what are you reading?

I highly recommend:



Just read both EvE novels, Empyrean Age and Burning Life. Empyrean Age was much better.
I keep seeing Empyrean Age in the bookstore and I am tempted to buy it, because I do love my mass market SciFi. So it's good?

wolftribe how would you rate those books and what are they primarily about

Hyperion and Fall of Hyperion are 9.5-10/10. No summary can really give you the right idea of it, people tried to explain it in the past and I was completely unprepared for how it was. That said, here's a shitty summary: takes places 800 years in the future in the Hegemony of Man. There's an impending (and then happening in Fall of Hyperion) invasion from a group of humans called Ousters. The planet Hyperion is inexplicably important. Theres a terrible manbeast called The Shrike (not as cute as Karen's puppy of the same name). Some time travel is involved.

I keep seeing Empyrean Age in the bookstore and I am tempted to buy it, because I do love my mass market SciFi. So it's good?

It's excellent. There's no pretense, no "look at my writing prowess"...it weaves a grand story that spans across all the empires and the characters are fantastic. It also ties in very closely to the Eve Chronicles if you've ever read them on the site. It makes you want to play the game even more. However, someone not familiar with Eve may not have the appreciation for it as much as someone like you or me. When you start reading about Jamyl Sarum and her past and how it intertwines with what's going on in the novel, you won't put it down. Also, it has pretty much become the official lore surrounding Tibus Heth, Jamyl Sarum, and that Amarrian fat pervert chancellor whose name eludes me right now, but who tried to wrest control of the throne from the Sarum Family. The lore written in the Chronicles after Empyrean Age have all built upon its story instead of going in different directions, unlike what the Star Wars novels have done in the past. It has this "official lore" feeling to it. It's also the spawn of the greatest lore character ever in Eve: The Broker.

It's only like 5 bucks on Amazon and is much, much better than The Burning Life, which wasn't bad, but it was more like Thelma and Louise in space. The Burning Life read more like several Chronicles all tied together than an actual novel. Most of the lore characters are mentioned only in passing, with vague references to each. It's very isolated and focused on a few individuals and their lives rather than the epic novel that is Empyrean Age.

Plus, Empyrean Age has lots of swearing and fucking. :grin:
Reading several books at once.

EDEN (zombie book)
Dead Tide 2 ( zombie book, not released yet )
Lighting for digital Video and television
Video Shooter: Storytelling with DV, HD, and HDV Cameras; DV Expert Series
4shared.com FTW. I can usually find just about any book I want on that site. No Hitchens yet, however.

Just got WWZ in its entirety in pdf. Love that site.
I just recently started the Carlos Castaneda series of books - pretty interesting stuff, regardless of whether or not it is truth or fiction (the internet has quite a lot of spirited debate about it). Should finish "Journey to Ixtlan" tonight and then I'll be moving on to "Tales of Power".
I've started "The Terror" by Dan Simmons, and "Only Death Is Real", the book about Hellhammer and the early years of Celtic Frost.

I tried to slog through The Terror once. There's no reason I should have failed. It seems to be well written and the topic is interesting. I just couldn't keep going at some point. Might try again but who knows.

Currently reading:

Learn HTML in 24 hours :)
I tried to slog through The Terror once. There's no reason I should have failed. It seems to be well written and the topic is interesting. I just couldn't keep going at some point. Might try again but who knows.

Currently reading:

Learn HTML in 24 hours :)
Man, even if that book were written in 1998, I'd roll my eyes and LOL. 24 hours for HTML? haha.

I just started Into Thin Air by John Krakauer. Heard it's awesome, so far so good.
Man, even if that book were written in 1998, I'd roll my eyes and LOL. 24 hours for HTML? haha.

Yah yah yah. I realized I needed to brush up on some basic skills for the new job, hence this book. Plus, I'm not afraid to admit it, I'm the target audience for "HTML for dummies". :)

And Karen, I'm on hour 6, learning all about CSS!

Next up on the reading list is "Where were you on the 6th of October", which is probably not a title anyone here will read, with the possible exception of Karen, since it's in Hebrew. Fascinating first hand accounts of the Yom Kippur war though. Especially interesting for me since one of them is my dad's.
And Karen, I'm on hour 6, learning all about CSS!

I really have to brush up my CSS as well!

Next up on the reading list is "Where were you on the 6th of October", which is probably not a title anyone here will read, with the possible exception of Karen, since it's in Hebrew. Fascinating first hand accounts of the Yom Kippur war though. Especially interesting for me since one of them is my dad's.

My dad also faught that war... In fact, my dad is not religious at all, but he fests every yom kipur because on that day, and on that war, he saw every single soldier in his unit die in front of him, and out of 30 men in the unit, he was the only survivor. And on that day, he swore that if he comes out of the war alive, he will fest every Yom Kipur and so he does.
hah. A little moving story there, but yeah.
I would love to read that book, Gal! I would look for it!