What Do You Get The Boyfriend for His 21st?

Jace, how could you be in college and not have sex? That's contradictory.

I guess I'm not a good judge of these things.

I'm against marriage; There are too many women out there who'll marry you and then either cheat on you or divorce you for someone else. There's also the one's that'll marry you for two days and divorce you and get half of your money as a settlement. Marriage is supposed to be permanent; On that alter you vow that no matter what you won't leave them. If there is a hell (which I doubt), people don't realize that divorce ensures permanent residency there.
Well sex is kinda out of the question. I'm old fashioned and keep that kind of thing for marriage...

you are seriously the worst girlfriend ever.

He loves metal, got me into it. Loves antique, well-made stuff, cowboy stuffs. But I'd like to get him something more unique for his 21st. I've gotten him cd's, belt buckles, tools, etc before and I'm stumped on a creative take for a gift.

the chance to deflower a virgin is the most unique gift of all!
There's also the one's that'll marry you for two days and divorce you and get half of your money as a settlement. Marriage is supposed to be permanent; On that alter you vow that no matter what you won't leave them. If there is a hell (which I doubt), people don't realize that divorce ensures permanent residency there.
That's what prenups and postnups are for.

When people get married, there are certain expectations that go along with it. Aside from sex, monetary and emotional support, there's also the expectation that they will grow, and in turn, help each other grow, as individuals. If all these expectations cannot be met, most religions would allow a divorce.
There are also times when people act completely differently during the courtship, than when they get married (like in my dad's case). If living with the person is basically nothing but conflict, for many years, you can't expect them to stay married. There's nothing morally wrong in getting a divorce.
If there are kids involved, and they are being influenced by this behavior, I would consider it morally wrong for the parents to stay together.
All that shit is so frustrating, depressing and completely unnecessary. I can't believe how easily some people are coaxed into marriage.

Now I'm going to go eat a roast beef sandwich and watch Necrophagist and Cephalic Carnage!
Marriage is a religious act, invented by the church/ sinagogue, and then some "laws" were built around it. I personaly do not understand what's wrong with two people that live together and share life and commitment (and even kids) without a stupid ring and a ceramony.
It can be done. No one said I have to take someone's last name in order to
"live happily ever after" and be loving and loyal.....
With that being said, it's a personal matter... some still consider themselves "old fashioned" and believe in the marriage institute, and that's great for them! seriously. Who knows, I never say never.

anyhoo: Jace, I don't mean to be an ass, but this thread delivers :lol: some people here cracked me up :lol: !!!

On a serious note though: I wish you luck with the search for the perfect gift. In fact it doesn't have to be perfect, just special...
something tells me though, that no matter what you'll get the guy, he'll think it's special :)
The weather is nice, you should take him to Great Falls and have a nice picnic with some wine and cheese and fruit :) I know
that's a perfect day for a lioness.... lots of fun.
Marriage doesn't revolve around a church, synagogue or mosque though. Pagans get married as well. There were marriage ceremonies way before Judaism came around.

Even though I would never want to get married, and I don't see how it could ever suit my purposes (when you add it all up, dating just seems more logical than a marriage and the subsequent divorce a few years down the line, even if prenups and postnups make it a lot easier), there is a certain spiritual aspect to it.

The way I always hear it, from people with successful marriages, or that have dealt with unsuccessful ones, is that...
It's not necessarily by religion or anything, but more about certain ideals and goals that the couple share. Which often centers around religious ethos, but it doesn't appear to be necessarily religious. It's also supposed to be about giving, personal growth, respect/appreciation for one another, and working to achieve these goals. Through the work, that's where love comes. Because if a marriage is built over a superficial, or physical attraction, or monetary attraction, then once that aspect is taken away, the marriage or relationship would collapse. It would have no base to stand on. But when they share certain goals in life, and work to nurture each other, then it will be successful. From the work, comes the love.

At least that's how it was always explained to me, and I guess it seems logical when I compare the successful and unsuccessful marriages that I know.
But it also seems that marriage isn't for everyone. I don't really see the appeal in it, especially since these aren't goals that I am interested in pursuing out of my life, but everyone views it differently, I guess.
It's all a matter of perspective.
I laughed as I saw most of my friends marry themselves off at 17-18. It's weird in this town. It's like, if you're not engaged by 16, theres something wrong with you.

Divorce lawyers make a lot of money around here. Good area to get in around these small ass Utah towns.

Then again, this place is all kinds of fucked up. Got one of the top 3 teen pregnancy rates (it was top 1, I think some other towns in Utah stole it from us. BASTARDS!). This is due to 4 reasons:

1) Parents, and the church, encourages girls around 16-17 years of age to get married (very possible due to our marriage laws) and become a baby farm for the church.
2) Sex ed in schools is banned from mentioning what a condom, or any other form of birth control, is. Instead, abstinence is taught. It works, they save it till they get married... not hard when you get married 2 weeks after meeting a person.
3) On the off chance someone has an unwanted pregnancy, in order to get an abortion, not only do you have to go to a special state center for it, but you have to have one parent present. The parent doesn't have to "consent", but be present and notified of the entire situation. Obviously, that kinda fucks the whole "doesn't have to consent" thing. Not to mention most teenage girls are a bit afraid of saying "Hey mom, I got knocked up!". So after 9 months of personal questioning by the spread leg mother of this offspring, it pops out, and we have a kid. Welfare checks begin pouring into this mother. 10% of those go to the church. The church spends it to fund its various organizations such as "Young LDS Womens", which teaches its church going teenage girls to be ignorant mormon house wives. They get knocked up. The cycle beings a new.
4) Morning after pills, of any sort, aren't sold out here. Not because they're illegal, but because the owners of the stores refuse to carry them.

So in the end it leads to teens getting married at 17-18 and having 10 children by the time they're 30. These aren't good parents either. Hell, just the other fucking day I was at Walmart (sale on charmin the other day, feels good on the asshole of a man who eats a lot of mexican food), and this woman just let her 50 5 year olds run around the store, totally oblivious to the fact that these children were breaking shit and disrupting the other shoppers. If I coulda found the mom, I woulda jammed each toddler back in her twat, where they belong. Well actually... they belong as a stain on the sheets.

What the hell was I talking about again?
Marriage is just a piece of paper.

EricT said:
Hell, just the other fucking day I was at Walmart (sale on charmin the other day, feels good on the asshole of a man who eats a lot of mexican food)