what animals wouldn't you eat?

Lil' Miss Mayhem said:
Emu eggs....sounds good...does it give u as much gas as germans? this is the question. I also do not generally eat meat...the whole animals are my friends thing. Not that I am a tree hugging hippie (those dont have culture only agri culture) sheerly cuz shame man...shame...

Not much else i can say about that...hehehehehehe...
I know exactly what you're saying, although you didn't really say it. I mind read like that.

I only eat what I need, and even then I don't eat that much. I have a firm belief not to take from earth anymore than I need.

I'm a German, A kraut, and I haven't eaten one (shut up!) so, I don't really know about the meat to gas factor. I'm guessing it's 20 to 503.
DreamNeonBlack said:
I probably wouldn't eat weird meat offered to me. My friends always are sneaking shit in on me, then laughing and pointing when I gag on their trippy game food. Afer gagging, I hit them. Hard.
HA HA that could go some many dark, dark places.:tickled: :tickled: :tickled: :tickled:[/QUOTE]
yes, that could go many, many dark places. Most aren't ready for the speed of light beat down I give them, either. I'm not kidding. I will kick my best friends ass if she feeds me weird shit.
anything but what I always eat: chicken, pork, beef and fish. everything else is out of the question. of course, I do eat blood sausages :Spin: :D

(... whenever there is a chance, meaning, even if we get to see them on TV, metalized convinces me how delicious snails are. :err: :ill: )
Brother Marquis said:
It's funny you quoted me and I'm not even saying word, and it's also funny how that link doesn't lead to my thread. Now I've just pwn56 you twice in our first meeting. :Smug:

Word :Smokin:
When the first "pwn56"? When was the second? I fail to see your imaginary victory. But hell, if you need it to make yourself feel good, have at it.

In a sea of sameness, dude, you're the same as every troll that comes through here. There's nothing seperating you, you're not special, or even good. The last troll that came here, (her name is the trollish man-troll), I'm still talking about!

I can't even be arsed to remember your name. Now, off to my ignore list. Thanks, and have a nice day. :)
Brother Marquis said:
It's funny you quoted me and I'm not even saying word, and it's also funny how that link doesn't lead to my thread. Now I've just pwn56 you twice in our first meeting. :Smug:

Word :Smokin:
Word! :Smokin:
What's the context? In general, in a regular world, I'd stick to 'regular' meat and some exotics (ostritch, gator, cobra). In a harsh, post apocalyptic world I'd probably eat just about anything if it was the difference between starving to death and living. I would still probably draw the line at bugs. *shudder*
In deference to the rough lot in life that falls to the humble platypus, I would refuse to eat the meat of our duck-billed friends. Also, I've seen platypus envenomation and I don't ever want any part of that, so the off chance I might bite into one of the poison spurs is sufficient deterrent.

I would totally eat human meat. When I die I want a funeral feast rather than burial or cremation. My best friend already has dibs on my heart.
whoaaaaaa slow down there!

this is the first i've heard of platypus and venom in the same thought. How could I have missed out on something this profound!!!