(ho ho, I know such terminology, I couldn't resist

A great talent can come from both circles. I think art (let's drop the commercial poop from this discussion) will become more individual in time, and it will become harder to be world-famous as in superstar-famous. The entertainers will, the artists - no. People who are searching for art, will find art. People who don't - well, exposure of art won't help them; and even if they are brainwashed to think that "art is cool" - what are the benefits of such blind fandom ?
The term "greats" will become obsolete.
The Beatles are not just empty pop - they had great talent, and I'm not saying this because they are acclaimed. I love a big portion of their music - "Revolver", "Sgt. Pepper...", "Magical Mystery Tour" etc. And not just talent - also hard work. They threw out dozens of songs before releasing something. But, I won't deny the role of their producer (George Martin, I think) in their achieved fame.
I wrote more on this topic in the "art" thread.
BTW, Lina, I have to remind you again to check out Schoenberg. Pursue it, dammit !
D Mullholand