What do you think CoB will do?

Originally posted by Morningrise
I think its time for a pink Bodom album!! Have like all love songs... :D :goggly:

fuck! Sounds like a plan to me! Can we get some of the bodom boys imput on this? What do they think?
Man, a new cd is gonna come out in like 96874 years so what the fuck are u guys talking about
Treu thatthe cd won't be coming out for a while...but still, I would some purple-colored cover, I think it'd really look cul. But still, it's better to keep Za Ripa on the cover.

Hey, maybe if COB starts making a hip-hop-metal crap that'd be the name for him/she/it. He'd have chains and everything, and a 2Pac shirt! Also, instead of the scythe he'd have a stereo!!!
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
Hey, maybe if COB starts making a hip-hop-metal crap that'd be the name for him/she/it. He'd have chains and everything, and a 2Pac shirt! Also, instead of the scythe he'd have a stereo!!!

That's the dumbest thing i've heard in a while.

How about Roy in a Santa camouflage? And a heavy version of Silent Night, Christmas Night. And release the CD on Christmas. That would be such a commercial move.

No, joking aside, I'd want something real-looking with a black reaper. (I know this thread is years old.)

You know, AYDY? is all about (self-)destruction and stuff, but it ends with We're Not Gonna Fall which is kinda the opposite.. So the next idea could be like if you fight back or refuse to follow the reaper, he's gonna take you by force or dead..
Joonas Lehtonen said:
How about Roy in a Santa camouflage? And a heavy version of Silent Night, Christmas Night. And release the CD on Christmas. That would be such a commercial move.

No, joking aside, I'd want something real-looking with a black reaper. (I know this thread is years old.)

You know, AYDY? is all about (self-)destruction and stuff, but it ends with We're Not Gonna Fall which is kinda the opposite.. So the next idea could be like if you fight back or refuse to follow the reaper, he's gonna take you by force or dead..

You suck at everything
loWildChild said:
i think the CD must be a black color cd with the reaper in front. or with the lake bodom in a fuckin glitter water effect... LOL
or....maybe the reaper swimming in Lake Bodom :lol:
Lithium said:
Man, a new cd is gonna come out in like 96874 years so what the fuck are u guys talking about
maybe not that long, but yea, COB is still touring, are they not? Might be a long time.
bodomite said:
Hey guys I heard somthing about bodom not putting the reaper as the main artwork on their new CD. What would you guys like to see on the front of their new CD? Personally I have no fucking idea the possibilities are limitless. So what would you guys like to see?

Keep it brutal

They should just put Lake Bodom at sunrise, like those pictures in the FTR booklet.
Rock Hydra said:
I heard that this site has the new holographic art work that might be on the next album.

noob! You have to do it like this!

I heard that this site has the new holographic art work that might be on the next album. http://www.bodombeachterror.com/news/rumours/newalbum/artwork.jpg