What Did You Learn Today??

I learned that Enslaved was playing in town, about one hour before doors opened. Since a show can be "in town" and still 50 miles away, I was not able to find a situation in which I could go, which sucked, since I certainly was not doing anything better anyway.
sorry to hear that

I just now went over there to check it out... That fucking place sucks. They call everything generic just about, no matter what it is. It's ridiculous the wording they use to call something generic though. Those guys are serious snobs dude. ANUS really means ASSHOLE so there you go.

& to think... I rarely heard it being brought up at M-A. I thought it was some sort of mythical site that people joked around about as in "Get off our board & go back to anus.com you little dick weed!" & whatnot.
Fuck walking around in the cold is never a good idea without a jacket, but I always wind up doing it when it gets cold anyways. I went for a walk in the cold when I had a fucking cold the other week at work. All it did was make me feel a little sicker the next day.
Milkshakes in 30 degree weather is always good.

and also, don't leave your foot in the way when you open the door, I just crushed one of my phalanges :(
i learnt that yelling "THIS IS SPARTA" and throwing a plastic spear at a stop sign is a great way to get an entire family to stare at you on the street