We Are The Void

@ need a job, DisplayofNoCharacter...
Even though I'm dyslexic, I can spell La Rocque correctly
as for not downloading, it comes from how I was raised
my Parents always taught me not to take anything unless the owner
gave me permission to do so, so if you want to steal ... steal away
all that does is makes you a thief
*I've been waiting for someone to say everyone does it*
this is a rerun ...
I used to say to my Dad, everyone does it
He replied, if everyone jumped off a tall building would you?
I've updated the above for all the thieving downloaders
Everyone is fucking your 8 your old sister
I'm might as well fuck her, everyone else is

a favor, Please don't compare me anyone
my friends call me 'the groove' or 'groove' you can even use Dave
Remember its all Dave and all night -
@ need a job, DisplayofNoCharacter...
Even though I'm dyslexic, I can spell La Rocque correctly
as for not downloading, it comes from how I was raised
my Parents always taught me not to take anything unless the owner
gave me permission to do so, so if you want to steal ... steal away
all that does is makes you a thief
*I've been waiting for someone to say everyone does it*
this is a rerun ...
I used to say to my Dad, everyone does it
He replied, if everyone jumped off a tall building would you?
I've updated the above for all the thieving downloaders
Everyone is fucking your 8 your old sister
I'm might as well fuck her, everyone else is

a favor, Please don't compare me anyone
my friends call me 'the groove' or 'groove' you can even use Dave
Remember its all Dave and all night -

Hope you had as much fun writing that as I did reading it. My apologies for misspelling your name. As for your assessment of my potential employment, please know I work two part-timers to pay bills and go to class full time (out of my own pocket to boot, because I am that everyman), and still have time to read a diatribe as to why the clear favorite common-sense distribution method for now and the future is wrong morally.

Digital distribution is the future, it increases awareness of the artist for free (saves advertising money). It promotes purchasing tickets and merch (by creating fans) which directly supports the artist; CDs directly support the record companies and their owners. Though paid digital downloads support the artist with a higher percentage of money per song, the distribution method (itunes, amazon, emusic, whatever) and label take bigger cuts than necessary. DRM is a deterrent as well. I don't keep songs I don't like, and I see as many bands that I like as I can. I can only vouch for myself in that last respect, but there is no data (not manufactured by record companies) that proves downloading has any baring on physical sales whatsoever. Its a scapegoat for money-hungry corporations that also want to sell the individual a lifestyle (which can be said by a ton of record companies). Like so many other things, its indicative of bigger problems, fundamental problems I won't rant on about.

But hey, I have to figure out how I'm going to sleep tonight amongst all my thievery. Hopefully the music will help.
Obviously my tastes have changed since 1996/97 - I listen to a lot of music that almost everyone here hates

You might be surprised, at least about the hating part. I remember when every other user on this board made it abundantly clear that punk/rap/jazz/disco were horrible things the world wouldn't have missed had they disappeared overnight, but it was a long time ago and I think those statements had a lot to do with trying to be acknowledged as belonging to the metal posse, whatever that was. I'd be surprised if any of the regulars we have left would be less than accepting, precisely because everyone's tastes have changed since 1996/97 (or, in some atrocious cases of old age, even earlier).

I just don't find the new material awe-inspiring, breathtaking, amazing, ingenious, or even interesting, which is how all of their material since Skydancer struck me.

And I wasn't trying to convince you you should. It's more a question of hearing a new record and thinking "this band is going down the drain" or thinking "I'm just not into these things like I used to". This is not for the sake of DT, of course - thousands of people are keener today to testify they're brilliant than they were in 1996, and yet this doesn't necessarily make it more true - but your own: I remember listening with expectation to new songs from my favorite bands and being disappointed, on occasion. I remember the hurt. Somehow if I realized it wasn't about them being crappy but about me being into all sorts of other things (or just feeling disenchanted and cynical about music, or something) it would help a little.

About downloading, I wanted to say something a while ago after a very interesting post that tackled the "theft" issue, but I forgot and now it might be inappropriate and get way too long for everyone's good. Let's just say that, while being generally in favor, I'm not totally convinced by the "it's not theft because you don't leave anybody without" theory. Or rather, ok, it might not be "theft" as such, but that doesn't automatically mean it should be legal.

Other considerations, such as whether it hurts the artists and why, should maybe be addressed elsewhere if enough people want to talk about it.
As far as I can tell the only thing LaRocque and Lars Ulrich have in common is they both really like background noise. :confused:
Since now and until the 26th you can stream "We Are The Void" on band's MySpace.

Hope I can resist that another temptation...

I thought it was about something related to war
Nice suggestion. But it sees more like about addiction because of this - "This is the last time - I am now done with this. I carry my nothing every single day"
couldnt resist Irridium.... one of the best DT songs ever. Period. I must have som sort of telepathic gift cuz this track is exactly what i always wanted DT to make :-)
Since now and until the 26th you can stream "We Are The Void" on band's MySpace.

Hope I can resist that another temptation...

Yeah, it's like not getting laid before getting married or something - it's kinda proper according to some, but soooo fuuuuckiiing stuuupid (according to me).

Don't be a purist bitch :D Imagine dying tomorrow (or getting your eardrums punctures) before hearing THIS (!)
About downloading, I wanted to say something a while ago after a very interesting post that tackled the "theft" issue, but I forgot and now it might be inappropriate and get way too long for everyone's good. Let's just say that, while being generally in favor, I'm not totally convinced by the "it's not theft because you don't leave anybody without" theory. Or rather, ok, it might not be "theft" as such, but that doesn't automatically mean it should be legal.

My only point was that using "theft" is completely inaccurate. Personally, I still don't have a problem with file sharing, but attempting to use theft to describe it shows an inability to argue with any real depth. There are financial arguments for creators and consumers, there are ethical issues, cultural issues, and so on. But ignoring the distinction between copyright infringement and theft is just obnoxious. Thieves hurt so that they can have. File sharers just have.

At any rate, I'm really impressed with anyone who waited this last month to hear the album. I personally think it's the best one yet, and those of you who haven't opened your present yet will be wonderfully surprised.
Oh what a weird album. It's MySpace quality, so that obviously doesn't help. I think that there're excellent songs (The Fatalist comes to mind), but there're others I just didn't like at all (hated?).

Mikael's clean vocals are strange, they sound very In-Flamish at times (here comes the flaming :rolleyes:). There were some very unconventional vocals in Iridium singing along Mikael too. I'm pretty sure it's not him, so I wonder who's the other guy singing.

Definitely a grower, but I don't like it as much as I wished I could (at least for the first listen).

I think the band is relying a tad too much on Martin B.'s wonderful keyboard arrangements. There're some very weak riffs IMO, and even if the keyboard makes the song sound good/pleasant to my ears, some riffs are still weak.

This is just my first listen, so I'm pretty sure my opinion will change.
Yeah, it's like not getting laid before getting married or something - it's kinda proper according to some, but soooo fuuuuckiiing stuuupid (according to me).

Don't be a purist bitch :D Imagine dying tomorrow (or getting your eardrums punctures) before hearing THIS (!)

What's wrong with you? Are you going to claim that you have ever got laid before the marriage?!

Okay, you tempter-bitch! You got me! YOU GOT ME, MOTHERFUCKER!!!
I let myself a chance to hear one song and it was "The Fatalist". It's an amazing song. I'm ready to eat my words about it...

By the way, there is a new webisode dedicated to 20 Years Party, "We Are The Void" preview for journalists and "Where Death Is Most Alive" premiere

Can anybody who have already listened to album tell me, what was the part on 1:35 in this video? Is it really intro for "At The Point Of Ignition"? Sounds amazingly sick!
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Oh what a weird album. It's MySpace quality, so that obviously doesn't help. I think that there're excellent songs (The Fatalist comes to mind), but there're others I just didn't like at all (hated?).

Mikael's clean vocals are strange, they sound very In-Flamish at times (here comes the flaming :rolleyes:). There were some very unconventional vocals in Iridium singing along Mikael too. I'm pretty sure it's not him, so I wonder who's the other guy singing.

Definitely a grower, but I don't like it as much as I wished I could (at least for the first listen).

Hum, im 99% sure its him singing on all the songs! He does sound different but i think its def his voice, same character and accent...just deeper, somewhere between the dark rasping of haven and clean vocals of project. im sure its him, perhaps with the exception on one line on irridium just before the chorus...

Just listen to Irridium, Arkhangelsk, At the point of ignition... i think this is the best album so far.
Yeah, I'm gonna say that this is the best one yet. It is undeniable that this is generally less heavy than Fiction, so that's going to turn a lot of people off.

But really, in turning towards the keys for more melody, something new and beautiful has been crafted. Could you imagine the Dark Tranquillity of three years ago writing something like Arkhangelsk? That song still steals my breath with the intro. Slow, melodic, and dark.

Also, the awesome stereo riff in "I am the void"? I'm not sure if the MySpace stream might be in mono, but that riff is awesome on the album.
Can anybody who have already listened to album tell me, what was the part on 1:35 in this video? Is it really intro for "At The Point Of Ignition"? Sounds amazingly sick!

It is...or actually, it was. We decided to drop it at the last minute mainly bacause we moved things around in the track list and "At the point of ignition" wasn´t the opener any more. We didn´t want that kind of intro in the middle of the album.
It might make a great extended opener for live shows, sort of like The Wonders At Your Feet. Nice buildup to get the crowd all psyched before the entire band comes in heavy.
It is...or actually, it was. We decided to drop it at the last minute mainly bacause we moved things around in the track list and "At the point of ignition" wasn´t the opener any more. We didn´t want that kind of intro in the middle of the album.

Too bad... I liked that part. Anyway I hope there's a chance for this part to be song-intro on the shows. Same way as "Misery's Crown" has only live intro

It might make a great extended opener for live shows, sort of like The Wonders At Your Feet. Nice buildup to get the crowd all psyched before the entire band comes in heavy.
Yeah, I know what you mean. Current intro (or at least in 2009) that is made of "Empty Me" quiet part really makes you psyched right when you hear it
Like I said in the post, I'm still debating if I like this more than Fiction (which could be my favorite DT album...competing with Projector and Character). This is a wonderfully evil album, and it grows more and more on me.

Favorite tracks so far are Her Silent Language, The Fatalist and At The Point Of Ignition. This seems to be a point of contention with the little lady, who is holding strong on Iridium and I Am The Void as the best tracks.

I just can't wait to get my preorder, so I can hear this thing in top notch quality.