What Did You Learn Today??

Thanks a lot Rabid! Now I'm going to have that fucking song stuck in my head.:Smug:
No one knows mine!

More likely because they haven't checked my aim thing here on UM...and because I'm never on.

Yeasterday... I learned that racquet ball is a fucking bitch to play. I was a total racquet ball n00b last night & I sucked big time :mad:

Today... I learned that the fast arpeggio bit in Becker's Altitudes is much harder to play at 100% than I thought it was yesterday.
I learned GAME suck.

Tried to buy Tony Hawks Underground (Played Tony Hawks about a month ago and remembered how fun it was. Only £4.) but when i got home, found out they didn't put a disk in it :(
I've actually been wondering about that for a while too.

I learned today that I might have to call off work... for work (at the same place I work no less) :erk: