We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

Violet Baudelaire said:
:O you deleted the part of my post where i said i had dreamt about being pregnant
is pregnancy in some way against the forum rules?
absolutely. i'm working on a list of new things whose mention goes against forum rules. according to the new regime you're allowed to talk about... let's see... oh, there it is:

1. birds
2. pneumonia
3. james joyce

that's more or less it, i'm sorry.

just kidding... and im in the 3rd book already :D
i was referring to spoilers about the 4th, a feast for crows. martin's been reading parts of it at book signings and stuff. if you're interested, check out www.westeros.org and their community.
Rusty said:
In the second dream, all I can remember is one of Santtu's cats, Jalle, coming just outside the door of my room. I went out to him and started stroking him, and after a few minutes he rolled over, looked at me, and said "You know Rus, sometimes I wish I was a heavy metal dog so I could get pregnant". :|
:lol::lol::lol: *literally dying of laughter*

*calms down*

Violet Baudelaire said:
edit: sorry violet, i clicked on "edit" instead of "reply" by mistake. didn't mean to mess with your post, i'm just not ok today
What's new? :rolleyes:

idari said:
They belonged to some random girl..I didn't do anything, just looked at them and got jealous :cry: I have no idea why she was jumping in front of me without a shirt :err:
This is why I wish I dreamed* **

*At all

**Like that. :(
I remember many dreams I had last night because I kept waking up throughout the night :/

In one of them, I dreamt I was in some sort of festival, having a discussion with Malaclypse ..on philosophy and some book about Opeth I had in my hand.
I did the weirdest dream ever last night, i don't remember much of it, but it did involve trips and living with people that in reality i barely know and haven't seen for at least a year. There was also a visit to a park, like a lunapark where some toys (the ones you win at some game i think) were dividing themsleves into little pieces and similar stuff. We were doing weird stuff too. It would be interesting if that dream came true :p
Since this thread has become a "dream-only" sort of thread, I'm gonna talk about my last night dream. This time there weren't hot chicks trying to take my clothes off, I was in sort of a big shopping mall with my parents. Consequently, I rapidly obeyed to my addiction's requirements and addressed myself to the music section of the place. When I reached the DVD zone, I saw a new special edition of "Exposures..." with a beautiful artwork and the Damage Live DVD included, so I started hesitating whether I had to buy it or not. It was one of those big book-shaped editions that the label "Inside Out" is doing the last years (take a look to the Transatlantic or The Flower Kings DVD to conceive a clearer idea of what I'm talking about).

The fact is that I made up the whole artwork in my dream, it was so nice that catched my attention just because of that, so if Nikklas is interested, I can try and dream every night about new artwork. The fastest creation process ever!!! :p

Ahh! Now I remember I had a dream. This morning in the bathroom I told myself to remember it, and forgot till now. Hehe. Only recall fragments...

I was at work and my new task was to sell an aphrodisiac with a cat involved. I think it was a cat. It was really cute and I had to manoeuvre it through a room full of big ugly turtles like in a video game. I still don't see how that helps to sell the product! But that's advertising for ya ;)

My boss told me I was doing a great job and asked me to stay on with a promotion in the very near future. Next thing I knew I was in my old secondary school classroom for a math class. Instructions on the board and a fresh blank exercise book on my desk and I had no idea what to do. That bit was boring...

I believe my dream also included a sausage that wasn't really a sausage. But I forget what that's all about :guh:
Well, today i woke up at 6:45 by a nightmare.. I don't remember much about it, but it included ultimatemetal and some freaky popups of some x-rays, that i tried to close over and over but couldn't (the close button wouldn't work, and when one finally closed another one would appear).

I've been having many dreams lately, but that's pretty much the only one i feel like talking about..
I dreamt that I was drinking with Dick Cheney and George Bush :lol: (and some other guy.. I wonder why there are people in my dreams who I dont know at all :err: )

Anyway.. we sat around this table and this Vodka bottle was passed around.. and suddenly, George Bush empties it with a few huge gulps and Im like "WTF man, you'll get yourself killed!"
Then somebody knocked on the door and his wife came in with some security guys and I said "Hey, better take care of your husband, he just drank all our booze..."
That's all I remember.. I wonder why I dream shit like that.. but at least it was funny :D
Socks. My brother kept taking my socks (this actually happens, too), so I decided to buy him some for his birthday. But then I overheard him, dad, and mum talking about buying new clothes for him, and mum told him to buy new socks for himself. I got really angry at my idea being taken, so I tied them all to the dishwasher. :err:

Later, or in another dream, I was with Li (probably) in a shopping centre, and Dirk came walking up to us. For some reason he was boasting about how nobody could follow him, that he could lose anyone who tried it. He was being really obnoxious about it. Then he walked off, so I suggested to Li that I follow him and give him a decent kicking. So I did, but then for some reason the dream changed a bit and it was some weird girl who had done all the boasting and who I was following.
Here we go again.

Last night, more like this morning, a group of us UMers were sneaking into some sort of school one night, since there was some sort of event going on there... maybe a council meeting or some such thing. Anyway the last time we'd tried this sort of thing, only two or three of us went in to do whatever it was we did, and we didn't get caught. But this time there were at least twenty of us all trying to sneak in, only we didn't do it with any subtlety whatsoever. We just clung together in one big group and tiptoed around this school. Whispering loudly to each other. :)

As we got closer to the hall I realised there was no chance we would make it, and I told Rahvin that we should split up. But Rahvin wasn't keen on the idea, he wanted to keep us all together, and Nick agreed with him, so we stayed together. After a few more seconds though I decided to go out of the nearest door and try a different approach on my own, just as some sort of security officer found the rest of the group and caught them. I managed to get away though, since I had a head start from just leaving.

At this point Rahvin kept texting me, telling me to come and rescue everyone because I was the only one not caught. However I knew that since they'd only just been caught they'd be under a close guard, and I thought it would be better if I went away and waited a while before rescuing them, since any guards wouldn't be so alert. So while Rahvin's texts got more and more angry, I went back to my house and called a couple of friends to help me rescue everyone, one of whom, Rob, was a Royal Marine (and is in real life too, not just in this dream).

We made a plan, but when we finally decided to leave to do it, Rob's sister came up to us and started taunting him about how big he was, and how he had man-tits and ate too much. Rob disproved this by showing that he couldn't lick his own nipples, so he didn't have man-tits at all. And that's all I can remember.

I haven't read all of Rusty's post as I just woke and I'm in a hurry. But my dream involves nipples too! :cool:

First half: A certain someone came home for the holidays. We helped a mother with an exorcism after her daughter (our friend supposedly) died. Then we went ice-skating. He was pretty good. We had heaps of fun then he had to run... literally. The thing was, he didnt tell me sooner so we had a dramatic farewell with intense eye-gazing and lingering kisses. Haha. And I ended up feeling lost again. Ugh, first half of the dream was crappy. After he left, I went on to become a ping pong champion and for some reason represented San Francisco :err:

Second half: I was with someone who resembles a certain superior. After awhile he morphed into Takeshi :D Thngs were really heating up and I was actually HAPPY. Then my mum woke me. Perfect. As usual.

i dream of going all over europe(starting with gothenburg) to watch every show available to me(especially wacken), and football too...