What has happened to Bodom?

And that has to do with you bitching and moaning about Alexi's skills nowadays because??

Dude I'm so sick of all these people claiming to be the hardcorest, earliest fans who are "master guitarists" who regurgitate opinions about CoB/Alexi being lack lustre recently. 'I hate AYDY' and 'Alexi can't cut it anymore'. Like fuck off. Give it a rest! "Waaahhh! He is playing lazy, he doesn't care anymore, he whammy's when he should shred, my diaper gives me a rash, waaaaah!!" Like, seriously. It gets old. If you are a master guitarist and do know what you're talking about (not just heard some else say those terms on another post/site and are just repeating it without knowing their meaning) then shut the fuck up, go practice and once you get on Alexi's level, or better, you can then return here and talk your shit and ALWAYS play flawlessly so some asshole with a keyboard never has the opportunity to cockslap you for hitting the fingerboard accidentally on a note. I know you said you want serious responses, but there's too many bozo's like you whining about the same thing out there.. seems redundant. Keep it contained to one thread geez.

I mean think of this, eventhough I dont agree with you and that when I saw CoB it was flawless and hardcore pwnage amazing, let's just think for a second:

CoB IS ALWAYS TOURING ASSBAG! ALWAYS! Not to mention ravaging partying in between, travelling, lotsa things that culminate into one tired ass mutherfucker who may not always play perfectly, or be that concerned about it since there are doing a great job regardless. As long as they play great, which they do, then fans are pleased. You know, he's not a robot, so I don't know why you hold him up to such high standards, are you nuts? Your mommy doesnt come in and spank your bottom red when you screw up and miss a fret, does she? So give Alexi some slack, yes it's not an excuse, he is a professional, if he was dimnishing it'd be bad, but he's not. You just wish he was, cause that'd be the only way you'd ever get close to his level, think about it. So if you're so worrying about Alexi not playing spectacularly anymore, then go get a new fav band perhaps, but good luck finding one greater than CoB. This isn't just to you, it's to all you CoB haters out there. I'm drawing the line. Your opinions are allowed, but this is tiresome now. So fuck off. www.brittaneyspears.com GO TELL HER ABOUT IT! No one else cares...
Heartless_Name said:
And that has to do with you bitching and moaning about Alexi's skills nowadays because??

Dude I'm so sick of all these people claiming to be the hardcorest, earliest fans who are "master guitarists" who regurgitate opinions about CoB/Alexi being lack lustre recently. 'I hate AYDY' and 'Alexi can't cut it anymore'. Like fuck off. Give it a rest! "Waaahhh! He is playing lazy, he doesn't care anymore, he whammy's when he should shred, my diaper gives me a rash, waaaaah!!" Like, seriously. It gets old. If you are a master guitarist and do know what you're talking about (not just heard some else say those terms on another post/site and are just repeating it without knowing their meaning) then shut the fuck up, go practice and once you get on Alexi's level, or better, you can then return here and talk your shit and ALWAYS play flawlessly so some asshole with a keyboard never has the opportunity to cockslap you for hitting the fingerboard accidentally on a note. I know you said you want serious responses, but there's too many bozo's like you whining about the same thing out there.. seems redundant. Keep it contained to one thread geez.

I mean think of this, eventhough I dont agree with you and that when I saw CoB it was flawless and hardcore pwnage amazing, let's just think for a second:

CoB IS ALWAYS TOURING ASSBAG! ALWAYS! Not to mention ravaging partying in between, travelling, lotsa things that culminate into one tired ass mutherfucker who may not always play perfectly, or be that concerned about it since there are doing a great job regardless. As long as they play great, which they do, then fans are pleased. You know, he's not a robot, so I don't know why you hold him up to such high standards, are you nuts? Your mommy doesnt come in and spank your bottom red when you screw up and miss a fret, does she? So give Alexi some slack, yes it's not an excuse, he is a professional, if he was dimnishing it'd be bad, but he's not. You just wish he was, cause that'd be the only way you'd ever get close to his level, think about it. So if you're so worrying about Alexi not playing spectacularly anymore, then go get a new fav band perhaps, but good luck finding one greater than CoB. This isn't just to you, it's to all you CoB haters out there. I'm drawing the line. Your opinions are allowed, but this is tiresome now. So fuck off. www.brittaneyspears.com GO TELL HER ABOUT IT! No one else cares...

Aaaand that's the way it was. =D
Authentic Metalhead said:
Epica and Nightwish are my favorite female-fronted bands. Their voices rarely get annoying (though the death growls in Epica [from the guitarist] are a bit tedious. :mad: ).

Nightwish,yeah,I LOVE Tarja's vocals. Well,of course she isn't there anymore,but whatever.
Heartless_Name said:
And that has to do with you bitching and moaning about Alexi's skills nowadays because??

Dude I'm so sick of all these people claiming to be the hardcorest, earliest fans who are "master guitarists" who regurgitate opinions about CoB/Alexi being lack lustre recently. 'I hate AYDY' and 'Alexi can't cut it anymore'. Like fuck off. Give it a rest! "Waaahhh! He is playing lazy, he doesn't care anymore, he whammy's when he should shred, my diaper gives me a rash, waaaaah!!" Like, seriously. It gets old. If you are a master guitarist and do know what you're talking about (not just heard some else say those terms on another post/site and are just repeating it without knowing their meaning) then shut the fuck up, go practice and once you get on Alexi's level, or better, you can then return here and talk your shit and ALWAYS play flawlessly so some asshole with a keyboard never has the opportunity to cockslap you for hitting the fingerboard accidentally on a note. I know you said you want serious responses, but there's too many bozo's like you whining about the same thing out there.. seems redundant. Keep it contained to one thread geez.

I mean think of this, eventhough I dont agree with you and that when I saw CoB it was flawless and hardcore pwnage amazing, let's just think for a second:

CoB IS ALWAYS TOURING ASSBAG! ALWAYS! Not to mention ravaging partying in between, travelling, lotsa things that culminate into one tired ass mutherfucker who may not always play perfectly, or be that concerned about it since there are doing a great job regardless. As long as they play great, which they do, then fans are pleased. You know, he's not a robot, so I don't know why you hold him up to such high standards, are you nuts? Your mommy doesnt come in and spank your bottom red when you screw up and miss a fret, does she? So give Alexi some slack, yes it's not an excuse, he is a professional, if he was dimnishing it'd be bad, but he's not. You just wish he was, cause that'd be the only way you'd ever get close to his level, think about it. So if you're so worrying about Alexi not playing spectacularly anymore, then go get a new fav band perhaps, but good luck finding one greater than CoB. This isn't just to you, it's to all you CoB haters out there. I'm drawing the line. Your opinions are allowed, but this is tiresome now. So fuck off. www.brittaneyspears.com GO TELL HER ABOUT IT! No one else cares...

im not gonna read that. i assume you dont wanna read much either.. so i found a pic for you
<-Warheart-> said:
When Slipknot were touring IOWA, his growl was good. Nowadays, it sucks.

Laugh all you want, I'm sure you think that Chuck dude from Death was good, well I hate his vocals and love Laiho's, so fucking deal with it.

Well thats fucking stupid because chuck basically pioneered the raspy high toned growl,and he but all of his energy into his vocals and music
Heartless Name, you are truly a hero in my book. I agree with you, people need to stop their mindless babbling about how sloppy Alexi is or how bad COB is now. Just because COB's newer material isn't the same neoclassical stuff as Follow The Reaper, or the fact that their music is freakin' everywhere, doesn't mean they suck. Even Alexi himself said he wanted less classical and more rock in metal. So to all the bitchers, just go stuff it
FearTheReaper said:
Well thats fucking stupid because chuck basically pioneered the raspy high toned growl,and he but all of his energy into his vocals and music

I hate them. K?

It's an opinion.

Just because he pioneered a style of performing vocals, doesn't mean I have to like them.
Heartless Name: agreed! People need to stop bitching about alexi! He does what he does best, he makes great music and he tours non-stop! So if anyone says they aren't working as hard or Alexi's drinking gets in the wway, it's bullshit.
R.I.P. Chuck, he was a legend.. so was Death, love that band, but he's right. He doesn't have to like him/that band.

PS.. I did pwn homer, didn't I? well it made me laugh anyways... and Miracle man, I'm no hero, just a real fan, unlike those bitchy self-centred 'all-knowing' assholes. I wish they'd throw their amps in a bathtub and just disappear. That'd be cool! (But a waste of an amp!)
Lady_Laiho said:
Heartless Name: agreed! People need to stop bitching about alexi! He does what he does best, he makes great music and he tours non-stop! So if anyone says they aren't working as hard or Alexi's drinking gets in the wway, it's bullshit.

I wish he would stop touring and get back to some serious music-writing. It can't be good for him to be wasted 24/7. How does he expect to deliver Sinergy and Bodom in 2007 if he never gets off the road?