What are your most "negative" albums?

Fleurety tops Silencer in the shriek department. I can't listen to either tbh.

Different sound, though. Silencer sounds like a guy screaming who never "learned" how to do it. The dude from Fleurety sounds like an eagle, which is probably why he blew his vocal cords out making that one album and couldn't do it ever again.

EDIT: No Eyehategod? Wouldve figured you wouldve thrown out something by those fuckers.
That's what happens when you post in a hurry. Just like Grief, any EHG album would fit the criteria but I gotta go with Dopesick. That is such an important album for me. It was the epitome of right place right time when I first heard it. Not only was it exactly the kind of music I wanted to hear, it was exactly the kind of music I NEEDED to hear ya know? Still is basically.
And if I'm not mistaken on the opening track Mikey smashed a whiskey bottle, sliced himself up real good in the process, and that recording still made it onto the album.
And if I'm not mistaken on the opening track Mikey smashed a whiskey bottle, sliced himself up real good in the process, and that recording still made it onto the album.
Getting that breaking glass sound also got them thrown out of the recording studio. Mike bled so much beacuse of it the band whote stuff like "Pig" and "War" ala the Manson family all over the studio in his blood.

You know, I could have put Jesu's Heart Ache and S/T on my list as well considering how incredibly defeatist both are. But they're also soothing in a unique way. The second half of "Heart Ache" (the song) is just beautiful sounding.
Yeah a lot of doom/post might be really emotional and depressing, but it can also feel like a journey THROUGH those feelings to a positive place. I'd put some of Jesu on that list, definitely. Others... not so much, haha.

Xasthur - Subliminal Genocide
Leviathan - 10th Sub Level of Suicide

That right there is the one-two punch of miserable black metal. Heard a million other albums, not much really matches those two.

Today is the Day - Temple of the Morning Star

I think if you had to put a mental breakdown in audio format, it'd come out like Temple. No sunshine exists during its runtime.
Both Nyktalgia albums fit the bill as well if you ask me.

Also, feel free to properly scold me for neglecting to mention fucking BUZZOVEN - Sore. If that's not fuck off music recorded by some seriously sour individuals dissatisfied with their situation in life I don't know what is.
Anything by Eyehategod works, but especially Take as Needed for Pain.

For non-metal, Elliott Smith pretty much rules for listening to when you're down. Arnold Schoenberg's Verklarte Nacht is great too, it used to bring tears to my eyes every time I listened to it. No homo.
Both Nyktalgia albums fit the bill as well if you ask me.

Also, feel free to properly scold me for neglecting to mention fucking BUZZOVEN - Sore. If that's not fuck off music recorded by some seriously sour individuals dissatisfied with their situation in life I don't know what is.

I think it's telling that the most common genres are black and sludge, LOL.

Dödsvarg - Livet är en dödsorsak

Lots of seething violence and hatred on here.
Some of these I just find comically not even remotely dark, or just a bit too cheesy to be truly 'dark.'

Silencer - Death Pierce Me?
Woods of Ypres?
Godspeed You! Black Emperor?

Not that those bands are happy, but I definitely don't get a sense of 'bleakness' and 'hopelessness' from them.

Woods? Cheesy?

Woods of Ypres, especially the last album, is very very convincing in its darkness and bleakness. Not cheesy at all, especially if you ever read interviews and what not with David Gold. That guy put his heart out on those albums. What he was saying was real as hell. David's lyrics were to the point, not vauge, and not very metaphorical at all. He laid it out and that was that. It's about as convincing as writing can get.
I've been listening to this lately, I'd say it fits the description. Primitive Man, heavy and bitter sludge/doom. It's a side project of Ethan from CTTOAFF, and really anything he's involved in is guaranteed to be bleak as fuck. You can check it out here: http://primitivemandoom.bandcamp.com/

Other nominees would be Impetuous Ritual, Leviathan (both Tenth Sub-Level & Tentacles), Anaal Nathrakh - Codex Necro, Conqueror, and anything Crossed Out recorded.
Woods? Cheesy?

Woods of Ypres, especially the last album, is very very convincing in its darkness and bleakness. Not cheesy at all, especially if you ever read interviews and what not with David Gold. That guy put his heart out on those albums. What he was saying was real as hell. David's lyrics were to the point, not vauge, and not very metaphorical at all. He laid it out and that was that. It's about as convincing as writing can get.

I dunno, the music just doesn't really scream darkness, and I guess I just really don't care for the straight forward approach.

Perhaps Travelling Alone was a bad song to check out from it, but I remember their first album being really bad 'black metal' mixed with buttrock basically.
Woods? Cheesy?

Woods of Ypres, especially the last album, is very very convincing in its darkness and bleakness. Not cheesy at all, especially if you ever read interviews and what not with David Gold. That guy put his heart out on those albums. What he was saying was real as hell. David's lyrics were to the point, not vauge, and not very metaphorical at all. He laid it out and that was that. It's about as convincing as writing can get.

I saw Woods of Ypres on their last tour and was following their page here on UM shortly after the show here in Vegas( I stopped after the tour finished and the drummer and guitar player, who were related, posted that David Gold booted them from the band at the end of the tour). It was a good show. Woods V was an album full of emotions. It reminded me of some Type O Negative tunes.
I dunno, the music just doesn't really scream darkness, and I guess I just really don't care for the straight forward approach.

Perhaps Travelling Alone was a bad song to check out from it, but I remember their first album being really bad 'black metal' mixed with buttrock basically.

Only album of theirs I've listened is Woods V and it's pretty effing powerful.

Breach - It's Me God

There's some supremely negative shit going down in the "hipstery" areas of metal as well. I put that term in quotes because I don't REALLY mean hipster, more like metal that's just "not trve"
Woods? Cheesy?

Woods of Ypres, especially the last album, is very very convincing in its darkness and bleakness. Not cheesy at all, especially if you ever read interviews and what not with David Gold. That guy put his heart out on those albums. What he was saying was real as hell. David's lyrics were to the point, not vauge, and not very metaphorical at all. He laid it out and that was that. It's about as convincing as writing can get.

I agree with just about everything here.