what are you reading?

Rueben: I am toying with th idea of getting the new "Jordan" books (written by the new guy) - although I don't know why should I, considering the last WoT SUCKED, but yay or nay?
Waste of time, or something I *just gotsa do* ?
currently reading Weaveworld, by Clive Barker. finished part three, about to start part four. Great, great book so far.

Definitely one of my favorite books.

Rueben: I am toying with th idea of getting the new "Jordan" books (written by the new guy) - although I don't know why should I, considering the last WoT SUCKED, but yay or nay?
Waste of time, or something I *just gotsa do* ?

I've purchased the two books that he's written thus far, and I understand he's doing the very last one now. I haven't started reading them yet because I haven't decided if I should re-read the entire series in order to do it, or somehow just summarize everything up to that point. I don't remember squat.

Just Started.
Rueben: I am toying with th idea of getting the new "Jordan" books (written by the new guy) - although I don't know why should I, considering the last WoT SUCKED, but yay or nay?
Waste of time, or something I *just gotsa do* ?

If you've already read WoT this far, Brandon Sanderson is a pretty good writer and I think it'd give a sense of closure. But it's not worth starting the series fresh or rereading from the beginning if it's been too long. Wheel of Time just...isn't that good. :(

Kulak - excellent choice! The Farseer Trilogy is fucking brilliant. I wish more of Hobb's work was up to that standard.
Started 'Stephen Fry's incomplete and utter history of classical music'. An easy read so far.
I'm getting ready for a moving sale, so I just skimmed through about 20 huge, dated art history books. I rediscovered how much I enjoy Gainsborough's satires, but the book's author failed to break down the little details in his paintings..hence the reason why I'm sellin'

I also read a Karate book that explains how to chop the horn of a bull off with your hand.
I'm actually selling them at a book shop that pays you for your books. I researched online - these books are selling for pennies, not even worth the gas to the post office sadly..I like supporting local businesses and I have pretty good luck at Mulligan's Books :)
Contemplating re-reading DUNE all over again, as soon as I am done with my huge to-read list for the next couple of months. Love that book SO MUCH!
Haven't read it in.... years! (for the 10th time) I should do it again.