What are you reading/What did you read (books)

haha read for school is never the good as read by your own :P

I got a Mario benedetti book latter discover are little reflexive stories so, just read few and took it to my shelf, i have one similar of Jadorowsky, i just like to read those when feel the need...so im in search of a new book to start :P
Business Law and Ethics, 5th Edition.

A combination of Business Law by Gibson and Fraser, Ethical Theory and Business by Beachamp, Bowie and Arnold, Business Ethics and Values by Fisher and Lovell and Australian Corporate Governance by Psaros tailored for the use of the Queensland University of Technology.

Yes, I'm clearly procrastinating here. -_-
Last book I read was Looking for Alaska, by John Green.

I loved it. About a socially awkward kid who moves to a new boarding school and the experience of being the new kid, making friends, falling for this intense girl and then the tragedy of loss. Very well written. May have even shed a few tears at a certain point in the book. May. Highly recommended, anyway.
I've read a lot of books.

I read and study ancient mystical and philosophical texts in their original ancient languages. That includes ancient scriptures mainly.