What Did You Learn Today??


I learned about El Niño in Oceanography today. During the whole lecture all I could think of was this:

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I have a transgender name...Jordan :erk:

I've got a friend named Tracy and he's a big viking looking dude with a thick beard. I find that pretty funny.
Cheers for having the same kickass name as me Perdition's Light :kickass:

Today I learned, or was re-awakened to the fact that school is not that bad.
True, but sometimes when thats all you see day in and day out you lose sight of just what a privilege it is to go to a University and study fields you enjoy.
Fucking learned that my chest pains are back :( I've gone almost a year without them and they fucking hurt. It is caused by some constant inflammation in my ribcage area so my ribs are being pushed out more than they should be and it fucking hurts so much. Breathing even hurts.
Fucking learned that my chest pains are back :( I've gone almost a year without them and they fucking hurt. It is caused by some constant inflammation in my ribcage area so my ribs are being pushed out more than they should be and it fucking hurts so much. Breathing even hurts.

I don't want to scare you but those symptoms are the exact same thing that I had last week. I'd get that checked out by a doctor ASAP.
Yeah, if it persists I'll go into the doctors and get a chest exam. It has been about 2 years since I got checked out first and they just said "OH CHEST INFLAMMATION." Understandable if it were a temporary thing but whenever I have it happen it lasts for fucking months at a time.