What Did You Learn Today??

Fucking learned that my chest pains are back :( I've gone almost a year without them and they fucking hurt. It is caused by some constant inflammation in my ribcage area so my ribs are being pushed out more than they should be and it fucking hurts so much. Breathing even hurts.

That sounds horrible. I'm really glad I don't have that.
I learnt that people with long blonde hair who wear suits look stupid. (Me).

Guy on the right is proof.

Wear a ponytail with a suit then? Although, I'm sure this is shitty advice because you've probably already tried it:p
I learned that shiba (Korean word for bitch) means 10 dads in Mandarin Chinese if its pronounced a certain way.
Good for the tuna.

There are at least 2 or 3 others Jeremies in my residence hall alone. In fact there's a gay guy next door with my name, so people have to distinguish between "Jeremy the Metalhead on the 4th floor" and "Jeremy the faggot on the 4th floor".
:lol: I don't think I'm known as "Derek the Metalhead" because I wear shirts of extreme metal bands most people neevr heard of and may think it';s not a metal shirt and that and I have a short military style haircut and dress like a "normal person" if you don't count the extreme metal shirts. But people that get to know me definitely learn I'm a metalhead.:p
I learned that Puerto Rican chicks cook the best rice on the planet tonight.

I also learned that the Nero Burning Program is a bitch, but I kind of already knew that.