What has happened to Bodom?

Kamaria said:
thanks everyone :)
and calling ppl assholes is totally unnessesary
just because i dont share the same view as you it does not give you any right to talk down to me.

but i still stick by my statement. i still love bodom no matter what and i will always love their music. The fact that they are not perfect live does not phase me. If you dont like the way they've changed then it sounds like you dont respect their want for different musical direction and a different style. They have every right to try different things and become tired with the old as well as get tired and sometimes lazy. It happens at one time or another in every band. It doesnt mean they are going to stay that way forever its just sometimes the fame takes a toll on their mental and physical abilities.

yes. yes, yes.... :) I agree...
MasqueReaper said:
Bodom was my favorite band for a very long time, although HCDR and AYDY are not as technically and melodically astounding as FTR, I cannot fault Alexi for choosing to write his own brand of music. I do, however, feel that Alexi is purposely dumbing down his new material because he no longer wishes to perform songs such as Kissing the Shadow or Mask of Sanity, songs that are more difficult to pull off live (even though they are arguably better songs than the new stuff). I am upset with the obvious deterioration of Alexi's live performance (ONLY Alexi...Jaska and co. are the shit). As many people have already pointed out, Alexi no longer tries to prove himself every night the way he used to, he wammies through awesome riffs he used to shred, and he doesnt really seem to care about the musicallity the way he used to. Alexi still rights awesome songs, such as "If you want Peace..." but then he doesnt even bother attempting them live either for fear of messing up, or because he gotten too lazy to replace the HCDR songs he can probably play in his sleep at this point. A good example is the fact that Bodom has played TL&S and Bastards of Bodom live before, but then Alexi decided to "never" play the songs again for various reasons. Wtf? I have seen Alexi rip Warrior Princess and Beware the Heavens live online...I wonder if he is even capable of writing or playing Sinergy anymore...Does anyone else feel this way? What has happened?

This thread is meant for true (and concerned) Bodom fans

Thats ridiculous dude,what the fuck is alexi's problem? I've never seen bodom live and i hope to see them,when i do i dont wanna see alexi slacking off.Thats complete bull shit,he got where he is today by harnessing his skills and winning over fans,giving them a great performance live is payback for us loving his band and buying the albums
Lady_Laiho said:
Yeah, Bodom is one of a kind. No one can sound like them. Sure, there's alwayz gonna sound someone kind of like them, but it's not like they'll be copying the same material and they'll have their own style. The next album is either gonna go uphill or downhill for them. Most likely it's gonna rock, but if it sux then they should maybe stop making music....like maybe they've just totally run out of ideas and there is nothing more to make. Then again, like Cliff Burton said, they just wanna rock and they'll never stop cuz they're just doing what they do best.

I heard somewhere that they still got 2 more albums in their contract, so that probably means two more albums.
they make albums untill roope dies from alcohol poisoning,then everyone will cry and fat alexander will get off his lazy ass and return to being the band bitch
I'm just dying to hear some new Sinergy. Alexi's absolute best writing, riffs, and SOLOS are on all of the Sinergy albums, and I wonder if he's got anything left in the tank. I hope that he doesn't turn Sinergy into hardcore, I would have to shoot myself. Sinergy proves that when Alexi and Roope share the spotlight, they are one of the best duos ever.

FearThe Reaper, I totally agree that Roope assumed the "bitch" position on AYDY.
MasqueReaper said:
I'm just dying to hear some new Sinergy. Alexi's absolute best writing, riffs, and SOLOS are on all of the Sinergy albums, and I wonder if he's got anything left in the tank. I hope that he doesn't turn Sinergy into hardcore, I would have to shoot myself. Sinergy proves that when Alexi and Roope share the spotlight, they are one of the best duos ever.

Man, you need to post more often. I totally agree with you. I just recently got over Kim's vocals, and I can't believe how good the riffs are. Roope's playing is really colorful and kinda reminds me of Friedman's playing. A perfect example of how Roope slays is the midnight madness solo. It totally slays Alexi's solo. The IYWPPW is has one of the best solos on AYDY. I think Roope could bring some good song writing to Bodom.

Regarding the latest sinergy....I talked to Roope awhile ago and he said that the new Sinergy was practically finished. Then, Lauri Porra (sinergy bassist) joined Stratovarius. I got to talk to Lauri and mentioned what Roope said...I said "so you're a permanent member of Stratovarius now?" He said "it seems so!" and I was like "So fuck sinergy then eh?" He looked at me with wide eyes and was like "hell no!" He just said that it's hard to get everyone together now that Bodom and Stratovarius are on tour and recording new albums. Who know where Kim is. The likely hood of there
being a new sinergy album is probably very slim
FearTheReaper said:
they make albums untill roope dies from alcohol poisoning,then everyone will cry and fat alexander will get off his lazy ass and return to being the band bitch
Alexander was the best. Roope is ugly and is sooooo overrated. Alexander whas cool and had style. And was the only one who fall off the stage
I really hope that they improve on their next two CDs. I badly hope they improve. I will be so disapointed if they stop making CDs because of their contract. If they improve then they could quite possibly keep their contract. But still they are popular and that might be enough for them. Is there a way they can move to a different contract like Nuclear Blast. Sorry I am not too good on the contract stuff.
^ well... we (all "tr00" ppl) all hope that it wont be again AYBY-like shit
Yes, two more albums. But you never know what might happen. They might suddenly hate their record label for some particular reason or decide to sign to a differnt label. If you do forget Kim's vocals, and only listen to the guitaring, it's great. I'v only heard a couple of songs by them and alexi's solos are great. I don't really care for Sinergy albums though. It's the same with nightwish. For some reason, i don't like Tarja's voice but all the other instuments are extremely good and the guitaring have a lot of sweet riffs. I want to hear that stuff from Alexi's punk band.
Noble Viking said:
Regarding the latest sinergy....I talked to Roope awhile ago and he said that the new Sinergy was practically finished. Then, Lauri Porra (sinergy bassist) joined Stratovarius. I got to talk to Lauri and mentioned what Roope said...I said "so you're a permanent member of Stratovarius now?" He said "it seems so!" and I was like "So fuck sinergy then eh?" He looked at me with wide eyes and was like "hell no!" He just said that it's hard to get everyone together now that Bodom and Stratovarius are on tour and recording new albums. Who know where Kim is. The likely hood of there being a new sinergy album is probably very slim

Man, I hope they get their shit straight, Sinergy is still a staple of my playlist, I cannot say enough about how awesome those 3 albums are. Ultimately, AYDY is dissappointing because Alexi definitely treated Roope as if he were just another backup guitarist. Other than a few leads, he really does jack shit on the album. Anyone who has heard To Hell and Back and Suicide By My Side knows that Roope can rip just as hard as Alexi. If the Sinergy album is ready to record, what is the deal? If Lauri Porra is busy, they should get Marco Hietala (ex-Sinergy bassist), Nightwish won't be on tour anytime soon ;-)
Well this is COB bro. Really, there is nothing wrong with them. Compared to other bands, they practically dominate. The only thing that I dont like is seeing live shows, where the sounds are all sloppy.

But honestly, Alexi makes great solos, and still does.
Crackfare said:
Well this is COB bro. Really, there is nothing wrong with them. Compared to other bands, they practically dominate. The only thing that I dont like is seeing live shows, where the sounds are all sloppy. But honestly, Alexi makes great solos, and still does.

Tokyo Warheart proves that Bodom was once the ultimate live band. The album has almost no mistakes (there is a little shakiness between Drum and guitar after the solo in Warheart, but that is nitpicky). Alexi nails his shit note for note, and he even adds improv on top of it. Now things have changed, Bodoms performance is still awesome, but not as dead on as it once was (Nosturi is a good example, kinda sloppy). I just think that they need a break. They really rushed AYDY out in order to get back on the road ($$$$). I hope that they take a nice long break before they attempt to record the next album, Sinergy, etc. Haste makes waste, no?