What have you people got for christmas?


invariably off-topic
Feb 19, 2003
Stockholm, Sweden
Yeah, the title says it all. What presents have you all gotten?
I got some nice clothes and a Carlsberg draught master + beer and beer glasses. And yes, in sweden alcoholism is mandatory. Anyway marry christmas madderfakohz
Still Christmas Eve here, but my boss gave me lottery tickets and I lost on them. Gonna get me some booze for tonight though =D
hmm well I am from oz which makes us hours ahead of most of you guys and it's only Christmas mornin, the fam is not up yet
so well reply a bit later

so imagine most people havn't got their main pressies yet

I was given bed sheets and pillow case from a friends
apocalypse now(best movie eva,) requiem for a dream, v for vendetta movie and graphic novel. I've got to work on christmas lucky me!
Probably the best thing I'll get this Christmas is my Great Cold Fall North American Tour 2006 shirt. I ordered it this past Tuesday and it was at my door on Friday - just in time for Xmas :headbang:
mine? its actually a foreign poster for the movie Nightbreed, a Clive Barker film. It's based off his short story Cabal. It's about a kinda damned tribe of undead people who exist in isolation underneath a cemetery. They are outcasts, misfits, killers, etc that live on away from society...until the "new" guy brings trouble to their sanctuary.

Good movie :) Give it a rent if u can.
No wonder, I was gonna say it looked like something out of hellraiser. I heard very good things about nightbreed, i'll definitely check it out. Hellraiser is the best vision of hell i've seen. The movies could have used a lot of work though, but hopefully they will reach into the untaped potential on the upcoming remake by clive barker himself. pleasure and pain indivisible, my god is the god of flesh.
I cant' remember if it was from Hellraiser 1 or 2 (I think the original) but one of the scariest/frightening horror movie scenes..imo..was when the skinless, bleeding guy was sitting in the corner of the room writing on the wall w/ his blood. Again, I can't remember what he was writing but I think it was "Help me I am in Hell" or something like that. Good stuff :lol:

I'lll never forget that..I was in my early/mid 'teens when I first saw it and I was like :OMG: lolz