did it by using telekinesis and thought-control, and some small broken scissors. :Spin:
Siren said:
..using telekinesis, thought control, and some small broken scissors

I had a nice dream last night..
A person who's usually afraid of me for some reason, wasn't so in this dream ..and came to my door and handed me a little note on a neatly folded paper that had a strange, but pure and soothing scent; gave me a hug (it was such a nice, warm, tender hug); and smiled and left. I was about to read the little note, but then I woke up :/