Rest assured I don't plan on stealing again. The opportunity was just too fucking good to pass up.
that's kinda frightening. *protectively hugs lesa*^haha, yeah
Hell if I know why...It was his way of being nice?
It is mental health reception..anyone can walk in with anything. No guards. No bullet proof glass. Some guy threatened to shoot us all the day before I started work, etc.
Ok, ok. I did it again. This time a 16 gig Ipod touch! I couldn't help myself. The CSA girl I have a crush on who steals lots of shit said the dumb customer returned it because he wanted an Iphone, put it on the bump shelf, I just took it towards the go get shelves and pocketed it. Oh so easy. They won't even fucking know it's gone, the dolts. Unopened, too.
lesa's job makes me glad that the most extreme behavior i generally have to deal with from customers/coworkers is unsolicited offers of oral sex.
Awesome! Fuckin sweet dude you really deserve it. Clean them out for all you can IN A SMART WAY. Don't get caught because you got greedy. Fuck I wish I had your job My advice is to sell it on a local website (something like craigslist) and then keep the money or use it to buy a new 3G touch or a bigger iPod touch... your call! Everyone else, try not to get your panties in a bunch
I know, they are awesome, and if you jailbreak it (it's easy) then they're 100x more awesome. The only good thing about the new ones is they have a much needed volume button on the side, have a speaker to play the music through the actual device without headphones and is on the 3G network instead of EDGE.
I'll keep it, though. All I need is songs and album artwork, leaving filler out it leaves me at less than 10 gigs.
I love this fucking thing.
gotta do your time on your knees, swallow loads, learn, etc.