What Are the Most Embarrassing CD's You Own???

Willy Wonka owns all our souls!!!!!

Valofvalhalla said:
MI, I have a couple Sevendust c.d.'s too. I liked their first one. I also have Stuck Mojo too! :tickled: :tickled: :tickled:

I don't have any Sevendust..but I too liked the first one. I also have Stuck Mojo..and I'm not ashamed of that one..I think they are cool.

To the guy who mentioned that he had Vader and a couple of other underground metal cds..that's not what I meant...I mean truely embarrassing ones...like Madonna's Immaculate collection...which I own...and love...and actually I'm not embarrassed about that one..that's why it didn't make it to the embarrassing list at the top of this thread ;)

C'mon TL...answer the question...it won't make ya any less metal...because you ARE metal!!!
hey MI! I love Mojo! I have all their stuff, but "Pigwalk" is my fave, VERY aggressive and Rich Ward is a great riff-creator, period! Nextime I'll tell you about hanging out with them in their motorhome after a show in Portland in '98. They were all very cool and very polite, super nice. Got it all on video too.

For the embarassing stuff...mostly just mid/late '80s hair metal like RATT,CINDERELLA,BRITNY FOX,WHITESNAKE,BULLETTBOYS,QUEENSRYCHE,GREAT WHITE,DOKKEN etc. But, this stuff laid the foundation for my venture into heavier and faster things. It all started with Ratts "Lack of Communication" back in '84 and has lead up to TERROR 2000/DIMENSION ZERO/DARKANE/CORP 187/DEW-SCENTED/CONSTRUC-DEAD/ ET AL. and of course the mighty TestAment! Sentimental value I guess. some days, I come home from work and just want to hear "Sssssssmmmmmmoooooooth up in Yaaaaaaaa!!!!" HAHAHAHAHA!!!
MindInsane said:
Huh? Eh? What? What did I miss? What's even remotely embarassing about this?
Well, a few years ago I lent this album to my non-metal friend who had asked me to introduce him to the music I like and the reaction was: "OMG. That isn't nice! You should be embarassed!". You have to admit that this record might be a "little" surprising to someone who thinks Guns'n'Roses is heavy as fuck...
oldschoolthrashmetal said:
i´ve got one FALCO-CD i bought when i was 8.
´Maybe you recall this one, "Rock me Amadeus" was No1 in US in 1986 or sth :)
I was going to laugh at you, but then i realized that this song is kind of cool.

Falco still deserves to be shot though.
hey MI! I love Mojo! I have all their stuff, but "Pigwalk" is my fave, VERY aggressive and Rich Ward is a great riff-creator, period! Nextime I'll tell you about hanging out with them in their motorhome after a show in Portland in '98. They were all very cool and very polite, super nice. Got it all on video too.

For the embarassing stuff...mostly just mid/late '80s hair metal like RATT,CINDERELLA,BRITNY FOX,WHITESNAKE,BULLETTBOYS,QUEENSRYCHE,GREAT WHITE,DOKKEN etc. But, this stuff laid the foundation for my venture into heavier and faster things. It all started with Ratts "Lack of Communication" back in '84 and has lead up to TERROR 2000/DIMENSION ZERO/DARKANE/CORP 187/DEW-SCENTED/CONSTRUC-DEAD/ ET AL. and of course the mighty TestAment! Sentimental value I guess. some days, I come home from work and just want to hear "Sssssssmmmmmmoooooooth up in Yaaaaaaaa!!!!" HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Stuckmo is really cool Driftwood..I like 'em a lot. As far as being embarrassed about Ratt and Dokken...you shouldn't be..they both have two of the greatest guitar players in the industry..ever! And Queensryche? Well..they are a killer band, I love them!! I used to have everything on your list but Brittney Fox...never liked them. I had it all on tape until one of my roomates cleaned me out of my collection. I have since replaced my Queensryche, Ratt, and Dokken.

On another note...isn't that BLS a killer cd? I bought it a few months back and I love it! The entire thing is great!! I let my bro borrow it about a month ago and he hasn't given it back yet...I'm ready to go buy the damn thing again! I MISS IT!!!
Nothing i own shames me to be honest. Some shit just makes me chuckle more than others.
Who the hell would be embarassed by Queensrÿche and Dark Angel?

I own all Metallica's studio albums, which is an embrassment in some quarters, and I also have the Donnie Darko soundtrack. Other than that, I've sold all my old Limp Bizkit/etc. CDs from middle school. The only thing I have that I don't like is Blind Guardian's A Night At the Opera, which I keep meaning to sell but forget every time.
@MindInsane-The picture is something I found at more mullets dot com (or something like that) and is something that makes me laugh everytime I see it, I need to laugh, see? The new BLS did not impress me at all. To me it is the same thing he recorded back '99, he should have called it "Sonic Brew...Again" DOn't get me wrong, I am a critical shit when it comes to music and I like BLS, I am just tired of the same solo he plays on every one of his songs...Sonic Brew is still his best work.

@Pyrus-I totally agree with you about A Night At The Opera, I listened to it once and shelved it, i am embarassed that I own that particular cd.
AjDeath said:
@MindInsane-The picture is something I found at more mullets dot com (or something like that) and is something that makes me laugh everytime I see it, I need to laugh, see? The new BLS did not impress me at all. To me it is the same thing he recorded back '99, he should have called it "Sonic Brew...Again" DOn't get me wrong, I am a critical shit when it comes to music and I like BLS, I am just tired of the same solo he plays on every one of his songs...Sonic Brew is still his best work.

Well AJ...I haven't purchased any BLS cds but the latest one (and it sounds like that's a good thing) because that type of thing usually doesn't intrest me..but I like it and am definitely not dissapointed..I've also heard from different people that it's better than his previous efforts...the reason I was commenting on it is because Driftwood had it on his "now playing"

Oh yea..one more thing....The mullet is damn scary....
Dodens Grav said:
I think 1919 Eternal is the best BLS. The new one is kind of cliche for Zakk at this point. It still has some great catchy riffs though.
I will concede that Hellride has some catchy riffs, but Stronger Than Death kills(and by kills I mean is better and heavier) than 1919, more attitude and conviction IMO.
all blink182 cds except for chesire cat
sevendust - home
slipkot - s/t and iowa
a couple new found glory cds
staind - the new one
michelle branch cd
linkin park - meteora

damn, i better quit...
hiddenlegions said:
St Anger , Sevendust , Slipknot

BTW -- MI , I'm shocked you would own up to the Nickelback but yeah that was funny :tickled:

come on HL, ur not eve trying. i cant believe you "accidentally" left out your enya CDs and that vanilla ice hardcore CD. :tickled: did you think you could hide em form the board??? :D