What do you think CoB will do?

Answer this. Has Iron Maiden put out an album without eddy on the front?
WithoutJudgementJeremy said:
noob! You have to do it like this!

I heard that this site has the new holographic art work that might be on the next album. http://www.bodombeachterror.com/news/rumours/newalbum/artwork.jpg

Pardon me, excuse my n00bishness. :lol:
WithoutJudgementJeremy said:
The next album is gonna be blue.

sw = red
hatebreeder = green
ftr = blue

hcd = red
aydy = green
new album = blue.
id say AYDY was more Yellow and Grey...more yellow than green anyway.

perhaps their new one will be Cyan, Magenta.