Freakame, Freakayou!
^ look, guys! It's Santa!!!!
I finally remembered to send my gift off today! I am free!
Oh, but here's a hearty "hohoho" and wanna sit on my lap?

^ look, guys! It's Santa!!!!
Not sure what you mean by "next" Wheel of Time book, but Robert Jordan (or at least his real life meat puppet) is very, very dead. So I advise waiting for something else.
When you finish WoT, I have a few recommendations that will - with all due respect to Mr. Jordan - blow that series out of the water.
I just finished two books - The Last Apocalypse by James Reston Jr, a history of the transition from paganism to Christianity in turn-of-the-millennium Europe, and David Benioff's City of Thieves, a fictionalized version of the author's grandfather's experiences as a teenager in Leningrad during WW2. Both excellent. Reston wrote a great biography of Richard the Lionheart and Saladin that made me want to read pretty much all his other stuff, and Benioff strikes a very particularly Russian tone in what is basically a work of American pop fiction. He's one of the producers of the Game of Thrones HBO series, and this made me even more sanguine about that.
Next up? I should probably reread The Name of the Wind now that the sequel is coming out soon, but I'm not really excited about it. Any suggestions?