What are your most "negative" albums?

Some of these I just find comically not even remotely dark, or just a bit too cheesy to be truly 'dark.'

Silencer - Death Pierce Me?
Woods of Ypres?
Godspeed You! Black Emperor?

Not that those bands are happy, but I definitely don't get a sense of 'bleakness' and 'hopelessness' from them.
It just ends up being excessively comical because of how over the top it is. It defeats any purpose it may have had, just can't take it seriously.
The album that allows me to vent the most during times of extreme negative/aggression ect is Conqueror-War Cult Supremacy.Hands down the single most violent/bloody minded album ever.
It just ends up being excessively comical because of how over the top it is. It defeats any purpose it may have had, just can't take it seriously.

Take one shot at it with a purely open mind, accepting the vocals are absurd. It becomes incredible when you can creep into the awkward shrieks.
Silencer - Death Pierce Me
Eyehategod - Take As Needed for Pain
Lyrinx - Nihilistic Purity
Abyssic Hate - Suicidal Emotions
Lord Mantis - Pervertor
Sunn O))) - Oracle
Austere - To Lay Like Old Ashes

This list. This list. Damn.
Also adding both haarp albums. "Husks" and "The Filth". Both are godddamn filthy.

Will Haven - El Diablo earns a place on here, too. I think this was the album that led me into metallic hardcore and eventually post-metal because it was so ridiculously unhappy.
Seconding early Swans, Godflesh- Streetcleaner, and Antaeus.

Axis of Advance- Strike (describes a Cold War-esque situation where a prodigious boy learns about an incomplete alien plan to erect pyramids to destroy a pathetic mankind; so awesome)
Adorior- "Hater of Fucking Humans"
Morbid Angel- Blessed are the Sick
Terrorizer- World Downfall
Slayer- Reign in Blood
Order from Chaos- An Ending in Fire
Immolation- Here in After
Dead Congregation- Graves of the Archangels
Discharge- Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing
Bongripper- Satan Worshipping Doom
Going with the "wanting everything around you to die" criteria I'd say off the top of my head:

Godfleash - Streetcleaner
Napalm Death - Smear Campaign
Grief - Dismal (Really I could have gone with any Grief album but this one in particular stands out in the miserable department)
Dread - Buried In Narcissism
Dragged Into Sunlight - Hatred For Mankind
Rollins Band - Hard Volume
Mourning Beloveth - A Murderous Circus
Fleurety tops Silencer in the shriek department. I can't listen to either tbh.