What do women want?

absolutely nothing is wrong with you. I think you are a very cool guy, but still so young. Not only you but me and others as well, want to drink life in one moment.

just dont hurry! If you are able to love, love will come back to you. Be sure about that.

If you cant love, then none will really love you back one day. Because those they did, they would have been displaced by you.

If you want just a girl to want you and just some sex, you'll find many, but remember this is temporary...

Oh Gosh! What the hell am I saying again?:eek: :loco:
Originally posted by Slash Freeman
and why do none of them want me? whats wrong with me?

As far as I'm concerned, you've had a serious shot at Laura only. Laura is not the only female out there, you know. There are many more out there, with even better hair care standards ;)
My opinion: You've overvalued this Laura girl through time, just because men tend to put more value on women that are harder to reach. Give yourself a break, you'll see soon enough that Laura will become an ordinary girl.

There's simply nothing wrong with you... except the fact that you're exhausted. You've got everything a woman looks for in a man (and you're not too young for anything) but there's no point in pushing too hard when your target fails to respond.

Try to remain friends.
Do not search, just be patient, and another one (out of nowhere) will come and find you.
Originally posted by Eclipse
the problem is you want her, and she might know. Due to some basic problems a female species has with her hormons, she always falls in love with guys that don't 'need' or 'want' them.


Sorry jan but this is one of the stupidest theories I've heard! :lol:

btw.Keith never told us for a guy that Laura loved and this guy spited her! And our friend's feelings for what he had told me is MUCH more "complicated" of what you may thinking. CASANOVA! :eek: :lol:
Iron: deep down i know you're right. but i know Laura is not just a normal girl. i'm not the only person who thinks so, most of her friends will say the same thing: that she really is something special. she won't believe it, but then she's that kind of person! you are right that shes the only person i've had a real try at, but shes not the only person i've had feelings for. i have 4 other friends that i had feelings for when i started getting to know them, but none of them were interested. okay, 1 of them i got to know when i was in love with Laura, but thats still 3. and of those 4 i know i could have loved at least 2 of them, maybe 3.....

as Angel said, it's complicated. i'm sure you remember my e-mail about it. but i know you are right, like i said.

Hearse: i admire you're cheerfulness, but feelings build up over time. normally i'm a really cheerful kind of guy, but this stuff with the woman in question............ it's been too long and i know it. but you're not out of line or anything like that. don't worry about it. i asked for peoples opinions and got yours! :)

And Clipsy: Laura doesn't have feelings for another guy, if she did one of her friends would have told me. I know Laura. I think she's smart enough not to fall for a guy who doesn't care for her. unlike me, that is.
I dont disagree in anything with Iron...

Maybe besides that "young" thing. I said that because you have other things in the midle to do, before trying to find someone for a proper relationship. You got a whole lifetime anyway! And you'll need to set plans.

So it's only Iron and I that know your last "sentimental changes"? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Angelwitch

Sorry jan but this is one of the stupidest theories I've heard! :lol:

Sorry Witchy, but that was the only logical theory I've heard from Jan so far :eek:
I still can't believe I'm saying this, but HE'S DAMN RIGHT! :cry:

Keith, I can't say your judgment is too fair... Just take a look at the "average male experience"; it should be around 5 consecutive failures before meeting first date ;)
And believe me, finding the wrong one is a lot worse than finding none. Just relax and be patient, both for any hope with Laura or any other girl.
Originally posted by IRoN

Sorry Witchy, but that was the only logical theory I've heard from Jan so far :eek:
I still can't believe I'm saying this, but HE'S DAMN RIGHT! :cry:

Then I bet that both of you have confussed the obession with love! What else can i assume then? Well I've seen many girls too getting obsessed with "stars" that those guys dont even know them or with guys that dont pay any interest. This is just sth to keep their mind busy! But in almost all the cases I know they forget imediately those guys as long as they find someone else to pay real interest on them. Girls want a guy that would make em to feel special and offer em new experiences every time. All the rest is just mind games.

I'm not surprised that this kind of theories is believed mainly by "Casanovas" :rolleyes: I've seen many many times that senario. A girl shows interest for a guy. The guy then put his nose up! "Oh you know that girl want's me and bla bla bla..." And they try to "slag" or even to "humilate" girls sometimes. But sudenly the found out one day that this girl is happy being with an other guy! And she had stopped caring about them at all!

Now it's the hard thing for those guys start! If he had treated ok to the girl so far they would continue doing and they are still friends! I've seen 2 cases like that one. (And they NEVER throw words around).

But most times they try to get involved and make the couple to break up! Or they try to become as much annoying as they can. :rolleyes: They've lost their toy or after so long time they have started having feelings for her!

Besides I'd realised sth else! A thing that a few years ago wouldnt believe. Girls dare to show their feelings much easier than the guys. Guys are some kind of mysticopaths in such things:rolleyes: And by my experience girls are more brave too. They dont quit that easy if they want sth to be done.
nothing wrong about you kyle...

if you want a tiny , cute , beatiful girl at your age ,you have to be hiper handsome guy. So wait 1 or 2 years then you ll have a thread about complaining too many girls ;)
Originally posted by Angelwitch

Then I bet that both of you have confussed the obession with love! What else can i assume then?

Stay away from that bet if you do not want to lose your money :)
I will not judge you for your current choice of an assumption, because I do not want to turn this into a stupid "boys vs girls" fight.
Just explain the following and I'll be on my way:

Why do women rape me with their stares when I'm with my girlfriend, and they do not pay me half the attention when I'm by myself???

Any contribution of real-life experience of males on board are welcome.
Originally posted by IRoN

Stay away from that bet if you do not want to lose your money :)
I will not judge you for your current choice of an assumption, because I do not want to turn this into a stupid "boys vs girls" fight.
Just explain the following and I'll be on my way:

Why do women rape me with their stares when I'm with my girlfriend, and they do not pay me half the attention when I'm by myself???

Any contribution of real-life experience of males on board are welcome.

Nah! It was a funny thing my friend today when I told him at phone what I'd read here around he kinda agreed with Wat jan said!(meeeeeen!!) But when I told him the statemend I did, he told that women cant love anyway! ( :rolleyes: ps. Remind me to kill him when we met! :D )

Well so far I had noticed around that most people (both men and women) have the intention to notice very much couples. And I cant talk about that frequency of the fenomenon to men as I'm not a man to know exactly what they think, and as it comes to men watching a couple, this thing is quite... "different" if you can get me! :rolleyes: The girl's guy might be pissed off! :rolleyes:
It's easier for the girls and let me tell you why then:
1.We the girls dont have such problems. No guy will go to beat us because we are looking him and his girlfriend.
2.The girlfriend usually likes to show of! So she wont mattered if we are looking them!
3. It's in the middle the subcontious will of many girls to have a guy! So instinctly we are wondering what kind of couple is that! Do they seem to fit with each other?
4.We want to confirm kinda what kind of guys are those that are commited! You can hear girls comending many times. "Oh! Look that girl! She's so pretty that it's a shame to have a guy like him!" or "How could this hunk be with such a woman?"
5.Sometimes it's a question that some women have in mind. They see a girl with a guy and they wonder how it would be if they had that guy( or a guy like him) instead! Well I had noticed guys at University that if they didnt have any affair with some girls I talk to I wouldnt have paid on them any attention! One day I was thinking how it would be for me if I had as a boyfriend one of my friends' boyfriend whom I can assure you is not my type at all! Just because that particular girl is very pretty! I just wanted to find out how her life would be with him!
6.we just like gossiping! :eek: Guys and couples are a very interesting matter! :heh:

To end with that! A girl if she doesnt know you or you dont try to get her attention,or never talk to her, will NEVER notice you if you are alone. You'll have to be an extremely handsome guy, or very well dressed, or a total freak or acting in public like an idiot or if generaly you are out of an apropriate to you enviroment. Then the girl will notice you and she will make her commends bad or good, it depends the case. :p

Satisfied with my reply?
Definately this attention is not because they fall in love with you!
Geez! You two go on a bit dontcha?! ;)

I have to say i notice couples too, but i only look at them in an envious way: they've found each other while i've still found nothing except a "cold shoulder" in a slightly warmish sense (not that that makes ANY sense, but hey! I'm suffering from an aching heart, i can't be expected to speak sense *all* the time! ;) ). anyway, she knows me pretty well, and we get along great, but shes said she just wanted to be friends. trouble is, there are still things spinning around in my head.
Originally posted by Angelwitch

Satisfied with my reply?
Definately this attention is not because they fall in love with you!

I'm satisfied with your reply. There's only one point that needs clarification still: Why the raping stare?
The attention is not because they fall in love with me, I never thought it was, but I'd expect a lady to waste her intense interest on an "unoccupied" guy instead of me. But no, as Jan says, most women tend to focus on men who do not need or want them :rolleyes:
But of course, it's the fault of the tiny hormone, not the woman :D