What can you offer a girl?

I've always felt that the one thing a girl wants is what she can't have. In other words, if you go offering your money, your face, your flock of magical geese and the keys to your canoe, you're not going to have much else to offer her and she's going to get bored. They seem to enjoy the experience more whilst they're still seeking your merits and emotions, and once they're being offered all of that on a plate, what more do they have to go for?

Also, I'm no Don Juan but I've noted in my experience that girls tend to confuse/associate niceness with boredom, which is why they'll often go for the mean guy over the nice one - they'll run the risk of being hurt for not being bored. Not only that but some girls seem to feel they're not worthy of being treated uber-nicely, and will run away from such treatment.

So it seems the nice guy who has everything to offer is fucked from the start. I personally don't try and offer anything more to a girl than the person I am. If you can manage to take it easy and not immediately offer your spleen on a velvet cushion next to the deeds for your house and your eternal soul you'll probably do better than a guy who offers everything and scares the shite out of a girl before they've even got to their second drink...
I dont mean to sound cheesy but to me, the most important things are humour, music taste, and hair...

They're the only 3 things I have going for me haha. Oh, and I suppose not being fat could be a quality of mine....

I'm going to dying alone.
I've always felt that the one thing a girl wants is what she can't have. In other words, if you go offering your money, your face, your flock of magical geese and the keys to your canoe, you're not going to have much else to offer her and she's going to get bored. They seem to enjoy the experience more whilst they're still seeking your merits and emotions, and once they're being offered all of that on a plate, what more do they have to go for?

Also, I'm no Don Juan but I've noted in my experience that girls tend to confuse/associate niceness with boredom, which is why they'll often go for the mean guy over the nice one - they'll run the risk of being hurt for not being bored. Not only that but some girls seem to feel they're not worthy of being treated uber-nicely, and will run away from such treatment.

So it seems the nice guy who has everything to offer is fucked from the start. I personally don't try and offer anything more to a girl than the person I am. If you can manage to take it easy and not immediately offer your spleen on a velvet cushion next to the deeds for your house and your eternal soul you'll probably do better than a guy who offers everything and scares the shite out of a girl before they've even got to their second drink...

I actually agree with this, but only on this condition: The girl has to be a major whore.

It's the only thing I can say based on observable phenomena
^ Good points, but not all girls are like that, just like all guys aren't like that.

Caelestia was very correct in saying that girls jump from dick to dick trying to be happy and feel wanted, as though whoring themselves off helps that. They often like to think if they find a good looking guy who thinks she's a hotty and can fuck her well, then the world is perfect and everyone lives happily ever after. In reality, he thinks she's a whore, has some for two weeks max and then goes on to another whore or someone who actually has enough back bone to know what she actually wants. The first girl will just try to find someone else who can make her feel loved again. From what I've seen, most girls get like this after they've either thought a lot of someone but it's not be reciprocated or they've just come from a long term relationship and want to feel like they're still in one straightaway.

If people could be happier with who they are in general then things would be better, and it would be easier to find someone decent, or so I think anyway.
I can offer a girl rebel attitude towards everything, other than her heart....lol

I can offer a girl a Grim and Frostbitten Kingdom!..............lol

I can offer a girl a ride on a motorcycle............SOON, I will probably be getting one soon

I can offer a girl.....................a shelter from the storm........of heartache......:lol:

I would also like to say that I try to stray away from making generalizations about what women 'want'. Because of the fact that THERE IS NO DEFINITE QUALITIES THAT IS GOING TO APPEAL TO ANY WOMAN. Prob because most woman are hypocritical, and are not the best judges of character sometimes.