What Are the Most Embarrassing CD's You Own???


I swear to god, I actually own this CD... and I do play it about once a year!!! Found it for 99 cents in a used bin. Easily, the worst CD I have ever heard!!!
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MindInsane said:
I don't have any Sevendust..but I too liked the first one. I also have Stuck Mojo..and I'm not ashamed of that one..I think they are cool.

I saw them live at the Whiskey in 99?? before they gotta rid of the lead singer. Very fkg. powerful band. They regrouped under Sickspeed. Not as good though.
Pyrus said:
I figure, if everyone else is gonna laugh at me, I might as well join 'em. ;)

Thanx, TL.

Awww Pyrus...you're such a loveable opinionated (like the rest of us) little guy! Love the pic! Now I can put a face with the name! I've been really wanting to post a picture thread..and have tried a couple of times, but I can't figure out how to get my pic to post! I'm so braindead about those things! If anyone can talk me through it...pm me and then I'll start the thread!