We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

idari said:
HAHA! How could you possibly think that i was going to marry my sister?! wtf is wrong with you :lol:
Like you can talk! :p

idari said:
And apparently i was getting ready for my wedding. They washed my hair and helped me put on my wedding dress.

idari said:
One of my sisters was wearing a wedding dress, and apparently the other one was a bridesmaid.

idari said:
This is where something weird happened, that i won't tell here :p

idari said:
Then it was time to walk down the aisle and......I MARRIED MY SISTER :| :erk:
Though I could see where it was headed before your 'something weird comment'. If you were in a wedding dress (not a bridesmade) and kept reffering to getting ready for "My wedding", and one of your sisters was also wearing a wedding dress...... It's called 'reading between the lines' dear, something you don't appear to have the knack for.
I never really remember my dreams. Whether that's a good sign or not, I dont know. I sometimes do, but then my dreams never really make sense. Mostly one dream changes and becomes another dream so that there's no story to tell. And I rarely have nightmares, but if I do, it's about things that make a lot of noise.. whatever that means :err:
Hopefully I will remember my dreams tonight. I'm going to try to think about a certain subject as I'm drifting to sleep, to see if my conscious thoughts affect the subject of my unconscious dreams.
Spike said:
Though I could see where it was headed before your 'something weird comment'. If you were in a wedding dress (not a bridesmade) and kept reffering to getting ready for "My wedding", and one of your sisters was also wearing a wedding dress...... It's called 'reading between the lines' dear, something you don't appear to have the knack for.
Well duh, it was obvious after i mentioned that she was also wearing a wedding dress..I just thought you realised BEFORE that..Like after the first 5 lines or something :p
Guess you didn't read my original reply too closesly then?

Knowing how your mind works (to an extent) I started getting an inkling about 11 lines in, couldn't 'confirm' it though so to speak, until the 'something weird' comment.
Yeah, but none of my relatives is hawt. :( Not that I dream anyway. (would this then constitute spam?)

Today I dreamed about Dirk and me having sex. Before you go eww, it was totally not erotic, more like a documentary. We were just going at it and he had this bored expression the whole time. Finally he said, "You suck at this." (No punny remarks please :p)

This has got to stop! :erk:
I had a weird dream where i had this mission, i was helping some weird people turning the world into evil. There were witches and this weird boss woman who told us what to do. It was kind of creepy but fun :p
I also had a silly nightmare though :/
Caelestia said:

Today I dreamed about Dirk and me having sex. Before you go eww, it was totally not erotic, more like a documentary.
Just as long as you didn't have David Attenborough standing in the corner of the room disguised as a lamp and whispering in a harsh vouce for everyone to hear "this....is the mating ritual of *yadda yadda yadda*"[/droll Attenborough accent]

No? ;)

Could be worse, it coulda been in black and white.
I dreamed of our group coming back from Wacken.. but instead of the ones who went there, there was a friend of mine, who's more into gothic music, a girl I dont even have contact with anymore, who's very religious and who'd NEVER go there, and another girl who doesnt even have a taste in music as far as I know.. and other people who I dont remember.
Or maybe it was a Wacken-dream that was about to fade out and the other persons were part of the new dream?
See.. this is how much my dreams make sense!
I was being set up last night. Some kind of murder had been committed and I just somehow knew this dodgy-looking bloke was trying to set me up for it. I was in the middle of town when I found this out, so I decided just to take the bus home and work out what to do about it, but then for some reason I realised there was some kind of swag from this murder, and I decided that if I was going to get set up for it then at least I'd actually get the swag and hide it so I'd have some money (clever, eh?). So I went back into town and to where I suddenly knew this swag was hidden, which was up a big fixed ladder on the side of a building near the uni. I was half way up this ladder when I saw the dodgy bloke come sneaking around the corner looking at me. I nonchalently slipped back down the ladder and started walking away, but this bloke walked the same way as me. For some reason I wasn't actually sure if he was following me or not, so I went up to this fruit stall and bought some fruit, and he did the same. Then I walked off, and he did too, but then I quickly went back and exchanged the fruit. He then did this too at the same time, so I knew he was following me now, though oddly enough he started making smalltalk to me at this point. I then walked off, and with him still following me, I turned two quick corners and then went into the nearest door I could see in order to lose him. This worked, but I found myself in some kind of student house which was a real shithole and I think everyone in it was on drugs or something and they weren't happy that I was there. I woke up after that.
The first dream last night involved me going into a castle and having to fight my way past a lot of monsters, trying to get to the top of the tallest tower to either kill the boss or rescue the princess, or probably both. It was straight from Zelda I suppose, but made more... grown up and less cartoony.

In the second dream, all I can remember is on of Santtu's cats, Jalle, coming just outside the door of my room. I went out to him and started stroking him, and after a few minutes he rolled over, looked at me, and said "You know Rus, sometimes I wish I was a heavy metal dog so I could get pregnant". :|
and a few nights ago i dreamt Jaimie (from song of fire and ice) betrayed and then killed Tyrion :S

edit: sorry violet, i clicked on "edit" instead of "reply" by mistake. didn't mean to mess with your post, i'm just not ok today
Violet Baudelaire said:
and a few nights ago i dreamt Jaimie (from song of fire and ice) betrayed and then killed Tyrion :S
i'm actually convinced at some point jaime will die to save tyrion's life. only, spoilers for the next book seem to hint at the two of them being geographically a long way from each other. then again, if you had seen cersei doing the same, your dream would have been too boring, i admit it.
:O you deleted the part of my post where i said i had dreamt about being pregnant
is pregnancy in some way against the forum rules?


just kidding... and im in the 3rd book already :D