What do women want?

How about: a sense of humour, good looking, sensitive, honest, caring, strong, ...

You people make it awfully difficult with the way you deal with this thing. I never mentionned any deep philosophical reasonings-, just a simple truth: It's just this: a girl wants an interesting man. Right? Well, how interesting can a man be to a specific girl, when the only thing on his mind is herself.

Does anybody get it? YOu're allowed to love her, but not be obsessed with her from the first minute. Of course Kyle, I am not perfectly aware of your relationship with Laure, but you see... how can you say that she is the only woman in your life? I mean... hell, a man is only supposed to say that after 25 break-ups at the age of 50.

Maybe you should realise that your will to love might be greater than your love itself. And Laure, being rational, not blinded, and not aware of the crush you have on her, might have a complete other way of looking at this. This doesn't mean she doesn't like, or that she would never be/fall in love with you; it just means: you are just a boy and she is just a girl, no reason to be obsessed with her, neither to fall into self pittieness and think you're sir Lancelot. Just give her a chance to fall in love with you, during honest things, and try not to think always about "does it work, did I say the right thing?" or "has she falling in love with me a bit more today?" but just try to put her out of your mind and to have nice moments with her, "innocent fun", and if it works, then it works. If not, then you're just not made for eachother and there is nothing you loose.

The fact is, the only thing you will get if you DO NOT follow my advice, will be:
1) you scare her away
2) you gonna blow it with other possible girls
3) you won't be able to have a good time with anyone anymore, especially not with Laure
4) you forget that the woman you love most is still your mother

There's nothing wrong with you Kyle.
But you must be everytime careful about them.It's sometimes difficult to understand them.

And don't worry about that girl.You're so young and lots of girls are waiting for you.Forget her and enjoy yourself.
Clipsy: i don't think a woman would chose one man over another because one looked better than the other. And i'm not sure about Strong, either. i've heard women say that in bed they want sensual touching and caressing. a strong man can still do this, but i don't think strong would be on their list. and actually, i've been thinking and we're all wrong. each person wants something different, we can't generalise and i should know that. some girls may want a good looking guy with money, a nice car, etc. but some will also just want what i do: love.

also, Laura is very aware of the feelings i have for her. i told her on Tuesday, which is what started this whole thread. combined with stuff some poeple have said to me......those people were wrong, btw.
Originally posted by Eclipse
How about: a sense of humour, good looking, sensitive, honest, caring, strong, ...

You people make it awfully difficult with the way you deal with this thing. I never mentionned any deep philosophical reasonings-, just a simple truth: It's just this: a girl wants an interesting man. Right? Well, how interesting can a man be to a specific girl, when the only thing on his mind is herself.

Does anybody get it? YOu're allowed to love her, but not be obsessed with her from the first minute. Of course Kyle, I am not perfectly aware of your relationship with Laure, but you see... how can you say that she is the only woman in your life? I mean... hell, a man is only supposed to say that after 25 break-ups at the age of 50.

Maybe you should realise that your will to love might be greater than your love itself. And Laure, being rational, not blinded, and not aware of the crush you have on her, might have a complete other way of looking at this. This doesn't mean she doesn't like, or that she would never be/fall in love with you; it just means: you are just a boy and she is just a girl, no reason to be obsessed with her, neither to fall into self pittieness and think you're sir Lancelot. Just give her a chance to fall in love with you, during honest things, and try not to think always about "does it work, did I say the right thing?" or "has she falling in love with me a bit more today?" but just try to put her out of your mind and to have nice moments with her, "innocent fun", and if it works, then it works. If not, then you're just not made for eachother and there is nothing you loose.

The fact is, the only thing you will get if you DO NOT follow my advice, will be:
1) you scare her away
2) you gonna blow it with other possible girls
3) you won't be able to have a good time with anyone anymore, especially not with Laure
4) you forget that the woman you love most is still your mother


1st. The whole idea reminds something of a date agency! :lol:
What a woman want is in her mind! Not veryone of us wants the same person.

2nd. A woman doesnt want an "interesting" guy! She wants a guy who will really love her. For the rest it comes a guy to be able to keep that relationship. I've met many guys really interesting so far. But I just knew they werent for me. The secret is for a guy to know how to surprise his gf. Then he wont let their life to become a routine! (of course they both have to try) I really doubt the fact that an "unsteady" guy who just flirt around can be an interesting guy for an affair too. A man then must know what to do to keep the girls interest alive. And of course that can happen only when he really cares about her. Just meeting an other guy, well he might be "interesting" in the beggining but soon everything fades... :rolleyes:

3rd. It had happened to have friends men who are somewhat 40 years old. It's not the number of the girls you had. If you have consience and some knowledge you wont need 25-break ups to find her. Those guys that have done that, well I must say they are well settled in as it comes to job and money but they are still single or married with wives taht dont really love. And they had realised that they had let the woman that they had loved and she wont return to them. But when they have found her, they were thinking that they would need to have an amound of girls. But I never believed that quantity is as good as quallity. The hadnt noticed that. Age doesnt play they main role.

But I agree that a guy shouldnt be obsessed with his girl and that Keith is indeed too young to know yet. He'll has to "study" and learn a bit more from the people around then and their examples.
We cant forse ourselves to a form of attitude.And we shouldnt worry about love. I mean what we say and how we say it. If we feel sth... The last one is right... :rolleyes:

and some objections...
what do you need the other people if you know who you want indeed! Lets see that guys that have 2 or 3 or more "girlfriends" the same about such category of girls are just too pathetic.
not everyone love their parents. right?
Originally posted by Eclipse

I know what you're talking about. Thank god, that I'm handsome enough so that I don't need to go to those kinds of places or women.

I think I'd told ya some million times that beauty fades away soon. You're getting old or you might have an accident or a dicease that will make your beauty fade away as well.

For me it's neither the beauty nor the money the most important. Dunno if I sound now too much idealist right now, but for all the beauties, the beauty of soul is the one that makes a person really handsome, rich and cheerful. All the other things suck related to it.

well btw!just remeber 2 things.
1st. I hadnt even seen that guy I'd fell in love with and I'm still in love with, that I had met online. An unclear photo doesnt help. But he was really beautiful. Too bad he had killed himself and gave the possition to a person that apparently might looks like him but he's a stranger for me now. Neither a lover,nor a brother not even a friend, :s
2nd. Yeah! The women! I dont have any respect for the women you go for Clipsy! For what I've seen and for what I've heard by you. They not that much different from that women they are seeking your money... You had given me the impression that even sluts sometimes can be better than that!
Originally posted by IRoN

I'm satisfied with your reply. There's only one point that needs clarification still: Why the raping stare?
The attention is not because they fall in love with me, I never thought it was, but I'd expect a lady to waste her intense interest on an "unoccupied" guy instead of me. But no, as Jan says, most women tend to focus on men who do not need or want them :rolleyes:
But of course, it's the fault of the tiny hormone, not the woman :grin:

Well I didnt mention that I "kill" those guys with my eyes too... Well I cant get that very well but I do it either...
I think if you read back some of the options i'd described, like the one that a girl can imagine beeing at your girl's possition, I dont think that they can look at you in a different way thatn that! :rolleyes:

You are wrong! I think that most women when they hear their instinct, they know if someone needs their help...
At least personaly I'd never felt in love with a guy that I felt he didnt need me. As far as I can remeber!
Originally posted by Eclipse
Angel: What I told tcall was only a JOKE ! Actually I think tcall is very very handsome. :lol:

ok ok! :p

well I think either that Tcall is a handsome guy! I've seen his pic! I didnt neeed to hear that anyway! :p :heh: ;)
Clipsy: what made you think that i always plan out what to say when i talk to Laura? when i talk to Laura, i have ideas of possible conversation topics, but that's all. okay, sometimes i'll start a conversation on a certain topic just to drop a good punch line in at the end, but it feels good to see and hear her laugh. i don't "think" that much about what i say, i try to say what i feel or just what feels right to me. i AM "spontaneous" as you put it.
Gosh this is heavy! :eek:

As much as I hate to say it Slash I know for a fact that many women when faced with an admirer are likely to keep him at arms length, especially when they know you are completely bessotted with them and likely to continue admiring them. Don't ask me why, it's the way of the world, has been for centuries, and probably always will be. If it were me I would be a little cooler about things, let your desire of a relationship with Laura take a back burner to the rest of your life and get out and live a little. If she has said that she just wants to be friends (I'm not sure if that is the case btw, I just get the impression) then you have to take her on her word and let her get on with her life also. Put some distance between you. One of two things will happen: 1. She will realise that she misses you being around and perhaps she was wrong and really does wish to see more of you, or 2. You will meet the person you should actually be meeting. Good luck either way young padawan. ;)

And I can vouch fpr tcalls good looks - I have met him in the flesh, so to speak. ;) :goggly: