What do you think of Alexi's guitar tone?

I personally like HCDR, becuase FTR was not deep enough i thought, but overall Alexi's got the best tone out of all the guitarists i like, except maybe the guitarists from maylene and the sons of disaster
whats the EQ he uses? i reckon its somthing like

bass 4
mid 5
treble 7

All on full, actually.

The Jackson GP-1000 doesn't give out much distortion or tone so you really need to whack the controls to full and use a gain boost on your guitar to get a decent sound.
All on full, actually.

The Jackson GP-1000 doesn't give out much distortion or tone so you really need to whack the controls to full and use a gain boost on your guitar to get a decent sound.

yup sounds exactly like Alexi with that EQ and more gay

i presonally prefer bass 8 treble 10 mid 0

sounds much more heavier and thicker
Rack settings.
On the GP-1000 it is:
Volume full
Distortion Full and pulled.
Trebel full
Mid Full
Mid shift = 3
Bass = 9 o'clock
Output 2 is used (more bass), and is set to 11 o'clock (nobs go to 20 =\)

But what people tend to forget is every amp is different. Using the exact same settings won't get you the same exact sound because there are too many things that affect tone other than EQ.
And what setups from Gain Booster do you use? And what about 300 euros amplifier you recommend to FTR sound? I have JE-1000/MM-04 gain booster, so it will help to get more Laihos sound. Of course on some cheap amplifier you can get exatly same sound, but I want something similiar...
I personally hate Alexi's guitar tone. Sure it's heavy and I guess good for what he plays in CoB but it's so flat, one-faceted.

I go for a heavy sound also but I want big, full and warm with great rhythm tone AND beautiful lead tone. Alexi's sound makes me think he's playing on the wires from somebody's braces with a thick chunk of aluminum can.
I bought my MM-04 from Musamaailma. It was last in the world. You can only find tem now from Alexis custom guitars (new ones). The booster was 109 euros, and I installed it myself.

But I´m searching those setups for that booster...
i use distortion 4 (my amp has too much distortion)
treble 8
bass 4
mids 3

well... when im practising alone i use no distortion because then i can hear my mistakes better
i don't like the drop tuning, and i think that his tone was better before, even live (tokyo warhearts for example), his tone in the Jackson era was more aggressive.
Even Alexander told me that he had to do something to improve his tone with his new ESP
i use distortion 4 (my amp has too much distortion)
treble 8
bass 4
mids 3

well... when im practising alone i use no distortion because then i can hear my mistakes better

have u ever tried a lil' bit more bass? increase the bass to 6 or 6,5 and record it...think it'd sound good...
u use any ditortion/overdrive pedal?
Does anybody know good cheap amplifier for Bodom? I seeking kind of (!) FTR sound... Something about 200-300 euros? It can be old one too. Marshall Valvestate should be good (8080).

And as I had sayed, I have Alexis Gain Booster, so I have better changes to get Laihos sound from not-so-good amplifier :D
The drop C tuning which he began using is pretty cool sometimes but it aslo causes notes to sound muddy and drowned

btw why do you need a gain booster? isnt a decent amp good enough
^^^ Not really. The gainbooster I think is probably the most important part of his tone.

But yeah MMV, something that sounds marshallish should get pretty close with a gainbooster. Mmm actually you could ask Warheart what he used to get his tone on some of his clips, cause he gets pretty close using a line 6 spider or whatever he was using :D