What are you learning?

I'm learning that it's good to take a week off from picking up the guitar now and then and just listen. I always get a fresh perspective and somehow my playing seems to improve. I remember when I was a kid being completely neurotic and obsessive about practice...I'd get crazy and guilty if I didn't pick up a guitar...seems silly now.
so I'm sitting here with my metronome set to 130-ish thinking "there's no fucking way way I'm going be able to get through this duet in rehearsal tomorrow...no fucking way. I can't even play it poorly at this speed". Then I looked at the tempo marking and it's only supposed to be played no faster than 60-ish. It's REALLY time to go to bed...:zombie:
so I'm sitting here with my metronome set to 130-ish thinking "there's no fucking way way I'm going be able to get through this duet in rehearsal tomorrow...no fucking way. I can't even play it poorly at this speed". Then I looked at the tempo marking and it's only supposed to be played no faster than 60-ish. It's REALLY time to go to bed...:zombie:

Ah...you'll probably still play it better than your duet partner.
Ah...you'll probably still play it better than your duet partner.

it ended up being a big clusterfuck.....we worked out the quartet and trio pieces and got maybe a page into the duet before we decided it would be best to wait until after mid-semester break to try again:lol: Wasn't quite happening for either of us.
I've got these riffs down where Im pretty happy about them. Im playing the hell out of it and its fun so thats a good sign. HOWEVER!, Im not hearing the song yet and thats a bad thing. Have a feeling this one is going to be in limbo for awhile. Oh well, its not like I've been right in the midst of a creative spree. Has'nt even been a year I've been playing again, without the inspiration of a band.
so I'm sitting here with my metronome set to 130-ish thinking "there's no fucking way way I'm going be able to get through this duet in rehearsal tomorrow...no fucking way. I can't even play it poorly at this speed". Then I looked at the tempo marking and it's only supposed to be played no faster than 60-ish. It's REALLY time to go to bed...:zombie:

:lol: That's always a relief...

I just found out I have to do 15 minutes performance time, when I'd been preparing for 10 minutes, plus I have to learn a whole new ensemble piece for flute / guitar this on top of all my assignments and study for about 5 exams, all in the next 3 weeks... :zombie:

In short, I'll be spending a lot less time on here in the next few weeks...
I'm working on some of King Twang by the Vital Tech Tones

I also just found a few pages of staff paper containing what I've worked out so far on the Timmons record....:erk:one of these days I really AM going to catch up with myself...
Play it before you buy it.

that would be too easy.:lol:

Believe it or not, even with all the music stores in my area, I never seem to be able to find the specific item I want to try...then I end up going with reviews and recommendations which is usually a mistake.

I've contacted 5 or 6 "local" music store, some of them big chains, and still can't find a Visual Sound Jekyll & Hyde to demo.