We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

@idari: we'll rename you machinegun santtu or something. :p

i had a very unusual dream last night. i had the definite feeling that everything was going great for me and everyone i like was practically at my feet. for some reason, all the interactions happened in a cathedral that had been partially converted into office space.
@ CoT: Yeah :erk: My dreams are really weird :p

Last night i dreamt that I SAW BTD LIVE OGMFGMKLJSPÖFOSIR DGKGFJ <3<3<3<3 ;D;D;D;D;D;D;D;D;D sgfljspgoodg :') :eek: The gig wasn't nearly as good as they really are live though, but i talked to some nice people there, and hung out with Tuomas and Dani and Panu. Hehehe ^_^
I'm very outgoing in my dreams lately. Last night I was just about to travel somewhere and left at a decent time to catch my flight, when I realised I didn't have a hotel to stay in when I got there. So instead I went into town and to a travel agent there, because I thought I could still book a hotel and be at the airport in time to catch the flight with time to spare. I ended up having to queue for ages, and when it was finally my turn the travel agent couldn't access the right computer system from that building, so we had to go to another one. We ran to catch a tram, because I was now quite late, and I only just managed to get on it before it left. At this point I realised it would've been easier to book somewhere myself online from home. Anyway the tram turned out to be a foreign (again I don't know what country) one, and the driver only spoke a foreign language, not English. Luckily the travel agent spoke this language too, and told me the fee was 5e. I fumbled about in my pocket for the money, and then the tram crashed into something because the driver was speeding due to my lateness. I flew through the front window of the tram and must hav died because I woke up at that point.
I had the worst dream of my life the other night. I would tell you only I wouldnt want to inflict it on you, and you'd probably think Im insane... Which I totally am NOT. I have no Idea why it came out of my mind, but it did. :cry: I never want another dream like that again.
King Chaos said:
I had the worst dream of my life the other night. I would tell you only I wouldnt want to inflict it on you, and you'd probably think Im insane... Which I totally am NOT. I have no Idea why it came out of my mind, but it did. :cry: I never want another dream like that again.

Yep, bare fists would've been much better. Or maybe even the faithful headbutt, I'm getting quite good at hitting things with my forehead. :)

@Gav: sounds damn weird. Hopefully tonight you get fluffy bunnies and daffodils... unlesa that was what freaked you out last night. :erk:

Fortunately I can't remember any details about last night, because I have a feeling there were some really dodgy things going on and I woke up feeling really uneasy.
Rusty said:
@Gav: sounds damn weird. Hopefully tonight you get fluffy bunnies and daffodils... unlesa that was what freaked you out last night. :erk:


Yeah I slept much better last night. The thing I hate about dreams is that it's something in your subconscious playing out infront of you, like the inner workings of your mind put into a movie, so the fact that the first dream I remember in about 4 months was just so disturbing worries me. I felt happy and normal till that dream, now I actually smell mental illness.

It could have had something to do with the fact that me and my friend were talking about Takeshi Miike films and how they are insanely violent. I remember actually saying his films are baisically the sickest thing the mind can conjour put on to screen.

I wish I remebered happy dreams.
I dreampt someone came speeding down the road and pulled into my driveway and smashed my truck. Then it was all over the news, and people came from all over to see the wreckage because of the odd stupidity of the driver, but I didn't know what happened, because I was busy explaining the principles of black metal to my father. If that's not weird, well... I do know what is, but I can't remember right now...
i dreamt that i woke up at about 1am, and was quite happy about that, since i had to be up early, and had still plenty of time for further sleep. but like half an hour later the real alarm clock went off :-/
Okay, this might be a bit strange, but last night I dreamed mainly about King Chaos. :p I can't remember much of it, but at one point we were being chased by a load of evil blokes. Also Gav was carrying two of his and his girlfriend's babies, with a third and older child following on his feet (sorry if I'm getting waaaaay into the future here, Gav :p). But, we managed to get into a lift in my grandparents' house (which hasn't actually got a lift... shush), and went up to the top floor. As long as we stayed in the lift and kept pressing the button to keep the lift doors open, the evil men couldn't call the lift back down to follow us, so we were safe. I told Gav to keep the button pressed while I went to take his children to the secret exit. So I started taking the oldest one, but I noticed straight away that Gav was following me, and the evil men had called the lift back down. I told Gav to hurry up... but for some reason he put his babies on the floor and started rolling them along the floor and up these few steps that were in the corridor. :lol: This wasn't going fast enough for him, so he then concentrated on rolling one at a time, but as he rolled one of them, the other one fell back down the steps. That's all I can remember. :guh:

Oh also, Gav's hair was in a really tight perm. That was odd. :p
Rusty said:
I told Gav to hurry up... but for some reason he put his babies on the floor and started rolling them along the floor and up these few steps that were in the corridor. :lol: This wasn't going fast enough for him, so he then concentrated on rolling one at a time, but as he rolled one of them, the other one fell back down the steps. That's all I can remember. :guh:
Hahahahaha, that made me laugh out loud.
All My dreams in the last 2 weeks have been about me dying in various ways. First one i died by being shoved into a volcano, Second one i got shot in the face, Third one i got ripped apart by wolves, Fourth one i got my head chopped off, Fifth one i died of alchohol poisoning, and then after that I started losing track.
Rusty said:
Okay, this might be a bit strange, but last night I dreamed mainly about King Chaos. :p I can't remember much of it, but at one point we were being chased by a load of evil blokes. Also Gav was carrying two of his and his girlfriend's babies, with a third and older child following on his feet (sorry if I'm getting waaaaay into the future here, Gav :p). But, we managed to get into a lift in my grandparents' house (which hasn't actually got a lift... shush), and went up to the top floor. As long as we stayed in the lift and kept pressing the button to keep the lift doors open, the evil men couldn't call the lift back down to follow us, so we were safe. I told Gav to keep the button pressed while I went to take his children to the secret exit. So I started taking the oldest one, but I noticed straight away that Gav was following me, and the evil men had called the lift back down. I told Gav to hurry up... but for some reason he put his babies on the floor and started rolling them along the floor and up these few steps that were in the corridor. :lol: This wasn't going fast enough for him, so he then concentrated on rolling one at a time, but as he rolled one of them, the other one fell back down the steps. That's all I can remember. :guh:

Oh also, Gav's hair was in a really tight perm. That was odd. :p


Thats insane! I'm officially the most retarded and annoying dream character on the plannet :p.

After disobeying you're "Hold the button" request, and then trying to roll my three children up some stairs - you decide that me "having a tight perm" is "odd"... :lol: I baisically do have a tight perm :lol:.